The Movilitas.Cloud application provides SAP ATTP business channel enabling users to connect to the SAP ATTP system.

The SAP ATTP channel can be used to send requests to SAP ATTP and also to receive requests from SAP ATTP.

Outgoing requests

The following outgoing requests are supported:

  • Serial number requests.
  • SSCC requests.
  • EPCIS messages for (bulk) commissioning and decommissioning, with or without aggregation.
  • EPCIS messages for receiving, unpacking, packing, and shipping.
  • sGTIN verification requests.

For outgoing requests, Movilitas.Cloud receives the response from SAP ATTP.

Incoming requests

The following incoming requests are supported:

  • Serial number requests
  • SSCC requests
  • Commission requests (including shipping event)
  • Generic report requests

For incoming serial number requests and SSCC requests, Movilitas.Cloud sends asynchronous responses back to SAP ATTP.


The incoming and outgoing messages are logged on the SAP ATTP channel page.

Supported applications

The SAP ATTP channel can be used in the following applications:

  • Manufacturer for Pharma
  • Serialized Logistics for Pharma
  • Serialized Manufacturing
  • Serialized Logistics

List of Procedures

For more information on the general channel actions, see Managing Channels for a Tenant (Overview).

Creating an SAP ATTP Channel


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.


4. Click the + icon (Create channel). The application displays the Create channel dialog.

5. Select Business channel as the type and click Create. The application displays the Create Channel page with an empty form to give the basic parameters of the channel.

6. Enter a name for the channel and select SAP ATTP Interface as the source.

7. Click Create Channel.

The application informs you about the additional costs. After confirming the creation, the application displays the Edit Channel page with the following sections:

  • Basic channel settings
  • ATTP connection settings to send requests to SAP ATTP
  • Settings for requests from SAP ATTP
  • SAP ATTP EPCIS messages


Next Steps

Provide the connection settings for your SAP ATTP channel. You can apply the following use cases:

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Managing Connection Settings To Send Requests to SAP ATTP

On the ATTP connection settings panel, you can provide the connection details to send requests to SAP ATTP:

  • Serial number requests
  • Commission and decommission EPCIS messages
  • EPCIS messages for shipping, packing, and unpacking
  • sGTIN verification requests


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for an SAP ATTP channel, use the search field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select SAP ATTP Interface as the source.
  • Select Business channel as the type.

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.

The application displays the Edit Channel page with the following sections:

  • Basic channel settings
  • ATTP connection settings to send requests to SAP ATTP
  • Settings for requests from SAP ATTP
  • SAP ATTP EPCIS messages

6. On the ATTP connection settings panel, provide the connection details to send requests to SAP ATTP as described in the table below.

IPEnter the endpoint of the SAP ATTP system.
Interface requestsEnter the interface for requesting serial numbers.
Interface epcisEnter the interface for sending EPCIS messages.
Verification interfaceEnter the SAP ATTP endpoint for verification of items (packs).
System nameEnter the name of the target SAP ATTP system.
UsernameEnter the username for basic authorization.
PasswordEnter the password for basic authorization.
bizLocationEnter the business (company) location in sGLN format. Example: urn:epc:id:sgln:183456.829829.0

Note: The business location can be different from the sender (readPoint).
readPointEnter the location of the device that performs the trigger, in sGLN format. Example: urn:epc:id:sgln:183456.829829.0
Time zone offsetEnter the difference in hours and minutes from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for your particular place and date. The allowed format is +HH:MM or -HH:MM. For example, +06:30.

The allowed value range:
  • For hours, between 00 and 14 (inclusive)
  • For minutes, between 00 and 59 (inclusive).

Note:  If the value of the first two digits is 14, the value of the second two digits must be 00.

Support emailEnter the email address where Movilitas.Cloud can send notifications about failed outgoing requests on the channel.
Maximum serials per one requestEnter the allowed maximum number of serials per request. 0 means unlimited.


7. Click Save Settings.

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Managing Connection Settings To Receive Requests from SAP ATTP

On the Settings for requests from ATTP panel, you can provide the connection details to receive requests from SAP ATTP and to send back asynchronous responses to SAP ATTP (when applicable).

