The suppliers represent external sources and they are involved in inbound external transfers.

In the Serialized Logistics application:

  • You can register the suppliers and their products.
  • You can establish a partnership with a supplier in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • You can upload an Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) file received from the supplier. The EPCIS file contains the trade items and containers that are ready for logistics, for example, unpacking, reaggregation, or shipping.
  • You can verify the EPCIS file received from the supplier in partnership, through a collaboration channel, or over API.
  • You can download the details of the shipment received from the supplier in Microsoft Excel format. The Excel file describes the lowest trade items and the aggregation levels (SSCCs) in subsequent columns. Note: Nested (multi-level) trade items are not supported.
  • For the USA, you can view the exceptions that occurred during receipt.
  • For the USA, you can get the complete profile of a supplier from the Pulse Profile system.

List of Procedures

Creating a Supplier (Master Data)

You can create a supplier by providing its master data.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers and the Master data form on the Create supplier panel.

Note: When viewing the details of a supplier, you can open the Create supplier form by clicking Create.


2. Fill in the form as described below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Supplier nameEnter the supplier name.

(USA only) If a few characters are entered for a supplier in the USA market, the application searches the Pulse Profile system and offers hits in a drop-down:
  • Select a value and the application populates the address and country (United States) fields and displays the Pulse logo button at the bottom of the form.
  • By clicking on the Pulse logo button, the application fetches the complete profile of the supplier from the Pulse Profile system and shows the details in a pop-up. For more information, see Viewing a Pulse Profile (DSCSA USA Only).
CityEnter the city where the supplier is located.
StreetEnter the street. The form offers three rows (levels) for the street data.
StateEnter the state.
ZIP codeEnter the postal code.
Select countrySelect the country. Start entering the country name to filter the countries.
Supplier tagEnter the supplier tag that is unique within the tenant. The tag identifies the supplier when sending a request over the Serialized Logistics V2 API.

TIP: If you want to use multiple words, connect them with a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_), for example, "demo-supplier-online-help".
Supplier emailEnter the email address of the supplier. This setting is relevant when you act as a 3PL for this supplier and you want to send EPCIS 1.2 files containing the transfer details to the supplier (Marketing Authorization Holder - MAH).
E-mail address for EPCIS exception handling

Enter the contact email address to handle inbound EPCIS exceptions.

The field is only available when the country of the supplier is the United States.

E-mail address for Verifications

Enter the contact email address in case of issues with verifications.

The field is only available when the country of the supplier is the United States.

E-mail address for Trace request

Enter the contact email address to send the TI trace requests.

The field is only available when the country of the supplier is the United States.

Supplier SGLNEnter the location number of the supplier in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<extension or "0" when no extension>. The supplier SGLN must be unique within the tenant.

For example, "1234567.00012.0".

If you receive the shipment details from a supplier in an EPCIS file, the supplier SGLN is required.

To use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter, click on the conversion button (Help me to define the SGLN) on the right.

The application displays a pop-up. Provide the following data and click Convert:

  • Supplier location in the GLN format (13 digits).
  • Company prefix length (6 to 11 digits or no company prefix).
    • If the company does not have a company prefix, select No company prefix. The question mark (help) icon displays a short message about it after hovering. This is equivalent to a 12-digit long company prefix.
  • Extension digit that is 0 by default.


The provided GLN value is converted to the SGLN format and the field is populated.


Collaboration channel - inbound EPCISIf a collaboration (business) channel is configured to receive EPCIS from the supplier, select the channel you want to associate with the supplier:
  • LSPediA
  • TraceLink
  • AS2
Require EPCIS before receiptSelect this checkbox to make receiving an EPCIS file from the supplier mandatory before receiving the items in the warehouse. However, if the supplier cannot send an EPCIS file, clear the checkbox. By default, the checkbox is cleared.
Act as 3PL for this supplierIf you perform third-party logistics (3PL) on behalf of the supplier for all products from the supplier, select this checkbox.

If you act in wholesaler-only mode for the supplier, leave this checkbox in cleared status (default).

If you act in mixed mode (3PL and wholesaler) for the supplier, leave this checkbox in cleared status (default) and configure the setting at the product level.
Tatmeen (UAE) channelIf the supplier imports products into the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market and you act as a 3PL for this supplier, select the previously configured Tatmeen regulatory channel that is associated with the supplier.

The field is available when the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is selected and a Tatmeen regulatory channel is configured for the tenant.
Saudi Arabia channel for importIf the supplier imports products into Saudi Arabia and you act as a 3PL for this supplier, select the previously configured SFDA regulatory channel that is associated with the supplier.

The field is available when the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is selected and an SFDA regulatory channel is configured for the tenant.
Collaboration Channel - outbound EPCIS message on behalf of MAHIf you act as a 3PL for this supplier and you want to send EPCIS shipping messages to SAP ICH on behalf of the supplier (MAH), select the previously configured SAP ICH channel.

The field is available when the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is selected and an SAP ICH channel is configured for the tenant.

3. Click Save Supplier.

Next Steps

Register the shipping address(es) of the supplier. For more information, see Registering the Shipping Address of a Supplier.

Create the products supplied by the supplier. For more information, see Creating the Products of a Supplier.

Upload an EPCIS file containing the trade items and containers from the supplier. For more information, see Uploading an EPCIS File.

You can establish a partnership with the supplier in Movilitas.Cloud. For more information, see Establishing a Partnership with a Supplier in Movilitas.Cloud.

Back to the list of procedures

Registering the Shipping Addresses of a Supplier

The shipping address holds the ship-from information.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier.

3. On the Update supplier panel, select the Shipping Address tab.

In the following example, the selected supplier does not have any shipping address yet:

4. To add a shipping address, click Add Shipping Address. The application displays the Create shipping address pop-up with a form.

5. Fill in the form as described below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Shipping address IDEnter a unique shipping address ID.
Shipping address nameEnter the name of the shipping address, for example, the company name.
CityEnter the city.
StreetEnter the street. The form offers three rows (levels) for the street data.
StateEnter the state.
ZIP codeEnter the postal code.
Select country

Select the country. Start entering the country name to filter the countries.

