Warehouses represent internal departments and they are involved in internal or external transfers. In the Serialized Logistics application, manage the warehouses where the scanning activities are performed.

If you want to specify smaller areas of the warehouse, you can associate sublocations and storage locations with your warehouse.

When connecting to BPOM, all the shipping locations saved as warehouses on the BPOM channel settings page are automatically imported into the Serialized Logistics application. You need to complete the warehouse configuration manually.

List of Procedures

Creating a Warehouse

You can create a warehouse by adding its master data.

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have configured the regulatory or business channel to be used for reporting to the applicable external system.

  • National Agency of Drug and Food Control in Indonesia (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) - BPOM
  • Arvato to connect to a National Medicines Verification System (NMVS)
  • SAP Advanced Track and Trace for Pharmaceuticals - SAP ATTP
  • SAP Information Collaboration Hub for Life Sciences - SAP ICH


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Warehouses tab. The application displays the list of warehouses and the Create warehouse form.

Note: When viewing the details of a warehouse, you can open the Create warehouse form by clicking Add new +.

2. Fill in the form as described in the table below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Note: If you want to create a warehouse for the Indonesian market and you have a connection to BPOM, instead of manually creating the warehouse, you can save the warehouse on the BPOM channel settings page and automatically import it to the Serialized Logistics application. For more information, see Configuring a BPOM Channel, Managing Logs, Viewing BPOM Returns, and Importing Shipping Locations.

Warehouse nameEnter the warehouse name.
Warehouse SGLNEnter the location number of the warehouse in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<extension or "0" when no extension>.

For example, "1234567.00012.0".

The warehouse SGLN is required in the following cases:
  • You receive the shipment details from a supplier in an EPCIS file.
  • You send data to an external track and trace system, for example, SAP ATTP or SAP ICH.
  • You send transfer details in an EPCIS file.

To use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter, click on the conversion button (Help me to define the SGLN) on the right.

The application displays a pop-up. Provide the following data and click Convert:

  • Warehouse location in the GLN format (13 digits).
  • Company prefix length (6 to 11 digits or no company prefix).
    • If the company does not have a company prefix, select No company prefix. The question mark (help) icon displays a short message about it after hovering. This is equivalent to a 12-digit long company prefix.
  • Extension digit that is 0 by default.


The provided GLN value is converted to the SGLN format and the field is populated.


Warehouse tagEnter the warehouse tag. The tag identifies the warehouse when sending a request over the Serialized Logistics V2 API.

TIP: If you want to use multiple words, connect them with a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_), for example, "demo-warehouse".
StreetEnter the street. The form offers three rows (levels) for the street data.
CityEnter the city where the warehouse is located.
StateEnter the state.
ZIP codeEnter the postal code.
Select country

Select the country. Start entering the country name to filter on the countries.

For locations imported through a BPOM channel, the field is automatically set to Indonesia and the field is read-only.


Unless already filled in during the shipping location import, enter the BPOM ID of the warehouse. Only applicable when the selected country is Indonesia.

  • For imported locations, the field is read-only.
  • For locations created on-demand, the field is editable.

Note: Make sure that you are using the BPOM ID that is assigned to that location by BPOM. The BPOM ID is important for the sender who wants to ship items to this location because the destination BPOM ID is sent to BPOM during the report.

Regulatory channelSelect a regulatory channel that was previously configured for your tenant. The application offers the regulatory channels based on the country selected for the warehouse.
  • When the selected country is Indonesia, the users can select a BPOM channel to report the activities to the Indonesian market.
  • When the selected country is a European country that can have a connection to NMVS, the users can select an Arvato channel configured for that country. The channel enables the user to send verification requests towards the NMVS.
  • When the selected country is Saudi Arabia, the users can select an SFDA channel to report the activities to SFDA RSD.
Business channelSelect a business channel that was previously configured for your tenant. The business channel enables the user to verify against or report to an external track and trace system (SAP ATTP or SAP ICH).
Disable unpack messages towards SAP ICHWhen an SAP ICH channel is selected in the Business channel field, you can decide whether you want to send the unpack event to SAP ICH:
  • If the checkbox is selected, the unpack action is performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only. The event is not sent to SAP ICH.
  • If the checkbox is cleared (default), the unpack action is performed on the external repository through SAP ICH, so the event is sent to SAP ICH. In this case, the mobile application will ask the user to scan the parent first because Movilitas.Cloud does not have any information about the hierarchy. The parent data is also included in the message sent to SAP ICH.
Preprint SSCC templates

