The Serialized Logistics application enables users to handle serialized logistics in the warehouse.
With this application, you can use the following capabilities:
Connecting to External Systems
The connections to external systems are established through respective channels.
In the pharmaceutical industry, you can connect to the following systems to report activities:
- AS2
- LSPediA
- BPOM (Indonesian market)
- NMVS (Arvato)
- SFDA RSD (Saudi Arabia)
- Tatmeen (UAE)
- TraceLink
Connecting to a GS1 Digital Link Resolver Server
The Serialized Logistics application can communicate with an external GS1 Digital Link Resolver server. The Serialized Logistics application forwards the electronic content request from the users to the server that redirects them to an external website presenting the digital information. For more information about the GS1 Digital Link standard, visit the GS1 website.
Receiving TI Trace Requests (DSCSA USA)
The user can define an email address to receive TI trace requests from clients in the Serialized Logistics application. The received TI trace requests are listed in the Reports & Analysis application where it is possible to execute the TI trace request and create the TI trace response.
Administrator UI
Enables the users to configure and manage the application:
- Managing inbound and outbound orders.
- (Outbound) Shipping a delivery to a client as a 3PL in the USA. A DSCSA shipping event is reported to SAP ICH.
- Managing pick lists (outbound):
- Viewing pick lists (outbound external transfers).
- Verifying EPCIS file generation for a pick list when shipping to Bahrain or the UAE (Tatmeen) on behalf of the supplier. For verifying a pick list, the supplier is the Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) of the product.
- Deleting an empty pick list or all empty pick lists at once.
- Tracking the transfer activities performed in the warehouse or initiated from SAP ATTP.
- Sending an EPCIS 1.2 file to the supplier in Bahrain. The file contains the items that are shipped on behalf of the supplier to Bahrain. The supplier is the Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) of the product.
- Downloading the EPCIS 1.2 file of a shipment as a manufacturer or distributor in the USA. The EPCIS 1.2 file is constructed as per the DSCSA requirements.
- Resending the EPCIS 1.2 file of a shipment in the USA. The EPCIS file is sent to an external system through the collaboration channel associated with the client (being a manufacturer or distributor) or the supplier (being a 3PL). The EPCIS 1.2 file is constructed as per the DSCSA requirements.
- Managing sites, including warehouses, operators, suppliers, clients, and routes.
- Establishing a partnership with a supplier and/or a client.
- Uploading an EPCIS 1.1 or 1.2 input file received from a supplier. The file contains the items to be shipped.
- Verifying the EPCIS file received from a supplier in partnership, through a collaboration channel (SAP ICH, TraceLink, AS2, or LSPediA), or over API.
- Viewing the products that are managed in the warehouses.
- Viewing the history of a batch that is managed in a warehouse.
- Generating SSCCs and viewing the historical activities of a container.
- Viewing the historical activities of a pack.
- Defining ZPL label templates for SSCCs.
- Controlling application-level settings.
- Default business channel (if any).
- GS1 Digital Link Resolver URL.
- Scandit license to utilize matrix scanning in the mobile application.
- Forbid packing and shipping of unknown items for orders.
- Forbid shipping of unknown items for transfers.
- Email address to receive TI trace requests (DSCSA USA).
- Contact for DSCSA exceptions (email and phone number).
- Activating ATP credentialing and including the verifiable credential in the TI trace response (DSCSA USA).
- DSCSA (USA) letter settings.
- Access control for users with the "User" or "Support" role.
Movilitas Mobile
Operators in the warehouse can complete the following activities on the products in the mobile application:
- Verify
- Request electronic content by scanning a GS1 2D barcode
- Pack
- Items - Aggregating items.
- Orders - Adding homogeneous pallets to a delivery of an outbound external order. Visible in the "Pack an order" screen.
- Unpack
- Decommission
- Receive – The operators can see the stock transfer IDs and batches that have been shipped to the operator’s warehouse but have not been received yet.
- Pick
- Ship
- By batch - Shipping by batch is only possible at manufacturer sites (set for the warehouse).
- By stock transfer ID
- By purchase order ID
Note: For manufacturer sites, it is also possible to commission the items while shipping to accelerate serialization and logistics activities. The setting can be activated or deactivated on the warehouse level. The setting does not bring extra UI functions for the user in the mobile application who wants to ship. However, the application executes additional tasks and reports in the background.
- Preprint SSCC labels on Zebra Cloud Connect printers
- Validate picking (not related to the "Pick" action)
- Check validate picking
- View hierarchy
- Pack an order (a post-action after Validate picking )
- Replace the children of a parent trade item
- Reactivate an item in the NMVS (Arvato)
- Workload (Outstanding outbound deliveries)
Depending on the business use case, the actions are reported through the channel configured for the warehouse or the supplier.
Offline Scanning (Only for Verification)
The mobile application also offers offline scanning for verification purposes for the users working on a site with a limited connection to the Internet. The user can submit the items for verification after logging into the application once the device has a connection to the Internet again.
Serialized Logistics V2 API and Webhook
The Serialized Logistics application can be extended through the Serialized Logistics V2 API.
- Create inbound order
- Add a delivery to an inbound order
- Create outbound order
- Get Advanced Shipping Notification
- Create outbound external transfer
- Send a trace request (DSCSA)
- Receive EPCIS file
- Request the addresses of a client
When there is a change in the status of an inbound external order, Movilitas.Cloud can send the order details to an external system through a webhook. The user can provide the endpoint URL of the subscribing system, configure security, activate sending webhooks, and test the webhook settings by manually executing a webhook for an inbound external order.