Use the Serialized Logistics mobile application to pick items before shipping them to a client (outbound external transfer). The activity is similar to filling a shopping cart. The content of the shopping cart can change before the actual shipping, you can exit and resume the pick list. The goal is to accelerate the shipping activity. Each pick list is identified by a purchase order ID that will be used further when shipping.

To create a pick list (transfer), the items must be known in Movilitas.Cloud or an NMVS connection is required. Even if the application setting allows shipping unknown items, this mobile action is agnostic of the setting.

Verification against the NMVS

When the following conditions are met, each scanned pack is verified against the NMVS while picking:

  • An Arvato regulatory channel is set for the warehouse.
  • The FMD verification on outbound checkbox is selected for the warehouse.

If the pack is decommissioned or there is an issue with the pack, the pack is not added to the list in the mobile application and that pack cannot be picked.

The pick list is not reported to the NMVS because it is a business-related activity not connected to the regulations.

Note: The procedure described below takes the use case when the operator scans the items by using the camera of the mobile device.

  • For mobile devices with built-in scanners, the GUI buttons related to scanning, like Scan Item, may not be displayed and you need to press the physical button on the device to scan.
  • For devices with external (table) scanners, you can point the scanner to the barcode to scan and you can ignore the GUI buttons on the screen related to scanning.

Before You Begin

Make sure the administrator has assigned you as an operator to the Serialized Logistics application and authorized you to pick products in the specified warehouse.


1. Open the Serialized Logistics application in Movilitas Mobile.

2. Select Pick.

3. Under Ship to drop-down, select a shipping destination. The application offers the list of clients registered in the Serialized Logistics application.

4. Search or create a pick list by order ID.

  • Scan the purchase order ID.
  • Enter the purchase order ID in the search field.

5. Select a search result or create the pick list by selecting Create Pick List. The application displays the Pick items screen.

6. Tap Scan Item and scan the items one by one. The application displays the items in the list.

If there is an issue with the item, for example, an item is not in possession, meaning that it is shipped and is not in the warehouse, the application displays an error message and it is not possible to pick the item.

Actions on the Pick List


  • To view the details of an item or remove an item, slide the item to the left and select Preview or Remove.
  • You can add items to or remove items from the pick list until they are shipped. Once the items are shipped, it is not possible to access the pick list. You can check all the open pick lists under the Serialized Logistics application --> Pickings --> Outbound external page.

Connecting to an NMVS (FMD)

If an Arvato regulatory channel is set and the FMD verification on outbound checkbox is selected for the warehouse, each scanned item is verified against the NMVS:

  • If the item is active in the NMVS before the FMD action, the item is added to the list.
  • If the item is decommissioned in the NMVS before the FMD action or there is an issue with the item, the application displays an appropriate message and stops the scanning process so that you can put the item away.
  • When an alert is raised, the application informs the user about it.
  • The item that is decommissioned in the NMVS before the FMD action or that has issues is not added to the list and it cannot be picked.
  • It is not possible to scan a container.

Next Steps

Ship the purchase order (pick list) to the client. For more information, see section Ship by Purchase Order ID to Client (External) - Transfer Only in Ship or Return Products in Serialized Logistics (Mobile).