Select one or more ZPL printing templates from the drop-down list. Set the default template by clicking default next to the template. 

If you do not specify the default template, the first selected template becomes the default one automatically.


The list contains the templates that were created under the Labels --> Templates tab.

Multiple templates allow the operators in the warehouse to print SSCC labels in different label formats and sizes. If multiple templates are selected for the warehouse, the operator can select the template in the mobile application and the SSCC labels are printed using the associated template.

During printing, the SSCC numbers are taken from the SSCC pool. The SSCC labels are used for aggregation.

Manufacturer radio buttonSelect this radio button if the warehouse is involved in manufacturing activity. Shipping by batch is only possible at manufacturer sites.
Distributor radio buttonSelect this radio button if the warehouse is involved in distribution activity.
Commissioning while shipping checkboxWhen the manufacturer role is selected, the application displays the Commissioning while shipping checkbox.
  • If you want to ship only the items that are commissioned to the market (Commissioned status), clear the checkbox. Default setting.
  • If you want to ship also the items that are existing in Movilitas.Cloud but have not been commissioned yet, select the checkbox.

When the checkbox is selected, you can ship the following items:

  • Printed labels that have been put on packs recently. Before shipping, the packs are commissioned to Movilitas.Cloud and then to the market. Applicable to shipping by stock transfer ID or by purchase order ID.
  • Items that are commissioned to Movilitas.Cloud (Active status) but not yet commissioned to the market. Before shipping, the items are commissioned to the market.
  • Items that are in Commissioned status in Movilitas.Cloud but have not been shipped yet.

For more information on the statuses and transitions, see Status Transitions in Serialized Manufacturing and Serialized Logistics.
FMD verification on outboundWhen an Arvato regulatory channel is selected for the warehouse, the application displays the FMD verification on outbound checkbox.
  • If you verify the items while receiving them, keep the checkbox cleared. Default setting.
  • If you want to verify the items while picking or shipping them to a client, select the checkbox.

Once the checkbox is selected, each pack is verified against the NMVS while picking or shipping. If a pack is verified as decommissioned (inactive) or there is an issue with the pack, the pack is not added to the list in the mobile application and that pack cannot be picked or shipped.

Do not allow internal returns checkboxTo hide the functions related to internal returns in the mobile application, keep this checkbox selected. Internal returns are performed between two departments of the same company. By default, the checkbox is selected.

If the checkbox is cleared, the functions related to internal returns are available in the mobile application.

Note: Keep the checkbox selected when connecting to BPOM. BPOM does not differentiate internal returns from internal shipments.
Enforce pickingThis checkbox relates to outbound external activities in the warehouse. If the business processes of your company require picking before shipping to a client, select the Enforce picking checkbox. Otherwise, leave this checkbox in cleared status (default).

The picking activity is similar to filling a shopping cart. The content of the shopping cart can change before the actual shipping. The goal is to accelerate the shipping activity. When this checkbox is selected, the items must be scanned and collected during the picking activity and the shipping activity is only a quality check.
Unpack children during shippingSelect this checkbox to auto-unpack the scanned item from its parent when performing one of the following actions in the mobile application:
  • Ship - External
  • Validate picking
  • Pack an order

Only applicable when executing a delivery of an outbound external order (shipping to a client).

If the parent is a trade item (bundle or case), the parent releases all its children and gets Decommissioned (Destroyed) status in the system. The dissolving action is repeated for all parents in the hierarchy that are trade items.