To send requests to Movilitas.Cloud, the following authentication mechanisms are supported:

  • WS Security (WSS)
  • Basic authentication

The following requests are supported:

  • Serial number requests
  • SSCC requests
  • Commission requests (including shipping event)
  • Generic report requests

For a serial number request or an SSCC request, Movilitas.Cloud sends back an asynchronous response. Movilitas.Cloud applies basic authentication when sending the asynchronous response.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for an SAP ATTP channel, use the search field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select SAP ATTP Interface as the source.
  • Select Business channel as the type.

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.

The application displays the Edit Channel page with the following sections:

  • Basic channel settings
  • ATTP connection settings to send requests to SAP ATTP
  • Settings for requests from SAP ATTP
  • SAP ATTP EPCIS messages

6. On the Settings for requests from ATTP panel, provide the connection details to receive requests from SAP ATTP and to send back asynchronous responses to SAP ATTP (when applicable).

Endpoint for SerialsThis is the endpoint used for serial requests (serial numbers and SSCCs).

Copy the Movilitas.Cloud endpoint to your clipboard by using the Copy endpoint button on the right. As an SAP ATTP user, you must use this endpoint to send your request to Movilitas.Cloud.
Endpoint for CommissioningThis is the endpoint used for commission requests. Commission requests contain packs (sGTINs), containers (SSCCs), and aggregation information.

Copy the Movilitas.Cloud endpoint to your clipboard by using the Copy endpoint button on the right. As an SAP ATTP user, you must use this endpoint to send your request to Movilitas.Cloud.
Only accept assigned itemsSpecify if the serials to be commissioned must be known in Movilitas.Cloud and must be assigned to the SAP ATTP channel or they can be created on the fly. By default, the checkbox is selected, meaning that you can commission only the items for which the serials are in Assigned status in Movilitas.Cloud.
Release packs directly to marketActivate direct commissioning to the market from SAP ATTP by selecting this checkbox.

When this checkbox is cleared, the Bypass Commissioning in Serialized Manufacturing checkbox is automatically selected together with the Process shipping events checkbox.
Bypass Commissioning in Serialized ManufacturingTo report only the shipping event when sending a commission request, select this checkbox.

IMPORTANT: After selecting this checkbox, clear the Only accept assigned items checkbox.

Process shipping eventsSelect this checkbox to process the shipping event in a commission request:
  • The checkbox is optional with the Release packs directly to market checkbox.
    • Once the Release packs directly to market checkbox is selected, the Process shipping events checkbox becomes active and you can decide to process the shipping event.
    • The Release packs directly to market checkbox ensures that the commission request is fully processed and the items are first commissioned to the market before processing the shipping event.
  • The checkbox is mandatory with the Bypass Commissioning in Serialized Manufacturing checkbox and cannot be cleared.
    • The items are created in Movilitas.Cloud before processing the shipping event. 

The shipping event creates an outbound external transfer in the Serialized Logistics application. As a prerequisite, the Serialized Logistics application shall be properly configured with the warehouse data as the sender and the client data as the receiver, including SGLN.

The event can be reported to an external system or a partner in Movilitas.Cloud, depending on the setup. Note: Reporting to a partner in Movilitas.Cloud is supported when the partner's (client's) country is the UAE.
Endpoint for Generic ReportThis is the endpoint used for sending a generic report.

The following variant names are supported in the generic report:
  • RR_KZ_IMPORT_NTF - Import request to Kazakhstan (IS MPT)
  • ZRR_UZ_AGG_RPT - Aggregation report to Uzbekistan (Code OMS)

Copy the Movilitas.Cloud endpoint to your clipboard by using the Copy endpoint button on the right. As an SAP ATTP user, you must use this endpoint to send your request to Movilitas.Cloud.
UsernameCopy the username to your clipboard by using the Copy username button on the right. As an SAP ATTP user, you must use this username to connect to the given endpoint. The username is the channel key of the SAP ATTP channel.
PasswordProvide a password that you want to use with the username to connect to the Movilitas.Cloud endpoint.
Auto-replenish SSCCIf you want automatic control over the SSCC pool in the Serialized Manufacturing application, select this checkbox. When there are not enough SSCCs in the pool to fulfill a request, the automatic replenishment function fills the pool with the required amount without human intervention and then the request from SAP ATTP is successful.

