Use the Serialized Logistics mobile application to scan the items to be packed. You can group multiple items using a trade item, a showbox, a case, or a pallet.

Auto-unpack during Packing

If the items to be packed are already aggregated and the hierarchy is known in Movilitas.Cloud, the application can unpack them automatically while packing them into the new parent, and a manual unpack action is not required from the user.

  • The setting can be activated or deactivated at the warehouse level.
  • The scope of the unpack can be also extended to dissolve parent container(s) (SSCCs).
  • The setting does not bring extra UI functions for the user in the mobile application but Movilitas.Cloud executes additional tasks in the background. For more information on the unpacking logic, see Unpack Products in Serialized Logistics (Mobile).

Note: The procedure described below takes the use case when the operator scans the items by using the camera of the mobile device.

  • For mobile devices with built-in scanners, the GUI buttons related to scanning, like Scan Item, may not be displayed and you need to press the physical button on the device to scan.
  • For devices with external (table) scanners, you can point the scanner to the barcode to scan and you can ignore the GUI buttons on the screen related to scanning.

Before You Begin

Make sure the administrator has assigned you as an operator to the Serialized Logistics application and authorized you to pack items in the specified warehouse.


1. Open the Serialized Logistics application in Movilitas Mobile.

2. Select Pack

The application detects the operator privilege setting and one of the following applies:

  • The application offers the following options:
    • Packing - items
    • Packing - orders
  • The application automatically directs the user to the Pack screen.

If you need to select an option, select Packing - items. The application displays the Pack screen.

3. On the Pack screen, tap Scan Parent and scan the parent (container SSCC) you want to use to group the items. The application displays the scanned parent data.

IMPORTANT: Scanning a trade item (SGTIN) as a parent will lead to an error at the end of the packing process. As a company dealing with logistics, you are not authorized to perform such aggregations. 

4. Tap Scan Item and scan the first item you want to put in the logistic unit.

  • If there is an issue with the item, you are prompted with a message, and, depending on the case, the application can highlight the item in red in the list with the error message.
  • To view the details of an item or remove an item, slide the item to the left and select Preview or Remove.

5. (Optional) Scan multiple items by tapping Continue Scan and put them into the parent (container or trade item).

  • By default, you can scan up to 20 items at once. You can control the allowed maximum number of children to be packed at once under the Serialized Logistics application --> Site management --> Warehouses tab.
  • You cannot add more items to the parent at once than the allowed maximum. However, you can repeat the procedure to add further items to the same parent until all items are aggregated.
  • If the allowed maximum number has changed while you are packing and you want to make the change effective immediately, you need to restart this procedure. Go back to the main menu in Movilitas Mobile and then revisit the Serialized Logistics application --> Pack operation.

6. When you finished scanning, select Pack Items.

  • The items are grouped. The application displays a summary of the scanned items with a preview option by sliding the item to the left.
  • You can continue adding further items to the same parent by repeating the above procedure.
  • If auto-unpack during packing is activated at the warehouse level, the scanned item has another parent, and the hierarchy is known in Movilitas.Cloud, the application unpacks the item in the background before adding it to the new parent. All parent trade items are dissolved in the hierarchy and optionally, the parent container(s) (SSCCs) can be also dissolved. These actions are performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only and the event is not sent to an external system.
  • If auto-unpack during packing is not activated at the warehouse level and the scanned item has another parent, the application highlights the item in red with an appropriate message and it is not possible to pack until the item is removed from the list.
  • If an item is not in possession, meaning that it is shipped and is not in the warehouse, the application displays an error message and it is not possible to pack until the item is removed from the list.
  • If the parent or a child is unknown in Movilitas.Cloud and packing unknown items is forbidden in the application settings, the application displays an error message and it is not possible to pack.
    • If you are sure that the scanned items are valid and packing should be allowed, consult with an administrator of the tenant.
  • If the parent is a trade item (SGTIN), the application displays an error message. You are not authorized to perform such aggregations. Only a container (SSCC) can be a parent.