If the checkbox is cleared (default) and the scanned item has a parent, the mobile application displays an error message.

This unpack action is performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only and is not sent to external systems.
Unpack children during packingSelect this checkbox to auto-unpack the scanned item from its parent while packing it into the new parent.

If the old parent is a trade item (bundle or case), the parent releases all its children and gets Decommissioned (Destroyed) status in the system. The dissolving action is repeated for all parents in the hierarchy that are trade items.

If the checkbox is cleared (default) and the scanned item already has a parent, the mobile application displays an error message.

This unpack action is performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only and is not sent to external systems.
Dissolve SSCC when unpackingSelect this checkbox to release all children of the SSCC (container) and decommission (destroy) the parent SSCC when unpacking a child item (trade item or container). The dissolving action is repeated for all parent SSCCs (containers) in the hierarchy.

This setting is effective with both manual unpack and auto-unpack while performing one of the following actions in the mobile application:
  • Unpacking.
  • Packing - items.
  • Decommissioning.
  • Shipping a delivery of an order to a client while the Unpack children during shipping checkbox is selected for the warehouse.
    • Ship - External
    • Validate picking
    • Pack an order

If the checkbox is cleared (default):
  • The child trade item is unpacked from all parents in the hierarchy including the SSCC (container) but dissolving the parent is repeated up to the topmost parent trade item only.
  • The child container is unpacked from all parents in the hierarchy but the parents do not release other children (no dissolving at the SSCC level).

This unpack action is performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only and is not sent to external systems.
Verify against Movilitas.Cloud onlySelect this checkbox to verify the items against Movilitas.Cloud database only, even if connecting to an external system through a channel (for example, SAP ICH).

If the checkbox is cleared and the external system offers verification services, the verification is performed against the external system (for example, SAP ICH).

By default, the checkbox is cleared.
Maximum number of children to be packedSpecify the maximum number of items that can be packed into a parent at once. The default value is 20. After the operator submits the operation, the operator can continue packing items into the same parent up to the allowed maximum. The operator can repeat the procedure until all the required items are aggregated.

This setting is useful when you need to aggregate a lot of items, for example, 1000 packs into a container. It is safer to do it in multiple steps to avoid restarting the whole procedure because of a mistake.
Add new UUID

Add one or more devices to the warehouse by providing the universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) of these devices.

  • If UUIDs are added here, the operators can use only the specified devices in the warehouse.
  • If no UUIDs are specified here, the operators can use any device to scan the products in the warehouse.

You can remove a UUID from the list of assigned UUIDs.

3. Click Create. The warehouse is created and added to the list.

Next Steps

You can add a sublocation or a storage location to the warehouse, as needed. For more information, see Managing Sublocations and Managing Storage Locations.

Back to the list of procedures

Searching for a Warehouse


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Warehouses tab. The application displays the list of warehouses.

2. Enter the warehouse name in the search field.

  • The list of warehouses is filtered based on the search criteria.
  • You can reset the filter by clicking on the Reset filters icon.

3. Select the warehouse to view its details.

In the following example, we are searching for the warehouse "PT Marga Nusantara Jaya (Pusat)".

  • The warehouse is located in Indonesia and is imported through the BPOM channel as stated under the warehouse name on the left.
  • The full warehouse address is imported into the Street field which may need reorganization.
  • The warehouse is involved in distribution activities (distributor role).
  • The warehouse has a BPOM id that was imported through the BPOM channel.
  • A BPOM regulatory channel is assigned to the warehouse.
  • Internal returns are not allowed.
  • Other fields are not relevant to this example. These fields are left intact (default state).

In the following example, we are searching for the warehouse "Manufacturer Site".

  • The warehouse is located in Hungary, involved in manufacturing activities, and there is an SAP ICH channel selected for reporting. The warehouse SGLN is also set because the location data is included in the report to SAP ICH.
  • The warehouse tag is given that identifies the warehouse in the requests sent over API to Movilitas.Cloud.
  • Unpack messages (if any) will also be sent to SAP ICH because the Disable unpack messages towards SAP ICH checkbox is cleared.
  • We also allow commissioning while shipping, meaning that the operators can scan items for shipping that have not been commissioned yet. The application commissions the items first and then executes the shipping operation.
  • Other fields are not relevant to this example. These fields are left intact (default state).