If the checkbox is not selected, you need to regularly check the SSCC pool status and make sure that there are enough SSCCs in the pool by manually generating or requesting SSCCs in the Serialized Manufacturing application.
SourceWhen Auto-replenish SSCC checkbox is selected, provide the source to fill the SSCC pool in the Serialized Manufacturing application:
  • Movilitas.Cloud - Use it to generate SSCCs in-house.
  • TraceLink channel - Use it to request SSCCs from TraceLink through a configured TraceLink Partner channel.
SiteSelect the manufacturing site that requests the SSCCs. The page offers the sites previously registered under the Serialized Manufacturing application --> Site management --> Sites tab.

Applicable when Auto-replenish SSCC checkbox is selected, and the source is a TraceLink channel.
Marketing Authorization HolderSelect the MAH that provides the SSCCs. The page offers the MAHs previously registered with a TraceLink company identifier under the Serialized Manufacturing application --> Site management --> MAHs tab.

Applicable when Auto-replenish SSCC checkbox is selected, and the source is a TraceLink channel.
Async Response towards SAP ATTP

Note: The async response settings must be filled in so that you can save the incoming requests settings. If your setup does not use async responses, provide dummy data.
EndpointProvide the SAP ATTP endpoint where Movilitas.Cloud must send the asynchronous response.
UsernameProvide the SAP ATTP username that Movilitas.Cloud must use to connect.
PasswordProvide the SAP ATTP password belonging to the username that Movilitas.Cloud must use to connect.
Support emailEnter the email address where Movilitas.Cloud can send notifications about failed incoming requests on the channel.

EXAMPLE 1 - Commissioning to the market and reporting the shipment

The following example illustrates a case when configuring the incoming request settings for the first time:

  • The SAP ATTP user sends serial number requests, SSCC requests, and commission requests (including the shipping event).
  • Auto-replenishment for SSCCs is activated, and the SSCCs are requested through a TraceLink Partner channel. The manufacturing site (the requester) and the MAH (the SSCC provider) are also configured.
  • To receive the serial numbers and the SSCCs, the asynchronous response settings are also provided.

EXAMPLE 2 - Processing the shipping event only

The following example illustrates incoming request settings that were saved earlier.

  • The SAP ATTP user sends commission requests (including the shipping event) and only wants to process the shipping event.
  • The Only accept assigned items checkbox is cleared. Serialization is not performed in Movilitas.Cloud, only the transfer is recorded in the Serialized Logistics application.
  • Although asynchronous responses are not sent in this case, dummy asynchronous response settings were provided so that the settings could be saved.

7. Click Save Settings.

Next Steps

You are ready to send requests to the Movilitas.Cloud endpoint. Before sending any request, make sure that the files follow the structure as described in the WSDL descriptors:

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Viewing the Incoming Requests from SAP ATTP and Resending Failed Responses

You can view the incoming requests from SAP ATTP and take actions when necessary:

  • Serial Number Request
  • SSCC Request
  • Commission Request (including shipping event)
  • Generic Report Request


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for an SAP ATTP channel, use the search field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select SAP ATTP Interface as the source.
  • Select Business channel as the type.

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.

The application displays the Edit Channel page with the following sections:

  • Basic channel settings
  • ATTP connection settings to send requests to SAP ATTP
  • Settings for requests from SAP ATTP
  • Incoming requests and outgoing requests

6. Select the Incoming Requests tab. The application displays all the incoming requests on the channel (both successful and failed).

The following example illustrates the requests on the last page:


7. Check the messages, expand a message by clicking on the > icon, and take the necessary action.

Pending Status (Circular arrows icon)

Movilitas.Cloud is processing the request. Wait for the processing to be finished.

Finished Status (Green checkmark icon)

Movilitas.Cloud processed the request and when applicable, sent a response back to the response server at SAP ATTP.

Request TypeResultAction
Serial Number Request

This status indicates that the request was processed and the response from Movilitas.Cloud reached the SAP ATTP response server.

It does not automatically mean that the response from Movilitas.Cloud contains the expected content. For example, it can happen that the pool does not contain enough SSCCs to fulfill the request and the response contains an appropriate message.

Verify if the response contains the requested items.

If the response is a message that the request cannot be fulfilled for a reason:
1. Investigate the reason.
2. If necessary, adjust the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud.
3. Retry the request from SAP ATTP.
SSCC Request
Commission Request (Including Shipping Event)

There is a connection to TraceLink from Movilitas.Cloud.
This status indicates successful processing.

The Release packs directly to market checkbox is selected, so the items are directly released to the market. If the Process shipping event checkbox is ON, the shipping event is also processed.
Check the outbox transactions created on the TraceLink channel.