Shipping address SGLN

Enter the location number of the facility in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<extension or "0" when no extension>. 

For example, "1234567.00012.0".

This SGLN is the ship-from location that sends the shipment.

To use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter, click on the conversion button (Help me to define the SGLN) on the right.

The application displays a pop-up. Provide the following data and click Convert:

  • Supplier shipping address location in the GLN format (13 digits).
  • Company prefix length (6 to 11 digits or no company prefix).
    • If the company does not have a company prefix, select No company prefix. The question mark (help) icon displays a short message about it after hovering. This is equivalent to a 12-digit long company prefix.
  • Extension digit that is 0 by default.


The provided GLN value is converted to the SGLN format and the field is populated.


6. Click Save. The shipping address is added to the list.


Back to the list of procedures

Creating the Products of a Supplier


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier.

3. On the Update supplier panel, select the Products tab. The application displays the list of products from the supplier.

In the following example, the selected supplier does not have any product yet:

4. Click Create Product. The application displays the Create product window with a form.


5. Fill in the form as described in the table below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Select product code schemaSelect the product code schema.
  • GTIN
Product codeEnter the product code. You can provide a GTIN or a custom value depending on the selected schema. The entered product code must be unique for the tenant.
Product has no aggregation below itIf a product from a supplier that has a GTIN starting with a non-0 indicator digit does not have the underlying hierarchy (no EPCIS file from the supplier), select this checkbox. The setting makes it possible to receive the trade items of this product or pack them into a container in the mobile application.

If the checkbox is cleared (default) for a product of this type, it is not possible to receive or pack the trade items of this product in the mobile application.

  • The checkbox applies to GTINs starting with a non-0 digit only.
  • For a GTIN starting with a "0" digit, the checkbox is not available.
  • Not applicable to NMVS connections (FMD Europe).
  • Not applicable to custom product code schema.
Product nameEnter the product name. Free-form text field.
Unit of measurementEnter the unit of measurement, for example, liter, kilogram, or units.
Minimum shelf life at deliveryProvide the minimum shelf life at delivery in months by entering the number or by using the arrows on the right.
GS1 company prefixEnter the GS1 company prefix part of the product. This setting is relevant when you act as a 3PL for this supplier and you want to send EPCIS 1.2 files containing the transfer details to the supplier (MAH).
Act as 3PL for this productIf you act as 3PL for the product, select this checkbox. Otherwise (wholesaler mode), leave the checkbox cleared (default).
  • This setting enables the tenant to act in mixed mode (3PL and wholesaler) for the same supplier by distinguishing the tenant mode at the product level.
  • If the product is an aggregated product (multi-level trade items like case > bundle > pack), repeat selecting the checkbox for all product codes in the hierarchy.

The checkbox is visible only if the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is cleared in the supplier master data.
  • Selecting the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox hides and overwrites the Act as 3PL for this product checkbox setting but the status at the product level is stored.
  • Once the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is cleared, the application shows the Act as 3PL for this product checkbox with the stored setting.
Supplier is MAHSelect the checkbox if the supplier is the Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) of this product.

By selecting the checkbox, the application displays the Specific MAH Countries drop-down.
Specific MAH CountriesIf the supplier is the MAH in certain countries only and there are multiple suppliers of the same product, select the countries where the supplier is the MAH.

IMPORTANT: The same product can be assigned to multiple suppliers but only one supplier can be the MAH in a country.
  • If the product belongs to multiple suppliers, make sure that you specify the countries for each supplier because overlapping country data will lead to an error while shipping.
  • If the product belongs to only one supplier, it is not necessary to specify the country information. In that case, the supplier is treated as the MAH in all countries.
Supplier is designated WholesalerSelect the checkbox if the supplier is a designated (contracted) wholesaler of this product. Only applicable when an Arvato regulatory channel is set for the tenant to connect to a National system (NMVS) to perform FMD actions.

After selecting the checkbox, Movilitas.Cloud collects the product master data from the National system through the corresponding Arvato regulatory channel. The application offers the designated wholesaler(s) in the Select designated wholesaler drop-down with an auto-selected value.

Other cases:
  • If there is no designated wholesaler data in the National system, the application clears the Supplier is designated Wholesaler checkbox and displays the following message: No defined designated wholesalers.
  • If the entered product does not exist in the National system, the application clears the Supplier is designated Wholesaler checkbox and displays the following message: The product code is unknown.
  • If the tenant does not have an Arvato regulatory channel, the application clears the Supplier is designated Wholesaler checkbox and displays the following message: No data. Missing NMVS regulatory channel for the tenant.
Select designated wholesalerSelect the designated wholesaler in the drop-down list. The application offers an auto-selected value that you can change when there are multiple choices. The selected value is remembered.

In the following example, we are providing the details of a product that has a custom product code:

In the following example, the supplier of the entered product is the MAH.

  • The product belongs to only this supplier so the Specific MAH Countries drop-down is not set.
  • The tenant acts as 3PL for the supplier because the Act as 3PL for this product checkbox is hidden.

In the following example, the supplier of the entered product is a designated wholesaler (FMD Europe:

In the following example, the supplier of the entered product is in the USA and the application offers fetching the product master data from openFDA:

Note: If the entered product code with the specified schema is existing in the database, the already known fields are pre-filled and read-only in the Create product form. You can still edit the product code schema, the product code, and the empty fields.

6. Save the product. Scenarios:

Scenario USA

Click Fetch from openFDA and Save. The application creates the product, links the product to the supplier, and fetches product master data from openFDA. The product master data is required in the outbound DSCSA EPCIS file.

Scenario Non-USA and Non-FMD (Europe)

Click Save. The application creates the product and links the product to the supplier.

Scenario FMD (Europe)

Click Save. The application investigates whether the supplier is flagged as a designated wholesaler:

  • If no, the product is created and added to the list. You can add a new product by repeating the above procedure.
  • If yes and the supplier master data can be overwritten with the data from the National system, the application asks you to confirm overwriting:

  • When selecting Yes, the supplier master data (name and address fields) are overwritten, as applicable. The product is created and added to the list. You can add a new product by repeating the above procedure.
  • When selecting No, the supplier master data (name and address fields) are left intact but the product is created and added to the list. You can add a new product by repeating the above procedure.