In the following example, we are searching for the warehouse "Warehouse (Logistics and Printing)".

  • The warehouse is located in the United Arab Emirates and is involved in distribution activities (distributor role). The warehouse SGLN is also set because the location data is included in the EPCIS file from the supplier and in the report to an external system.
  • A ZPL printing template is set for the warehouse. The template defines a label format and size. If an operator in the warehouse prints SSCC labels, the mobile application uses this template for printing. The SSCC labels are used for aggregation.
  • Picking is enforced, meaning that picking is mandatory before shipping to a client.
  • The maximum number of children to be packed at once is set to 5.
  • Other fields are not relevant to this example. These fields are left intact (default state).

In the following example, we are searching for the warehouse "Distributor Site".

  • The warehouse is located in Portugal and is involved in distribution activities (distributor role).
  • The warehouse has an Arvato regulatory channel, meaning that the warehouse activities are performed based on the FMD regulations.
  • The FMD verification on outbound checkbox is selected. The packs are verified against the NMVS while shipping them to the client.
  • Other fields are not relevant to this example. These fields are left intact (default state).

In the following example, we are searching for the warehouse "Warehouse in the USA".

  • The warehouse is located in the USA and is involved in 3PL activities (distributor role).
  • The warehouse has an SAP ICH business channel to report events like decommissioning. The warehouse SGLN is also set because the location data is included in the EPCIS file from the supplier and in the output DSCSA EPCIS file to SAP ICH.
  • The Disable unpack messages towards SAP ICH checkbox is selected so unpack events are not reported to SAP ICH.
  • Two ZPL printing templates are set for the warehouse. The templates define different label formats and sizes. An operator in the warehouse can select a template in the mobile application and the SSCC labels are printed using the associated template. The SSCC labels are used for aggregation.
  • The Unpack children during shipping checkbox is selected. When scanning an item that is aggregated, auto-unpack is performed before shipping the item to the client.
  • The Unpack children during packing checkbox is selected. When scanning an item that is aggregated, auto-unpack is performed before packing the item into its new parent.
  • The Dissolve SSCC when unpacking checkbox is selected. After unpacking a child from an SSCC, the SSCC releases all its children and gets Decommissioned (Destroyed) status.
  • The Verify against Movilitas.Cloud only checkbox is selected. The items are verified against Movilitas.Cloud database only, even if connecting to SAP ICH.
  • Other fields are not relevant to this example. These fields are left intact (default state).

In the following example, we are searching for the warehouse "Warehouse in Saudi Arabia".

  • The warehouse is located in Saudi Arabia and is involved in distribution activities (distributor role).
  • An SFDA regulatory channel is selected for the warehouse to report the activities to SFDA RSD.
  • The warehouse SGLN is also set because the location data is included in the EPCIS file from the supplier and in certain reports to SFDA RSD.
  • A ZPL printing template is set for the warehouse. The template defines a label format and size. If an operator in the warehouse prints SSCC labels, the mobile application uses this template for printing. The SSCC labels are used for aggregation.
  • Other fields are not relevant to this example. These fields are left intact (default state).

Back to the list of procedures

Updating a Warehouse (Master Data)

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have configured the regulatory or business channel to be used for reporting to the applicable external system.

  • National Agency of Drug and Food Control in Indonesia (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) - BPOM
  • Arvato to connect to a National Medicines Verification System (NMVS)
  • SAP Advanced Track and Trace for Pharmaceuticals - SAP ATTP
  • SAP Information Collaboration Hub for Life Sciences - SAP ICH


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Warehouses tab. The application displays the list of warehouses.