Check the outbound external transfer in the Serialized Logistics application.
Commission Request (Including Shipping Event)

The client is a partner in Movilitas.Cloud and its country is the UAE.
This status indicates successful processing.

The Bypass Commissioning in Serialized Manufacturing checkbox is selected together with the Process shipping event checkbox, so only the shipping event is processed.
Check the outbound external transfer in the Serialized Logistics application.
Commission Request

There is a connection to Order Management Station (OMS) Cloud (Kazakhstan) from Movilitas.Cloud.
This status indicates successful processing. The commission request triggers sending a utilization report about crypto codes to OMS Cloud.Check the log created on the OMS Cloud channel.
Generic Report Request

(RR_KZ_IMPORT_NTF - Import Request to Kazakhstan)
This status indicates successful processing.

An outbound external transfer is created in the Serialized Logistics application. If there are gaps in the existing configuration in the Serialized Manufacturing application and in the Serialized Logistics application to create the outbound external transfer, for example, the involved parties (sender and receiver) are missing, Movilitas.Cloud creates the missing data in the applications (product TN VED information, manufacturing site/warehouse, and client).

An import request is sent to IS MPT.

Check the log created on the IS MPT channel.

Generic Report Request

(ZRR_UZ_AGG_RPT - Aggregation report to Uzbekistan)
This status indicates successful processing.

The items are listed under the Serialized Manufacturing application --> Commissioning tab.
Send aggregation reports to Code OMS by commissioning the items to the UZB market in the Serialized Manufacturing application.

Check the log created on the Code OMS channel.

Failed Status (Red exclamation mark)

An incoming request can fail due to multiple reasons, and the request type determines what kind of failures can occur.

Follow the description in the next table.

Request TypeReasons for FailureAction
Serial Number RequestMovilitas.Cloud receives the request, Movilitas.Cloud could generate the response, but Movilitas.Cloud cannot send the response back to SAP ATTP:
  • The response server at SAP ATTP is down.
  • A wrong endpoint URL is provided for the response server.
  • There is a glitch in the Internet connection.
  • The configuration of the response server changed.
1. Check the SAP ATTP endpoint data and the SAP ATTP response server status.
2. Fix the issue. Ensure that the right SAP ATTP endpoint is configured and that the SAP ATTP response server is up and running.
3. Resend the response from Movilitas.Cloud to SAP ATTP.
SSCC Request
Commission Request (Including Shipping Event)

There is a connection to TraceLink from Movilitas.Cloud.
There is a mismatch between the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud and the content of the request. Either a part of the request or the whole request is not in line with the configuration.

The items that have issues cannot be processed. These items are listed explicitly with an explanation.
  • For the commissioning and aggregation parts of the request, partial processing is possible, meaning that the items that do not have any issues are processed successfully.
  • For the shipping event part, partial processing is not possible.
1. Investigate the error list with the explanation and understand the problem.

2. Identify how many items failed versus how many items succeeded. The items that succeeded are directly commissioned to the market (TraceLink).

3. Fix the issue. Ensure that the data in the request is in sync with the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud.

If the shipping event must be reported, you must include the whole shipping event plus the non-commissioned items in the corrected request.

4. Send the modified request from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud.
Commission Request (Including Shipping Event)

The client is a partner in Movilitas.Cloud and its country is the UAE.
There is a mismatch between the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud and the content of the request.
  • The warehouse is not properly configured, for example, the SGLN is missing or does not match the sender in your message.
  • The client is not properly configured, for example, the SGLN is missing or does not match the receiver in your message.
  • On the receiver side (tenant of the client), the supplier is not properly configured, for example, the SGLN is missing, leading to the error Supplier SGLN is missing.
1. Investigate the error list with the explanation and understand the problem.

2. Make sure that the warehouse and the client configurations are complete, including the SGLN value.

3. Make sure that the sender and receiver in your EPCIS message match the warehouse and the client in Movilitas.Cloud.

4. When facing the Supplier SGLN is missing error, this means your client has not added your warehouse SGLN to the supplier master data in the Serialized Logistics application, in their view.
  • Remember, in partnership with your client, you act as the supplier to them and they also need to complete the supplier configuration.
  • Consult with your client and ask them to complete the configuration.