Back to the list of procedures

Establishing a Partnership with a Supplier in Movilitas.Cloud

By establishing a partnership in Movilitas.Cloud, the supplier and the client are integrated within Movilitas.Cloud with their customized views and functions. The partnership enables the supplier and the client to exchange data in an efficient, controlled, and secure manner.

You can invite a supplier to be a partner in Movilitas.Cloud by providing the contact email address.

  • If the supplier does not have a tenant in Movilitas.Cloud, the supplier registers a tenant. Depending on the payment model, the supplier becomes a full-paying customer in Movilitas.Cloud or the client that sent the invitation pays the invoices and the supplier is in "Partner" mode. Then, the supplier accepts the invitation and gets access to the Serialized Logistics application in a customized view.
  • If the supplier already has a tenant in Movilitas.Cloud, the supplier reviews the partner request, accepts the invitation, and gets access to the Serialized Logistics application in a customized view.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier to view its details. The application displays the master data of the supplier on the Update supplier panel and the empty Invite partner panel.


3. On the Invite partner panel, enter the contact email address.


4. Click Invite Partner.

CaseSystem ResponseAction
The contact email address is not known in the system.The application sends a registration email to the address.

The client has to register a tenant in Movilitas.Cloud and then accept the partner request.

Until the partner request is accepted, the request is in pending status.


Track the status of the partner request on the Tenant Dashboard, under the Partner management tab.

You can cancel the request by clicking on the cancel icon on the right.

The contact email address belongs to one tenant in Movilitas.Cloud.

The application sends a partner review request email to the address.

Note: The email address must belong to a user with the “Administrator” role so that the partnership can be established.

Until the partner request is accepted, the request is in pending status.


Track the status of the partner request on the Tenant Dashboard, under the Partner management tab.

You can cancel the request by clicking on the cancel icon on the right.

The contact email address belongs to multiple tenants in Movilitas.Cloud.The application displays the Multiple partner options window to select a tenant from the list.

1. Select a tenant and click Confirm.

  • After the tenant is selected, the application sends a partner review request email to the address. Note: The email address must belong to a user with the “Administrator” role so that the partnership can be established.
  • Until the partner request is accepted, the request is in pending status.
  • You can cancel the request by clicking on the cancel icon on the right.

2. Track the status of the partner request on the Tenant Dashboard, under the Partner management tab.

You can cancel the request by clicking on the cancel icon on the right.

Once the partner request is accepted, the partnership is live. The application displays the active partnership as follows:

Partnership status indicator next to the supplier name in the list

The status indicator displays the payment model in place:

  • Movilitas.Cloud customer (full-paying customer) in purple.
  • Partner in red.

If there is no partnership status indicator, that means a partnership is not established with the client in Movilitas.Cloud.

Invite partner panel
  • Status - Active partner.
  • Name of the tenant.
  • Payment model - Movilitas.Cloud customer (full-paying customer) versus Partner.
The following example illustrates tenant "Partner Supplier" with payment model "Partner":

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Removing the Partnership with a Supplier in Movilitas.Cloud

You can remove the partnership with a supplier in Movilitas.Cloud. After the partnership is removed, the integration between the supplier and the client is degraded. The data exchange between the supplier and the client in Movilitas.Cloud is canceled.



1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier to view its details. The application displays the master data of the supplier on the Update supplier panel and the active partner on the Invite partner panel.

3. On the Invite partner panel, click on the delete icon (Remove partner) on the right.

The application asks you to confirm the action.

4. In the confirmation window, click Yes.

  • The application removes the partnership with the supplier.
  • The data exchange between the supplier and the client in Movilitas.Cloud is canceled.
  • The supplier still has the tenant in Movilitas.Cloud but the configuration is not updated from the client anymore.

Back to the list of procedures

Searching for a Supplier


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Enter the supplier name in the search field.

  • The list of suppliers is filtered based on the search criteria.
  • You can reset the filter by clicking on the Reset filters icon.

3. Select the supplier to view its details.

  • Check the supplier master data on the Master data tab. You can find screenshot examples in this procedure.
  • Check the shipping addresses on the Shipping address tab. For screenshot examples, see Registering the Shipping Addresses of a Supplier.
  • Check the products from the supplier on the Products tab. The application displays the list of products with product code, product name, unit of measurement, and minimum shelf life at delivery. For screenshot examples, see Creating the Products of a Supplier, Editing the Products of a Supplier, and Unassigning a Product from the Supplier.
  • Check the EPCIS file uploads on the Uploads tab. A log is created for each upload. 
    • The application displays:
      • A snapshot of the containers, trade items, and hierarchy as defined in the file.
      • The Advanced Shipping Notification.
    • You can download the EPCIS file.
    • You can download the details of the shipment received from the supplier in Microsoft Excel format. The Excel file describes the lowest trade items and the aggregation levels (SSCCs) in subsequent columns. Note: Nested (multi-level) trade items are not supported.
    • The tab also collects the EPCIS files received from SAP ICH.
    • The tab also collects the EPCIS files received from TraceLink.
    • The tab also collects the EPCIS files received from AS2.
    • The tab also collects the EPCIS files received in partnership.
    • For more information, see Verifying the EPCIS File Received in Partnership, through a Collaboration Channel, or over API and Uploading an EPCIS File.

In the following example, a supplier is selected. The application displays the supplier master data:

  • Name and address (city, street, ZIP code, and country).
  • The supplier tag is given that identifies the supplier in the requests sent over API to Movilitas.Cloud.
  • The supplier SGLN (location) is provided.
  • The supplier is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • Other fields are left blank (not applicable).

In the following example, the tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier. The application displays the supplier master data:

  • Name and address (city and country).
  • The Supplier email field is populated because the tenant sends EPCIS 1.1 files to the supplier by email. Applicable when the shipment is sent to Bahrain.
  • The supplier SGLN (location) is provided because the SGLN is required to process the EPCIS files from the supplier.
  • The supplier does not send any EPCIS from SAP ICH so the Collaboration channel - inbound EPCIS field is left blank. The user manually uploads EPCIS files from the supplier.
  • The Require EPCIS before receipt checkbox is selected. It is mandatory to upload EPCIS files from the supplier before receiving items in the warehouse.
  • The Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is selected.
  • The tenant has a Tatmeen (UAE) channel and an SFDA (Saudi Arabia) channel but the supplier does not report anything to the UAE or Saudi Arabia, so both the Tatmeen (UAE) channel field and the Saudi Arabia channel for import field are left blank.
  • The supplier is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.

