You can configure all the warehouses of the company in the system to keep track of the locations where the activities are carried out.

List of Procedures

Creating a Warehouse

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have configured the business channel to be used for reporting to the applicable external system.

  • SAP Advanced Track and Trace for Pharmaceuticals (SAP ATTP)
  • SAP Information Collaboration Hub for Life Sciences (SAP ICH)


1. In the Serialized Logistics for Pharma application, go to Warehouses. The application displays the list of warehouses and the Create warehouse form.

Note: When viewing the details of a warehouse, you can open the Create warehouse form by clicking Add new +.

2. Fill in the form as described in the table below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Warehouse nameEnter the warehouse name.
Warehouse GLNEnter the location number of the warehouse in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<"0" meaning no extension>.

For example, "183456.829829.0".

The warehouse GLN is required when you want to send data to SAP ATTP or SAP ICH.
Owner GLNEnter the owner SGLN that groups the warehouse GLNs.
Warehouse tag

Enter the warehouse tag.

You need the warehouse tag to easily identify the warehouse when sending data using different integration APIs in Movilitas.Cloud.

Select countrySelect a country from the drop-down.
Business channelSelect the business channel with SAP ATTP or SAP ICH source that you created earlier. You can also specify a default business channel for all your warehouses in Settings.
Warn operator if different extension digits for SSCC are in shipmentIf you want to warn the operator in the mobile application that SSCCs (containers) are scanned with different extension digits (first digit of the SSCC) while shipping by PO, select the checkbox. The operator receives a pop-up in the mobile application and needs to decide whether to go back to the list or ship.

The default setting is cleared (no warning).

3. Click Create. The warehouse is created and added to the list.

Next Steps

You can assign operators to the warehouses you created.

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Searching for and Viewing a Warehouse


1. In the Serialized Logistics for Pharma application, go to Warehouses. The application displays the list of warehouses.

2. Enter the warehouse name in the search field.

  • The list of the warehouses is filtered based on the search criteria.
  • You can reset the filter by clicking on the Reset filters icon.

3. Select the warehouse to view its details.

In the following example, we are searching for the warehouse "DEMO WH".

  • The warehouse is located in Germany and connected to SAP ATTP.
  • The operator is warned in the case of scanning SSCCs with different extension digits for a shipment in the mobile application (checkbox is selected).

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Updating a Warehouse

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have configured the business channel to be used for reporting to the applicable external system.

  • SAP Advanced Track and Trace for Pharmaceuticals (SAP ATTP)
  • SAP Information Collaboration Hub for Life Sciences (SAP ICH)


1. In the Serialized Logistics for Pharma application, go to Warehouses. The application displays the list of warehouses.

2. Find and select the warehouse you want to update. The application displays the Update warehouse form.

3. Modify the fields as needed.

Warehouse nameEnter the warehouse name.
Warehouse GLNEnter the location number of the warehouse in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<"0" meaning no extension>.

For example, "183456.829829.0".

The warehouse GLN is required when you want to send data to SAP ATTP or SAP ICH.
Owner GLNEnter the owner SGLN that groups the warehouse GLNs.
Warehouse tag

Enter the warehouse tag.

You need the warehouse tag to easily identify the warehouse when sending data using different integration APIs in Movilitas.Cloud.

Select countrySelect a country from the drop-down.
Business channelSelect the business channel with SAP ATTP or SAP ICH source that you created earlier. You can also specify a default business channel for all your warehouses in Settings.
Warn operator if different extension digits for SSCC are in shipmentIf you want to warn the operator in the mobile application that SSCCs (containers) are scanned with different extension digits (first digit of the SSCC) while shipping by PO, select the checkbox. The operator receives a pop-up in the mobile application and needs to decide whether to go back to the list or ship.

The default setting is cleared (no warning).

4. Click Update.

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Deleting a Warehouse


1. In the Serialized Logistics for Pharma application, go to Warehouses. The application displays the list of warehouses.

2. Find the warehouse you want to delete.


3. Click the delete icon next to the warehouse and confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

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