5. Send the request from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud again.

Commission Request

There is a connection to Order Management Station (OMS) Cloud (Kazakhstan) from Movilitas.Cloud.
There is a mismatch between the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud and the content of the request.1. Investigate the issue.
2. Fix the issue. Ensure that the data in the request is in sync with the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud.
3. Send the modified request from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud.
Generic Report Request

(RR_KZ_IMPORT_NTF - Import Request to Kazakhstan)
There is a mismatch between the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud and the content of the request.

  • The generic report contains a variant name that is not supported by Movilitas.Cloud.
  • The product is not known in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • The batch of the product is not known in Movilitas.Cloud.
The request fails because the items that have issues cannot be processed. These items are listed explicitly with an explanation that you can investigate.

Partial processing is not possible.
1. Investigate the error list with the explanation and understand the problem.
2. Fix the issue. Ensure that the data in the request is in sync with the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud.
3. Send the modified request from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud.
Generic Report Request

(ZRR_UZ_AGG_RPT - Aggregation report to Uzbekistan)
There is a mismatch between the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud and the content of the request.

  • The generic report contains a variant name that is not supported by Movilitas.Cloud.
  • The product is not known in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • The batch of the product is not known in Movilitas.Cloud.
The request fails because the items that have issues cannot be processed. These items are listed explicitly with an explanation that you can investigate.

Partial processing is not possible.
1. Investigate the error list with the explanation and understand the problem.
2. Fix the issue. Ensure that the data in the request is in sync with the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud.
3. Send the modified request from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud.


We are expanding a successful serial number request. All the details are displayed including the request and the response. In this example, the response contains the list of serials:


We are expanding a failed serial number request. Movilitas.Cloud successfully processed the request and generated the response including the serial numbers, but SAP ATTP is not available.

Once the SAP ATTP response server is up and running and the right SAP ATTP endpoint is configured, we can resend the response to SAP ATTP. This will not generate a new log in the list, but it will update the status of the log to Finished (green):


We are expanding a failed commission request. The tenant in Movilitas.Cloud performs serialization and has a connection to TraceLink to report the requests.

  • The application displays a paginated error list for further investigation.
  • The provided serial numbers in the request are not assigned to the SAP ATTP channel. In this example, none of the items could be processed. Note: For the commissioning and aggregation parts, partial processing is possible. For example, 6 items out of 10 could be processed, and only 4 items failed. This case also leads to a failed commission request. The user needs to investigate the error list and identify how many items failed versus how many items succeeded.
  • The request contains a shipping event that was not processed either. Note: Partial processing is not possible for the shipping event.
  • The user needs to resolve the mismatch between the request and the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud. Then, the SAP ATTP user can send the modified request from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud.


We are expanding a failed generic report request. The generic report is an aggregation report to Uzbekistan (the variant name is "ZRR_UZ_AGG_RPT"). The request contained a batch that is unknown in Movilitas.Cloud.

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Managing the Outgoing Requests to SAP ATTP

You can view and manage the outgoing requests on the channel. 

If a message fails, the application automatically retries sending the message a maximum of four times. However, the user can also resend or delete a failed message. Automatic re-try and manual resending do not apply for the following types of outgoing requests:

  • Request serials
  • Request SSCCs


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for an SAP ATTP channel, use the search field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select SAP ATTP Interface as the source.
  • Select Business channel as the type.

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.

The application displays the Edit Channel page with the following sections:

  • Basic channel settings
  • ATTP connection settings to send requests to SAP ATTP
  • Settings for requests from SAP ATTP
  • Incoming requests and outgoing requests

6. Select the Outgoing Requests tab. The application displays all the outgoing requests on the channel (both successful and failed).



7. Check the messages, expand a message by clicking on the > icon, and take the necessary action.

Last status of the messageAction
SuccessNo further action. The message has been sent to SAP ATTP successfully.
FailedIf the number of attempts has not reached 4 yet, let the system send the message again automatically or send the message manually by clicking the Resend (circular arrows) icon under the Action column.

If the number of attempts has reached 4, the system does not retry sending the message again and there is an issue:
  1. Investigate the issue.
  2. Resolve the error.
  3. Send the message again by clicking the Resend (circular arrows) icon under the Action column.

To delete a message, click the delete icon under the Action column.

For the following types of outgoing requests, automatic re-try and manual resending do not apply:

  • Request serials
  • Request SSCCs

In the following example, we are expanding a failed serial request. All the details are displayed including the XML content of the request and the last raw response:

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