In the following example, the tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier. The application displays the supplier master data:

  • Name and address (city and country).
  • The supplier SGLN (location) is provided because the SGLN is required to process the EPCIS files from the supplier.
  • The supplier does not send any EPCIS from SAP ICH so the Collaboration channel - inbound EPCIS field is left blank. The user manually uploads EPCIS files from the supplier.
  • The Require EPCIS before receipt checkbox is cleared. It is not mandatory to upload EPCIS files from the supplier before receiving items in the warehouse.
  • The Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is selected.
  • The tenant ships products to the UAE on behalf of the supplier, so a previously configured Tatmeen (UAE) regulatory channel is associated with the supplier.
  • Although the tenant also has an SFDA regulatory channel, the supplier does not import products to Saudi Arabia so the Saudi Arabia channel for import field is left blank.
  • The Supplier email field is left blank because the tenant does not send EPCIS 1.2 files to the supplier by email (no shipments to Bahrain).
  • The supplier is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.

In the following example, the tenant established a partnership with the supplier in Movilitas.Cloud. The application displays the supplier master data:

  • The supplier is in "Partner" mode. The tenant that sent the invitation pays the invoices.
  • Address fields and the SGLN are populated.
  • Other fields are left blank (not applicable).

In the following example, the tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier. The application displays the supplier master data:

  • Name and address (city and country).
  • The supplier sends EPCIS files from SAP ICH, so a previously configured SAP ICH channel is associated with the supplier in the Collaboration channel - inbound EPCIS field.
  • The supplier SGLN (location) is provided because the SGLN is required to process the EPCIS files from the supplier.
  • The Require EPCIS before receipt checkbox is selected. It is mandatory to receive EPCIS files from the supplier before receiving items in the warehouse.
  • The Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is selected.
  • The tenant sends EPCIS messages to SAP ICH on behalf of the supplier (MAH), so a previously configured SAP ICH channel is associated with the supplier in the Collaboration Channel- outbound EPCIS message on behalf of MAH field.
  • The supplier is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.

In the following example, the tenant is a distributor in the USA which receives items from the supplier. The application displays the supplier master data:

  • Name and address.
  • The supplier sends EPCIS over API to Movilitas.Cloud, so the supplier tag is specified that is used in the API request to identify the supplier.
  • Contact email addresses to perform DSCSA-related tasks are added.
  • The supplier SGLN (location) is provided because the SGLN is required to process the EPCIS files from the supplier.
  • The supplier sends EPCIS files from TraceLink also, so a previously configured TraceLink Partner channel is associated with the supplier in the Collaboration channel - inbound EPCIS field.
  • The Require EPCIS before receipt checkbox is selected. It is mandatory to receive EPCIS files from the supplier before receiving items in the warehouse.
  • The Pulse logo button is available to fetch the complete profile of the supplier from the Pulse Profile system and show the details in a pop-up.
  • The supplier is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • Other fields are left blank (not applicable).

Back to the list of procedures

Verifying the EPCIS File Received in Partnership, through a Collaboration Channel, or over API

The supplier can provide the input to you in an Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) file. The file describes the items that are shipped to your company (Advanced Shipping Notification). By receiving the file, the items and the shipping event are registered in the Serialized Logistics application.

You can receive the file in one of the following ways:

  • In partnership with the supplier. In this case, the supplier uses Movilitas.Cloud to ship the items to your company. Once the transfer is created on the supplier's side, the EPCIS is automatically generated, placed, and processed in your view. Receiving an EPCIS in partnership is supported in the following scenarios:
    • Your company is a distributor in the USA.
    • Your company is a wholesaler in the UAE and the supplier triggers the transfer from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud.
  • From SAP ICH through the SAP ICH channel that is associated with the supplier as the collaboration channel for inbound EPCIS.
  • From TraceLink through the TraceLink Partner channel that is associated with the supplier as the collaboration channel for inbound EPCIS.
  • From AS2 through the AS2 channel that is associated with the supplier as the collaboration channel for inbound EPCIS.
  • From LSPediA SFTP through the LSPediA channel that is associated with the supplier as the collaboration channel for inbound EPCIS.
  • Over the Serialized Logistics V2 API.
  • Outside Movilitas.Cloud. In that case, you can manually upload the EPCIS file on the supplier. For more information, see Uploading an EPCIS File.

After the file is received, the items are ready for warehouse activities (reaggregation and shipping).

When acting as a 3PL for the supplier, it is possible to receive previously shipped items again in a file. If the received items are in a hierarchy that is different from the known one due to repackaging, the application automatically performs unpacking and registers the items with the new hierarchy.

Supported EPCIS versions:

  • EPCIS 1.1
  • EPCIS 1.2

Receiving the EPCIS file triggers automated actions as follows:

  • If the product does not exist:
    • The application creates the product and links it to the supplier. You can verify it under the Products tab on the Update supplier panel.
      • If the tenant acts as 3PL for the product, manual action is required. You must select the Act as 3PL for this product checkbox and repeat the action across the hierarchy for an aggregated product (multi-level trade items like case > bundle > pack). For more information, see Editing the Products of a Supplier.
    • The supplier is flagged as the Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) of the product.
      • If the supplier is the MAH in certain countries only and there are multiple suppliers of the same product, manual action is required. You must select the countries where the supplier is the MAH. For more information, see Editing the Products of a Supplier.
    • The company prefix of the product is stored. You can verify it under the Products tab on the Update supplier panel.
  • If the first EPCIS file from the supplier includes the supplier details, the application completes the supplier configuration (master data and shipping address). As a prerequisite, the supplier must be registered with the following master data:
    • Supplier name
    • Supplier SGLN
  • (USA market only) If the destination in the shipping event of the EPCIS file is registered as a warehouse and the country is the United States:
    • The product master data is taken from the EPCIS file. If the master data is not present in the EPCIS file, the master data is fetched from openFDA (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration).
    • The 10-digit National Drug Code (NDC) is determined and stored next to the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) in the database. To determine the 10-digit NDC, a communication with openFDA might apply. If the 10-digit NDC cannot be determined even by connecting to openFDA, the 11-digit NDC from the EPCIS file is stored.