2. Find and select the warehouse you want to update. The application displays the Update warehouse form.

Note: The BPOM shipping locations specified as warehouses on the BPOM channel settings page are automatically imported and are available in the list. The configuration form is prefilled with the existing data and the application displays the text Imported through BPOM channel under the warehouse name in the list. You need to complete the warehouse configuration, paying special attention to the following:

  • You need to ensure that the warehouse is connected to the right BPOM channel and has the right BPOM ID.
  • You need to specify the manufacturer or distributor role.
  • You may need to reorganize the address data after the import.

3. Modify the fields as needed.

Warehouse nameEnter the warehouse name.
Warehouse SGLNEnter the location number of the warehouse in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<extension or "0" when no extension>.

For example, "1234567.00012.0".

The warehouse SGLN is required in the following cases:
  • You receive the shipment details from a supplier in an EPCIS file.
  • You send data to an external track and trace system, for example, SAP ATTP or SAP ICH.
  • You send transfer details in an EPCIS file.

To use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter, click on the conversion button (Help me to define the SGLN) on the right.

The application displays a pop-up. Provide the following data and click Convert:

  • Warehouse location in the GLN format (13 digits).
  • Company prefix length (6 to 11 digits or no company prefix).
    • If the company does not have a company prefix, select No company prefix. The question mark (help) icon displays a short message about it after hovering. This is equivalent to a 12-digit long company prefix.
  • Extension digit that is 0 by default.

The provided GLN value is converted to the SGLN format and the field is populated.

Warehouse tagEnter the warehouse tag. The tag identifies the warehouse when sending a request over the Serialized Logistics V2 API.

TIP: If you want to use multiple words, connect them with a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_), for example, "demo-warehouse".
StreetEnter the street. The form offers three rows (levels) for the street data.
CityEnter the city where the warehouse is located.
StateEnter the state.
ZIP codeEnter the postal code.
Select country

Select the country. Start entering the country name to filter on the countries.

For locations imported through a BPOM channel, the field is automatically set to Indonesia and the field is read-only.


Unless already filled in during the shipping location import, enter the BPOM ID of the warehouse. Only applicable when the selected country is Indonesia.

  • For imported locations, the field is read-only.
  • For locations created on-demand, the field is editable.

Note: Make sure that you are using the BPOM ID that is assigned to that location by BPOM. The BPOM ID is important for the sender who wants to ship items to this location because the destination BPOM ID is sent to BPOM during the report.

Regulatory channelSelect a regulatory channel that was previously configured for your tenant. The application offers the regulatory channels based on the country selected for the warehouse.
  • When the selected country is Indonesia, the users can select a BPOM channel to report the activities to the Indonesian market.
  • When the selected country is a European country that can have a connection to NMVS, the users can select an Arvato channel configured for that country. The channel enables the user to send verification requests towards the NMVS.
  • When the selected country is Saudi Arabia, the users can select an SFDA channel to report the activities to SFDA RSD.
Business channelSelect a business channel that was previously configured for your tenant. The business channel enables the user to verify against or report to an external track and trace system (SAP ATTP or SAP ICH).
Disable unpack messages towards SAP ICHWhen an SAP ICH channel is selected in the Business channel field, you can decide whether you want to send the unpack event to SAP ICH:
  • If the checkbox is selected, the unpack action is performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only. The event is not sent to SAP ICH.
  • If the checkbox is cleared (default), the unpack action is performed on the external repository through SAP ICH, so the event is sent to SAP ICH. In this case, the mobile application will ask the user to scan the parent first because Movilitas.Cloud does not have any information about the hierarchy. The parent data is also included in the message sent to SAP ICH.
Preprint SSCC templates

Select one or more ZPL printing templates from the drop-down list. Set the default template by clicking default next to the template.

If you do not specify the default template, the first selected template becomes the default one automatically.

The list contains the templates that were created under the Labels --> Templates tab.

Multiple templates allow the operators in the warehouse to print SSCC labels in different label formats and sizes. If multiple templates are selected for the warehouse, the operator can select the template in the mobile application and the SSCC labels are printed using the associated template.

