Register the products in the Manufacturer for Pharma application by giving the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) of the product.
Besides registering the master data, you can configure serial management, repackaging, and aggregation, and you can set market-specific parameters (pack size for the EU).
Note: If the Serialized Manufacturing application is activated for your tenant and you upload product master data to the EU Hub in that application, the product is automatically created in the Manufacturer for Pharma application. During the product creation, the same values and settings are taken except for the fields that cannot be mapped between the two applications. For more information, see the Serialized Manufacturing application.
List of Procedures
- Creating a Single GTIN
- Uploading Multiple GTINs
- Searching for a GTIN
- Generating or Requesting Serials for the GTIN
- Updating a GTIN
- Deleting a GTIN
Creating a Single GTIN
Before You Begin
Make sure that you have created a business channel with SAP ATTP or SNM source.
1. In the Manufacturer for Pharma application, open the GTINs tab. The application displays the list of products and the Create GTIN form.
Note: When viewing the details of a product, you can open the Create GTIN form by clicking Add new +.
2. On the Manage single tab of the Create GTIN form, fill in the fields as described below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.
Field | Description |
GTIN | Enter the Global Trade Item Number of the product as per the GS1 standard. |
Description | Enter the product description. It is a free-form text field. |
Repacked product | If the specified product (GTIN) is involved in repackaging and this product is the new one after repackaging, select Repacked product checkbox. When selecting this checkbox, the application displays the Non-serialized origin GTIN field. |
Non-serialized origin GTIN | If the company repackages source products that have no serial numbers, you need a non-serialized origin GTIN. The GTIN you specify here must be created in the company range and it will not be used for any commercial product that goes to the market. |
Serial number source | Select a serial number source from the ones that you created earlier. You can select from two sources:
Update serials over | Select a channel over which you update the serials in an external system. If you want to send the status of serial numbers received from the production line back to SAP ATTP, select the business channel with SAP ATTP here. |
Automatic replenish | Optionally, select the Automatic Replenish checkbox and specify a filling amount and a threshold. If you select automatic replenishment, whenever there is a request for serials in the system and there aren’t enough serials left to fulfill that request, new ones are generated or fetched from the source automatically. The threshold specifies how many serial numbers are to be available in the system. If the number of serial numbers is less than the number specified here, new ones are generated or fetched from the source automatically in the amount specified in the Filling Amount field until the threshold is reached. |
Filling amount | |
Threshold | |
Product is aggregated | If the GTIN you are creating is a parent GTIN for other GTINs, select the Product is aggregated checkbox. Then, specify the aggregated product and the aggregated amount. For example, the GTIN you are configuring is a case that contains 5 packs: in this case, you provide the GTIN of the packs in the Aggregated Product field and enter 5 as the Aggregated amount. You can include a GTIN that is aggregated in production order and send the order to a packaging line that uses a shopfloor channel with Wipotec-OCS source. It is possible to have up to 4 levels of aggregation. You specify the aggregation structure for the GTINs in the settings of the shopfloor channel with Wipotec-OCS source that is included as a packaging line in the production orders. |
Aggregated product | |
Aggregated amount | |
Pack size | Enter a number in the Pack Size field. In this field, you provide the number of pills that go into the pack. |
3. Click Create. The GTIN is created and added to the list.
Next Steps
You can now fill the serial number pool for the GTIN.
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Uploading Multiple GTINs
You can upload the master data of multiple GTINs at the same time by using a comma-separated values (CSV) file. After the upload, you can continue configuring the serial management, aggregation, and market-specific parameters.
Before You Begin
Make sure that:
- You have created a business channel with SAP ATTP or serial number management source.
- You have prepared the CSV file in the right format.
The CSV file contains the following data: GTIN,Description,Repacked product (true/false),Non-serialized origin GTIN.
Field | Required or Optional? | Valid Value |
GTIN | Required | GTIN product code as per the GS1 standard. |
Description | Optional | Free-form text field. |
Repacked product | Optional |
Non-serialized origin GTIN |
| GTIN product code as per the GS1 standard. |
The following CSV file example contains two products:
- The first GTIN "32346086272327" is involved in repackaging, and the non-serialized origin GTIN is provided.