You can download the details of the shipment received from the supplier in Microsoft Excel format. The Microsoft Excel file describes the lowest trade items and the aggregation levels (SSCCs) in subsequent columns. Note: Nested (multi-level) trade items are not supported.

Before You Begin

Make sure that the following are configured:

  • SAP ICH channel - when receiving the EPCIS from SAP ICH.
  • TraceLink Partner channel - when receiving the EPCIS from TraceLink.
  • AS2 channel - when receiving the EPCIS through the AS2 service.
  • LSPediA channel - when receiving the EPCIS from LSPediA SFTP.
  • Serialized Logistics V2 API channel, and API key & API secret for the authentication token - when receiving the EPCIS over API.
  • The supplier (sender), including the location data (SGLN).
  • The warehouse (receiver), including the location data (SGLN).
  • The collaboration channel for inbound EPCIS is selected for the supplier - when receiving the EPCIS through a collaboration channel (SAP ICH or TraceLink Partner).
  • Partnership with the supplier - when receiving the EPCIS in partnership with the supplier.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier.

3. Click on the Uploads tab. The application displays a log of the received files with status in a paginated view.

Example - From SAP ICH:

Example  - From TraceLink:

4. Find the file based on upload time and file name.

  • For EPCIS files from SAP ICH, the file name shows the origin and the date and timestamp in the following scheme: EPCIS_From_SAP_ICH_<YYYY_MM_DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ>.xml.
  • For EPCIS files from TraceLink, the file name shows the TraceLink transaction type and the date and timestamp in the following scheme: PT_SOMINT_SALES_SHIPMENT_<YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsss>.xmlNote: If the TraceLink file is uploaded on the TraceLink Partner channel, only the file name is shown in the log.
  • For EPCIS files from LSPediA SFTP, the file name shows the supplier name, sender GLN, receiver GLN, despatch advice, and the date and timestamp in the following scheme: <supplier_name>_<sender_GLN>_<receiver_GLN>_<despath_advice>-<number>_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xml
  • (USA only) For EPCIS files received in partnership, the file name shows the market, the purchase order ID, and the date and timestamp in the following scheme: Epcis_united_states_<purchase_order_id>_<YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ>.xml.
  • (UAE only) For EPCIS files received in partnership, the file name shows the market, the despatch advice, and the date and timestamp in the following scheme: EPCIS_UAE_TATMEEN_<despatch_advice>_<YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ>.xml

5. Verify that the file was successfully processed by status:

  • Circular arrows icon (Processing) - The file processing is in progress.
  • Checkmark icon (Success) - The file is processed successfully.
  • Red exclamation mark icon (Error) - An error occurred while processing the file and the whole transaction is aborted.

If the processing is in progress, click on the refresh button at the top-right corner of the Update supplier panel to get a status update.

  • Repeat the action until the status turns into the checkmark icon or the red exclamation mark icon.
  • The refresh button also updates the list of uploads with newly received files (if any).

6. For further details, expand the log. The application displays the same pieces of information independently of the file source:

  • Download buttons
  • Errors (if any)
  • Containers
  • Trade items
  • Advanced Shipping Notification
    • Purchase Orders
    • Despatch Advice
  • Batches
    • List of product code, batch, and expiration date combinations.

Note: If the EPCIS file is large, the application displays the message EPCIS file is too large to show the contents instead of the containers and trade items.

Expanding a successfully processed file that was received in partnership in the USA:

Expanding a log that contains an error. The error is displayed. The file is received from SAP ICH:

Expanding a log that contains a lot of errors. Instead of displaying the errors, the application displays the Download Errors file button to increase readability. The file is received from SAP ICH:

The following table summarizes the log types and the corresponding actions:

Success (Checkmark icon)The file was processed successfully. No error.Expand the log and perform the following:
  1. Check the snapshot of the containers, trade items, and hierarchy.
  2. Check the Advanced Shipping Notification (shipping event):
    • Purchase order ID(s)
    • Despatch advice - for example, delivery ID(s)
  3. Check the batches of the EPCIS file.
    • List of product code, batch, and expiration date combinations.
  4. Click on the Download EPCIS file button to download the EPCIS file.
  5. Click on the Download Excel file button to download the details of the shipment from the supplier in Microsoft Excel format. The Microsoft Excel file describes the lowest trade items and the aggregation levels (SSCCs) in subsequent columns. Note: Nested (multi-level) trade items are not supported.
Error (Red exclamation mark icon)An error occurred while processing the file and the whole transaction was aborted.

No partial processing.

The errors are either displayed (a few errors) or collected in a file (a lot of errors) that can be downloaded.
Expand the log and perform the following:
  1. Investigate the error message. If there is a large list of errors, the application collects the errors in a file and displays the Download Errors file button instead of displaying the errors. In this case, download the file and investigate its content.
  2. Click on the Download EPCIS file button to download the EPCIS file.
  3. Click on the Download Excel file button to download the details of the shipment from the supplier in Microsoft Excel format. The Microsoft Excel file describes the lowest trade items and the aggregation levels (SSCCs) in subsequent columns. Note: Nested (multi-level) trade items are not supported.
  4. Correct the EPCIS file.
  5. Upload the new EPCIS file. For more information, see Uploading an EPCIS File.

Back to the list of procedures

Uploading an EPCIS File

The supplier can provide the input to you in an Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) file. The file describes the items that are shipped to your company together with the Advanced Shipping Notification (shipping event). By uploading the EPCIS file, the items and the shipping event are registered in the Serialized Logistics application.

After the upload, the items are ready for warehouse activities (reaggregation and shipping).

When acting as a 3PL for the supplier, it is possible to receive previously shipped items again in a file. If the received items are in a hierarchy that is different from the known one due to repackaging, the application automatically performs unpacking and registers the items with the new hierarchy.