During printing, the SSCC numbers are taken from the SSCC pool. The SSCC labels are used for aggregation.

Manufacturer radio buttonSelect this radio button if the warehouse is involved in manufacturing activity. Shipping by batch is only possible at manufacturer sites.
Distributor radio buttonSelect this radio button if the warehouse is involved in distribution activity.
Commissioning while shipping checkboxWhen the manufacturer role is selected, the application displays the Commissioning while shipping checkbox.
  • If you want to ship only the items that are commissioned to the market (Commissioned status), clear the checkbox. Default setting.
  • If you want to ship also the items that are existing in Movilitas.Cloud but have not been commissioned yet, select the checkbox.

When the checkbox is selected, you can ship the following items:

  • Printed labels that have been put on packs recently. Before shipping, the packs are commissioned to Movilitas.Cloud and then to the market. Applicable to shipping by stock transfer ID or by purchase order ID.
  • Items that are commissioned to Movilitas.Cloud (Active status) but not yet commissioned to the market. Before shipping, the items are commissioned to the market.
  • Items that are in Commissioned status in Movilitas.Cloud but have not been shipped yet.

For more information on the statuses and transitions, see Status Transitions in Serialized Manufacturing and Serialized Logistics.
FMD verification on outboundWhen an Arvato regulatory channel is selected for the warehouse, the application displays the FMD verification on outbound checkbox.
  • If you verify the items while receiving them, keep the checkbox cleared. Default setting.
  • If you want to verify the items while picking or shipping them to a client, select the checkbox.

Once the checkbox is selected, each pack is verified against the NMVS while picking or shipping. If a pack is verified as decommissioned (inactive) or there is an issue with the pack, the pack is not added to the list in the mobile application and that pack cannot be picked or shipped.

Do not allow internal returns checkboxIf you want to hide the functions related to internal returns in Movilitas Mobile, select this checkbox. Internal returns are performed between two departments of the same company. By default, the checkbox is selected.

If the checkbox is cleared, the functions related to internal returns are available in Movilitas Mobile.

Note: Keep the checkbox selected when connecting to BPOM. BPOM does not differentiate internal returns from internal shipments.
Enforce pickingThis checkbox relates to outbound external activities in the warehouse. If the business processes of your company require picking before shipping to a client, select the Enforce picking checkbox. Otherwise, leave this checkbox in cleared status (default).

The picking activity is similar to filling a shopping cart. The content of the shopping cart can change before the actual shipping. The goal is to accelerate the shipping activity. When this checkbox is selected, the items must be scanned and collected during the picking activity and the shipping activity is only a quality check.
Unpack children during shippingSelect this checkbox to auto-unpack the scanned item from its parent when performing one of the following actions in the mobile application:
  • Ship - External
  • Validate picking
  • Pack an order

Only applicable when executing a delivery of an outbound external order (shipping to a client).

If the parent is a trade item (bundle or case), the parent releases all its children and gets Decommissioned (Destroyed) status in the system. The dissolving action is repeated for all parents in the hierarchy that are trade items.

If the checkbox is cleared (default) and the scanned item has a parent, the mobile application displays an error message.

This unpack action is performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only and is not sent to external systems.
Unpack children during packingSelect this checkbox to auto-unpack the scanned item from its parent while packing it into the new parent.

If the old parent is a trade item (bundle or case), the parent releases all its children and gets Decommissioned (Destroyed) status in the system. The dissolving action is repeated for all parents in the hierarchy that are trade items.

If the checkbox is cleared (default) and the scanned item already has a parent, the mobile application displays an error message.

This unpack action is performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only and is not sent to external systems.
Dissolve SSCC when unpackingSelect this checkbox to release all children of the SSCC (container) and decommission (destroy) the parent SSCC when unpacking a child item (trade item or container). The dissolving action is repeated for all parent SSCCs (containers) in the hierarchy.

