Use the Serialized Logistics mobile application to scan homogeneous pallets and add them to a delivery of an outbound external order. The homogeneous pallets contain case GTINs (trade items). The scanned pallets are available in the Pack an order action in the mobile application.

This action is part of shipping pharmaceutical products to the United States and reporting the shipping to SAP ICH.

Note: The procedure described below takes the use case when the operator scans the items by using the camera of the mobile device.

  • For mobile devices with built-in scanners, the GUI buttons related to scanning, like Scan Item, may not be displayed and you need to press the physical button on the device to scan.
  • For devices with external (table) scanners, you can point the scanner to the barcode to scan and you can ignore the GUI buttons on the screen related to scanning.

Before You Begin

Make sure the administrator has assigned you as an operator to the Serialized Logistics application and authorized you to pack homogeneous pallets to orders in the specified warehouse.


1. Open the Serialized Logistics application in Movilitas Mobile.

2. Select Pack

The application detects the operator privilege setting and one of the following applies:

  • The application offers the following options:
    • Packing - items
    • Packing - orders
  • The application automatically directs the user to the Packing - orders screen.

If you need to select an option, select Packing - orders. The application displays the Packing - orders screen.

3. On the Packing - orders screen, enter or scan the delivery ID of the order. The application displays the order ID and the delivery ID.

You can perform the operation only for the deliveries that are in Open or in In picking validation status.

4. Tap Scan Item and scan the pallets (SSCCs) one by one.

  • The application displays the items you scan in the list. To view the details of an item or remove an item, slide the item to the left and select Preview or Remove.
  • Once a pallet (SSCC) is added to the list, the pallet becomes visible on the Pack an order screen in the Pack an order action. If you remove the pallet from the list, then the pallet disappears on the Pack an order screen after manual refresh. For more information, see Pack an Order in Serialized Logistics (Mobile).
  • If the hierarchy under the pallet (SSCC) is not allowed, the application displays an error message:
    • The pallet (SSCC) must contain case GTINs (trade items) for the same product. The case GTIN can contain children (aggregated trade items).
    • Multi-level SSCCs are not allowed meaning that the pallet cannot contain a case SSCC.
    • The pallet (SSCC) cannot be empty.
  • If the pallet has an SSCC that is not known in Movilitas.Cloud, the application displays an error message.
  • If you exit the screen, the session is not saved. If you revisit the Packing - orders screen, it will be empty and you will not see the previously scanned SSCCs. From that moment, those pallets are available in the Pack an order action only.

Next Steps

Check the pallets with the Pack an order action. For more information, see Pack an Order in Serialized Logistics (Mobile).