Supported EPCIS versions:

  • EPCIS 1.1
  • EPCIS 1.2

Uploading the EPCIS file triggers automated actions as follows:

  • If the product does not exist:
    • The application creates the product and links it to the supplier. You can verify it under the Products tab on the Update supplier panel.
      • If the tenant acts as 3PL for the product, manual action is required. You must select the Act as 3PL for this product checkbox and repeat the action across the hierarchy for an aggregated product (multi-level trade items like case > bundle > pack). For more information, see Editing the Products of a Supplier.
    • The supplier is flagged as the Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) of the product.
      • If the supplier is the MAH in certain countries only and there are multiple suppliers of the same product, manual action is required. You must select the countries where the supplier is the MAH. For more information, see Editing the Products of a Supplier.
    • The company prefix of the product is stored. You can verify it under the Products tab on the Update supplier panel.
  • If the first EPCIS file from the supplier includes the supplier details, the application completes the supplier configuration (master data and shipping address). As a prerequisite, the supplier must be registered with the following master data:
    • Supplier name
    • Supplier SGLN
  • (USA market only) If the destination in the shipping event of the EPCIS file is registered as a warehouse and the country is the United States:
    • The product master data is taken from the EPCIS file. If the master data is not present in the EPCIS file, the master data is fetched from openFDA (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration).
    • The 10-digit National Drug Code (NDC) is determined and stored next to the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) in the database. To determine the 10-digit NDC, a communication with openFDA might apply. If the 10-digit NDC cannot be determined even by connecting to openFDA, the 11-digit NDC from the EPCIS file is stored.

You can download the details of the shipment received from the supplier in Microsoft Excel format. The Microsoft Excel file describes the lowest trade items and the aggregation levels (SSCCs) in subsequent columns. Note: Nested (multi-level) trade items are not supported.

Before You Begin

Make sure that the supplier (sender) and the warehouse (receiver) are configured, including the location data (SGLN).


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier.

3. Click on the Upload EPCIS button in the top-right corner of the Update supplier panel.


4. Select the EPCIS file from your computer. The application displays a confirmation window.

5. Click Yes.

The application opens the Uploads tab and displays a green toast message at the bottom of the screen to confirm that the EPCIS file has been uploaded.

  • There is a log of the uploaded files with status in a paginated view.
  • The recently uploaded file is at the top of the list. The application displays an icon with circular arrows (Processing) as the status to indicate that the file processing is in progress.


6. Click on the refresh button at the top-right corner of the Update supplier panel to get a status update.

  • Repeat the action until the status turns into the checkmark icon or the red exclamation mark icon.
  • The refresh button also updates the list of uploads with newly received files (if any).

7. Verify that the upload was successful.

  • Checkmark icon (Success) - The file is processed successfully.
  • Red exclamation mark icon (Error) - An error occurred while processing the file and the whole transaction is aborted.


8. For further details, expand the log. The application displays the following:

  • Download buttons
  • Errors (if any)
  • Containers
  • Trade items
  • Advanced Shipping Notification
    • Purchase Orders
    • Despatch Advice
  • Batches
    • List of product code, batch, and expiration date combinations.

Note: If the EPCIS file is large, the application displays the message EPCIS file is too large to show the contents instead of the containers and trade items.

Expanding a successful upload:

Expanding an upload that contains an error. The error is displayed:

The following table summarizes the log types and the corresponding actions:

Success (Checkmark icon)The file was processed successfully. No error.Expand the log and perform the following:
  1. Check the snapshot of the containers, trade items, and hierarchy.
  2. Check the Advanced Shipping Notification (shipping event):
    • Purchase order ID(s)
    • Despatch advice - for example, delivery ID(s)
  3. Check the batches of the EPCIS file.
    • List of product code, batch, and expiration date combinations.
  4. Click on the Download EPCIS file button to download the EPCIS file.
  5. Click on the Download Excel file button to download the details of the shipment from the supplier in Microsoft Excel format. The Microsoft Excel file describes the lowest trade items and the aggregation levels (SSCCs) in subsequent columns. Note: Nested (multi-level) trade items are not supported.
Error (Red exclamation mark icon)An error occurred while processing the file and the whole transaction was aborted.

No partial processing.

The errors are either displayed (a few errors) or collected in a file (a lot of errors) that can be downloaded.
Expand the log and perform the following:
  1. Investigate the error message. If there is a large list of errors, the application collects the errors in a file and displays the Download Errors file button instead of displaying the errors. In this case, download the file and investigate its content.
  2. Click on the Download EPCIS file button to download the EPCIS file.
  3. Click on the Download Excel file button to download the details of the shipment from the supplier in Microsoft Excel format. The Microsoft Excel file describes the lowest trade items and the aggregation levels (SSCCs) in subsequent columns. Note: Nested (multi-level) trade items are not supported.
  4. Correct the EPCIS file.
  5. Upload the new EPCIS file.

Back to the list of procedures

Viewing Exceptions (DSCSA USA Only)

You can view the exceptions that occurred while receiving items from a supplier in the USA. The exceptions are listed with the following data:

  • Order ID
  • Delivery ID
  • Despatch advice
  • Purchase order
  • DSCSA EPCIS file against which the physically scanned items are verified. 

For each exception, you can view the items under the Product-no-data section (if any) and the Data-no-product section (if any). The input comes from the mobile application while receiving items for the order/delivery. The scanned items are verified against the DSCSA EPCIS file processed on the supplier before the receipt.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier.

3. On the Update supplier panel, select the Exceptions tab. The application displays the list of exceptions.

You can sort the table in ascending or descending order by delivery ID.


4. Find the exception by checking the order ID, delivery ID, despatch advice, purchase order ID, or the EPCIS file name.

If the file name is too long to show the complete name, hover over the displayed value.

5. Expand the exception for the details.

The application displays the following:

EPCIS file nameThe DSCSA EPCIS file against which the physically scanned items are verified during receipt.
Product-no-dataIf a scanned item is not part of the ASN (DSCSA EPCIS file) but the item matches a product/line item of the order/delivery, the application collects the item under the Product-no-data section. The quantity is indicated in brackets.