This setting is effective with both manual unpack and auto-unpack while performing one of the following actions in the mobile application:
  • Unpacking.
  • Packing - items.
  • Decommissioning.
  • Shipping a delivery of an order to a client while the Unpack children during shipping checkbox is selected for the warehouse.
    • Ship - External
    • Validate picking
    • Pack an order

If the checkbox is cleared (default):
  • The child trade item is unpacked from all parents in the hierarchy including the SSCC (container) but dissolving the parent is repeated up to the topmost parent trade item only.
  • The child container is unpacked from all parents in the hierarchy but the parents do not release other children (no dissolving at the SSCC level).

This unpack action is performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only and is not sent to external systems.
Verify against Movilitas.Cloud only
Select this checkbox to verify the items against Movilitas.Cloud database only, even if connecting to an external system through a channel (for example, SAP ICH).

If the checkbox is cleared and the external system offers verification services, the verification is performed against the external system (for example, SAP ICH).

By default, the checkbox is cleared.
Maximum number of children to be packedSpecify the maximum number of items that can be packed into a parent at once. The default value is 20. After the operator submits the operation, the operator can continue packing items into the same parent up to the allowed maximum. The operator can repeat the procedure until all the required items are aggregated.

This setting is useful when you need to aggregate a lot of items, for example, 1000 packs into a container. It is safer to do it in multiple steps to avoid restarting the whole procedure because of a mistake.
Add new UUID

Add one or more devices to the warehouse by providing the universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) of these devices.

  • If UUIDs are added here, the operators can use only the specified devices in the warehouse.
  • If no UUIDs are specified here, the operators can use any device to scan the products in the warehouse.

You can remove a UUID from the list of assigned UUIDs.

4. Click Update.

Back to the list of procedures

Managing Sublocations

If multiple sites belong to your warehouse, you can register them as sublocations.

Configuring the sublocations is mandatory when receiving an IDOC Delvry from SAP ICH to ship items in the USA. The IDOC Delvry refers to a sublocation of the warehouse as the shipping point.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Warehouses tab. The application displays the list of warehouses.

2. Find and select the warehouse you want to update. The application displays the Update warehouse form.

3. Select the Sub locations tab and manage the sublocations.

  • Add a new sublocation by filling in the form and clicking Add Sub Location. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.
Sub location nameEnter the sublocation name (required).
Sub location tagEnter the sublocation tag that identifies the sublocation. The value must be unique for the tenant.

The field is required when receiving an IDOC Delvry from SAP ICH to ship items in the USA. The sublocation tag must match the partner ID of the shipping point (OSP) in the IDOC Delvry.

TIP: If you want to use multiple words, connect them with a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_), for example, "demo-sublocation".
Sub location GLNEnter the sublocation GLN.
  • View a sublocation by using the search field and selecting the search result. You can reset the filter by clicking on the Reset filters icon.
  • Update a sublocation by selecting it from the list, modifying the fields as needed, and clicking Update Sub Location.
  • Delete a sublocation by clicking on the delete icon next to the sublocation.

In the following example, we have created two sublocations for the warehouse:

Back to the list of procedures

Managing Storage Locations


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Warehouses tab. The application displays the list of warehouses.

2. Find and select the warehouse you want to update. The application displays the Update warehouse form.

3. Select the Storage locations tab and manage the storage locations.

  • Add a new storage location by filling in the form and clicking Add Storage Location. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.
Storage location nameEnter the storage location name (required).
Storage location tagEnter the storage location tag that identifies the storage location when sending requests over API.

TIP: If you want to use multiple words, connect them with a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_), for example, "demo-storage-location".
  • View a storage location by using the search field and selecting the search result. You can reset the filter by clicking on the Reset filters icon.
  • Update a storage location by selecting it from the list, modifying the fields as needed, and clicking Update Storage Location.
  • Delete a storage location by clicking on the delete icon next to the storage location.

In the following example, we have created three storage locations and selected one of them for update:

Back to the list of procedures

Deleting a Warehouse


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Warehouses tab. The application displays the list of warehouses.

2. Find the warehouse you want to delete.


3. Click the delete icon next to the warehouse and confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

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