- The second GTIN "32346086272328" is a simple product that is not involved in repackaging.
1. In the Manufacturer for Pharma application, open the GTINs tab. The application displays the list of products and the Create GTIN form.
Note: When viewing the details of a product, you can open the Create GTIN form by clicking Add new +.
2. Select the Upload multiple tab on the Create GTIN form.
3. Click Select File For Import.
4. Select the CSV file containing the GTINs.
After the file is imported, the Upload File button becomes active:
5. Select Upload File. The GTINs are now available in the system.
6. Find and select each GTIN to configure them on the Manage single tab as described in the table below.
Field | Description |
Serial number source | Select a serial number source from the ones that you created earlier. You can select from two sources:
Update serials over | Select a channel over which you update the serials in an external system. If you want to send the status of serial numbers received from the production line back to SAP ATTP, select the business channel with SAP ATTP here. |
Automatic replenish | Optionally, select the Automatic Replenish checkbox and specify a filling amount and a threshold. If you select automatic replenishment, whenever there is a request for serials in the system and there aren’t enough serials left to fulfill that request, new ones are generated or fetched from the source automatically. The threshold specifies how many serial numbers are to be available in the system. If the number of serial numbers is less than the number specified here, new ones are generated or fetched from the source automatically in the amount specified in the Filling Amount field until the threshold is reached. |
Filling amount | |
Threshold | |
Product is aggregated | If the GTIN you are creating is a parent GTIN for other GTINs, select the Product is aggregated checkbox. Then, specify the aggregated product and the aggregated amount. For example, the GTIN you are configuring is a case that contains 5 packs: in this case, you provide the GTIN of the packs in the Aggregated Product field and enter 5 as the Aggregated amount. You can include a GTIN that is aggregated in production order and send the order to a packaging line that uses a shopfloor channel with Wipotec-OCS source. It is possible to have up to 4 levels of aggregation. You specify the aggregation structure for the GTINs in the settings of the shopfloor channel with Wipotec-OCS source that is included as a packaging line in the production orders. |
Aggregated product | |
Aggregated amount | |
Pack size | Enter a number in the Pack Size field. In this field, you provide the number of pills that go into the pack. |
7. Click Update.
Next Steps
You can now fill the serial number pool for the GTIN. If the product is for the US market, you can configure the VRS settings.
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Searching for a GTIN
1. In the Manufacturer for Pharma application, open the GTINs tab. The application displays the list of products.
2. To search for an existing GTIN, enter the GTIN or the description in the search field.
- The list of the products is filtered based on the search criteria.
- You can reset the filter by clicking the Reset Filters icon.
3. Select the GTIN to view its details.
In the following example, we are searching for GTIN "00224466881113" and are viewing its details:
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Generating or Requesting Serials for the GTIN
You can manually fill in the serial number pool with a certain amount of serials.
1. In the Manufacturer for Pharma application, open the GTINs tab. The application displays the list of products.
2. Find and select the GTIN for which you want to generate or request serials.
The application displays the Update GTIN form and, depending on the serial number source, one of the following:
- If the SNM source is configured, the application displays the Generate serials panel to manually generate a certain amount of serials in Movilitas.Cloud.
- If the SAP ATTP source is configured, the application displays the GTINs panel to manually request a certain amount of serials from SAP ATTP.
3. Enter the required number of serials in the Amount field on the Generate serials panel or the GTINs panel.
4. Click Generate or Request Serials, respectively.
The serial number pool will be filled with the new serial numbers in the specified amount. For more information, check the Serial number pool tab.
In the following example, we are generating 100 serial numbers by using the SNM source:
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Updating a GTIN
1. In the Manufacturer for Pharma application, open the GTINs tab. The application displays the list of products.
2. Find and select a GTIN for editing.
3. On the Manage single tab of the Update GTIN form, modify the fields as needed and click Update.
4. (US market only) On the VRS Settings tab of the Update GTIN form, configure the VRS settings of the GTIN.
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Deleting a GTIN
1. In the Manufacturer for Pharma application, open the GTINs tab. The application displays the list of products.
2. Find the GTIN in the list you want to delete.
3. Click the delete icon and confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.
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