The scanned item can be an SSCC (container) or an SGTIN (trade item).
Data-no-productIf not all the items are received from the DSCSA EPCIS file, the application collects the missing items under the Data-no-product section. The quantity is indicated in brackets.

The missing item can be an SSCC (container) or an SGTIN (trade item).


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Viewing a Pulse Profile (DSCSA USA Only)

If a supplier operates in the USA, you can get the complete profile of the supplier from the Pulse Profile system.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier.

3. On the Update supplier panel, click on the Pulse logo button.


The application fetches the complete profile of the supplier from the Pulse Profile system and shows the details in a pop-up. However, the displayed information is not a proof of an active license or a license in good standing.


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Updating a Supplier (Master Data and Shipping Address)

When updating a supplier, you can modify the master data including the business address (business location) and you can also manage the shipping addresses (ship-from locations). Updating the products of the supplier is described in Editing the Products of a Supplier.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier.

3. In the Master data form on the Update supplier panel, modify the fields as needed.

Supplier nameEnter the supplier name.

(USA only) If a few characters are entered for a supplier in the USA market, the application searches the Pulse Profile system and offers hits in a drop-down:
  • Select a value and the application populates the address and country (United States) fields and displays the Pulse logo button at the bottom of the form. The application can overwrite existing supplier data with the data from the Pulse Profile system.
  • By clicking on the Pulse logo button, the application fetches the complete profile of the supplier from the Pulse Profile system and shows the details in a pop-up. For more information, see Viewing a Pulse Profile (DSCSA USA Only).
CityEnter the city where the supplier is located.
StreetEnter the street. The form offers three rows (levels) for the street data.
StateEnter the state.
ZIP codeEnter the postal code.
Select countrySelect the country. Start entering the country name to filter the countries.
Supplier tagEnter the supplier tag that is unique within the tenant. The tag identifies the supplier when sending a request over the Serialized Logistics V2 API.

TIP: If you want to use multiple words, connect them with a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_), for example, "demo-supplier-online-help".
Supplier emailEnter the email address of the supplier. This setting is relevant when you act as a 3PL for this supplier and you want to send EPCIS 1.2 files containing the transfer details to the supplier (Marketing Authorization Holder - MAH).
E-mail address for EPCIS exception handlingEnter the contact email address to handle inbound EPCIS exceptions.

The field is only available when the country of the supplier is the United States.

E-mail address for Verifications

Enter the contact email address in case of issues with verifications.

The field is only available when the country of the supplier is the United States.

E-mail address for Trace request

Enter the contact email address to send the TI trace requests.

The field is only available when the country of the supplier is the United States.

Supplier SGLNEnter the location number of the supplier in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<extension or "0" when no extension>. The supplier SGLN must be unique within the tenant.

For example, "1234567.00012.0".

If you receive the shipment details from a supplier in an EPCIS file, the supplier SGLN is required.

To use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter, click on the conversion button (Help me to define the SGLN) on the right.

The application displays a pop-up. Provide the following data and click Convert:

  • Supplier location in the GLN format (13 digits).
  • Company prefix length (6 to 11 digits or no company prefix).
    • If the company does not have a company prefix, select No company prefix. The question mark (help) icon displays a short message about it after hovering. This is equivalent to a 12-digit long company prefix.
  • Extension digit that is 0 by default.

The provided GLN value is converted to the SGLN format and the field is populated.

Collaboration channel - inbound EPCISIf a collaboration (business) channel is configured to receive EPCIS from the supplier, select the channel you want to associate with the supplier:
  • LSPediA
  • TraceLink
  • AS2
Require EPCIS before receiptSelect this checkbox to make receiving an EPCIS file from the supplier mandatory before receiving the items in the warehouse. However, if the supplier cannot send an EPCIS file, clear the checkbox. By default, the checkbox is cleared.
Act as 3PL for this supplierIf you perform third-party logistics (3PL) on behalf of the supplier for all products from the supplier, select this checkbox.

If you act in wholesaler-only mode for the supplier, leave this checkbox in cleared status (default).

If you act in mixed mode (3PL and wholesaler) for the supplier, leave this checkbox in cleared status (default) and configure the setting at the product level.
Tatmeen (UAE) channelIf the supplier imports products into the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market and you act as a 3PL for this supplier, select the previously configured Tatmeen regulatory channel that is associated with the supplier.

The field is available when the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is selected and a Tatmeen regulatory channel is configured for the tenant.
Saudi Arabia channel for importIf the supplier imports products into Saudi Arabia and you act as a 3PL for this supplier, select the previously configured SFDA regulatory channel that is associated with the supplier.

The field is available when the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is selected and an SFDA regulatory channel is configured for the tenant.
Collaboration Channel - outbound EPCIS message on behalf of MAHIf you act as a 3PL for this supplier and you want to send EPCIS shipping messages to SAP ICH on behalf of the supplier (MAH), select the previously configured SAP ICH channel.

The field is available when the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is selected and an SAP ICH channel is configured for the tenant.

4. Click Save Supplier.

5. If applicable, select the Shipping address tab and manage the shipping addresses.

Operation on Shipping AddressDescription
AddClick Add Shipping Address, fill in the form as described below, and click Save. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Shipping address IDEnter a unique shipping address ID.
Shipping address nameEnter the name of the shipping address, for example, the company name.
CityEnter the city.
StreetEnter the street. The form offers three rows (levels) for the street data.
StateEnter the state.
ZIP codeEnter the postal code.
Select country

Select the country. Start entering the country name to filter the countries.

Shipping address SGLN

Enter the location number of the facility in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<extension or "0" when no extension>. 

For example, "1234567.00012.0".

This SGLN is the ship-from location that sends the shipment.

To use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter, click on the conversion button (Help me to define the SGLN) on the right.

The application displays a pop-up. Provide the following data and click Convert:

  • Supplier shipping address location in the GLN format (13 digits).
  • Company prefix length (6 to 11 digits or no company prefix).
    • If the company does not have a company prefix, select No company prefix. The question mark (help) icon displays a short message about it after hovering. This is equivalent to a 12-digit long company prefix.
  • Extension digit that is 0 by default.

The provided GLN value is converted to the SGLN format and the field is populated.

EditClick on the edit icon, modify the fields in the opened form as described for the Add action, and click Save.



