In the Hospitals tab, you can configure a hospital by adding the hospital data and associating an NMVS channel to send the scanned pack data to the NMVS system.

List of Procedures

Creating a Hospital

Before You Begin

Make sure you have set up a connection to the National Medicines Verification System (NMVS) by creating the NMVS channels.


1. In the Hospital Pharmacies FMD application, select the Hospitals tab. The application displays the list of hospitals and the Create hospital form.

Note: When viewing the details of a hospital, you can open the Create hospital form by clicking Add new +.


2. Fill in the form as described in the table below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Hospital name
Enter the hospital name.
Hospital tagOptionally, enter the hospital tag (used for API communication).
Select country
Select a country from the drop-down. 
Select NMVS (business) channel
Depending on the selected country, you can select the respective NMVS business channel type (Arvato, SolidSoft, Germany - NGDA).
Arvato channel subuser ID
For Arvato channel, enter the subuser ID. Not displayed when SolidSoft or Germany - NGDA channel is selected.

3. Click Create. The hospital is created and added to the list. 

Next Steps

You can assign operators to the hospitals you created.

Back to the list of procedures

Updating a Hospital


1. In the Hospital Pharmacies FMD application, select the Hospitals tab. The application displays the list of hospitals.

2. Select a hospital from the list. The application displays the Update hospital form.


3. Modify the fields as needed.

4. Click Update.

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Deleting a Hospital


1. In the Hospital Pharmacies FMD application, select the Hospitals tab. The application displays the list of hospitals.

2. Find the hospital you want to delete.


3. Click the delete icon next to the hospital and confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

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