Click on the delete icon.

Note: The application does not request confirmation but it immediately removes the delivery address from the list.

Back to the list of procedures

Editing the Products of a Supplier

For auto-created products, verifying and editing the products is a mandatory post-action in the following cases:

  • The supplier is the MAH of the product in specific countries and there are multiple suppliers of the same product in different countries. You need to specify the MAH countries of the product for each supplier.
  • The tenant acts as 3PL for the product. You need to set a flag for the product.
    • If the product is an aggregated product (multi-level trade items like case > bundle > pack), you need to set the flag for all product codes in the hierarchy.
    • The setting enables the tenant to act in mixed mode (3PL and wholesaler) for the same supplier by distinguishing the tenant mode at the product level.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier.

3. On the Update supplier panel, select the Products tab. The application displays the list of products from the supplier.

You can sort the table in ascending or descending order based on the product code, product name, or company prefix.


4. Find the product by using the search field. 

  • Enter the product code, product name, or company prefix. The products are filtered based on the search criteria.
  • You can reset the filter by clicking on the Reset filters icon.


5. Edit the product by clicking the edit icon in the Action column.

Note: The already known fields are pre-filled and read-only in the Update product form. You cannot edit the fields that are critical in terms of database consistency and were provided before. You can still edit the active fields, the checkboxes, and the Select designated wholesaler drop-down (when applicable).

Select product code schemaSelect the product code schema.
  • GTIN
Product codeEnter the product code. You can provide a custom value as the application supports custom product code schema. The entered product code must be unique for the tenant.
Product has no aggregation below itIf a product from a supplier that has a GTIN starting with a non-0 indicator digit does not have the underlying hierarchy (no EPCIS file from the supplier), select this checkbox. The setting makes it possible to receive the trade items of this product or pack them into a container in the mobile application.

If the checkbox is cleared (default) for a product of this type, it is not possible to receive or pack the trade items of this product in the mobile application.

  • The checkbox applies to GTINs starting with a non-0 digit only.
  • For a GTIN starting with a "0" digit, the checkbox is not available.
  • Not applicable to NMVS connections (FMD Europe).
  • Not applicable to custom product code schema.
Product nameEnter the product name. Free-form text field.
Unit of measurementEnter the unit of measurement, for example, liter, kilogram, or units.
Minimum shelf life at deliveryProvide the minimum shelf life at delivery in months by entering the number or by using the arrows on the right.
GS1 company prefixEnter the GS1 company prefix part of the product. This setting is relevant when you act as a 3PL for this supplier and you want to send EPCIS 1.2 files containing the transfer details to the supplier (MAH).
Act as 3PL for this productIf you act as 3PL for the product, select this checkbox. Otherwise (wholesaler mode), leave the checkbox cleared (default).
  • This setting enables the tenant to act in mixed mode (3PL and wholesaler) for the same supplier by distinguishing the tenant mode at the product level.
  • If the product is an aggregated product (multi-level trade items like case > bundle > pack), repeat selecting the checkbox for all product codes in the hierarchy.

The checkbox is visible only if the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is cleared in the supplier master data.
  • Selecting the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox hides and overwrites the Act as 3PL for this product checkbox setting but the status at the product level is stored.
  • Once the Act as 3PL for this supplier checkbox is cleared, the application shows the Act as 3PL for this product checkbox with the stored setting.
Supplier is MAHSelect the checkbox if the supplier is the Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) of this product.

By selecting the checkbox, the application displays the Specific MAH Countries drop-down.
Specific MAH CountriesIf the supplier is the MAH in certain countries only and there are multiple suppliers of the same product, select the countries where the supplier is the MAH.

IMPORTANT: The same product can be assigned to multiple suppliers but only one supplier can be the MAH in a country.
  • If the product belongs to multiple suppliers, make sure that you specify the countries for each supplier because overlapping country data will lead to an error while shipping.
  • If the product belongs to only one supplier, it is not necessary to specify the country information. In that case, the supplier is treated as the MAH in all countries.
Supplier is designated WholesalerSelect the checkbox if the supplier is a designated (contracted) wholesaler of this product. Only applicable when an Arvato regulatory channel is set for the tenant to connect to a National system (NMVS) to perform FMD actions.

After selecting the checkbox, Movilitas.Cloud collects the product master data from the National system through the corresponding Arvato regulatory channel. The application offers the designated wholesaler(s) in the Select designated wholesaler drop-down with an auto-selected value.

Other cases:

  • If there is no designated wholesaler data in the National system, the application clears the Supplier is designated Wholesaler checkbox and displays the following message: No defined designated wholesalers.
  • If the entered product does not exist in the National system, the application clears the Supplier is designated Wholesaler checkbox and displays the following message: The product code is unknown.
  • If the tenant does not have an Arvato regulatory channel, the application clears the Supplier is designated Wholesaler checkbox and displays the following message: No data. Missing NMVS regulatory channel for the tenant.
Select designated wholesalerSelect the designated wholesaler in the drop-down list. The application offers an auto-selected value that you can change when there are multiple choices. The selected value is remembered.

The following example illustrates the case when updating the company prefix of the product and selecting a country (Bahrain) where the supplier is the MAH of the product:

  • If the product belongs to multiple suppliers, it is required to specify the country for each supplier.
  • The tenant acts as 3PL for the supplier because the Act as 3PL for this product checkbox is hidden.

The following example illustrates the case when selecting the Product has no aggregation below it checkbox for the product:

  • The product code starts with a non-0 indicator digit ("3") that does not have the underlying hierarchy (no EPCIS file from the supplier) but its trade items need to be packed into containers and shipped. The setting allows packing in the mobile application and therefore creating these items in the system.
  • The tenant acts as 3PL for the supplier because the Act as 3PL for this product checkbox is hidden.

The following example illustrates the case when selecting the Act as 3PL for this product checkbox for a product in the USA:

  • The tenant acts as 3PL for this specific product but may act as a wholesaler for other products.
  • If the product is an aggregated product (multi-level trade items like case > bundle > pack), the user must repeat selecting the checkbox for all product codes in the hierarchy.

The following example illustrates the case when editing a product for which the supplier is the designated wholesaler (FMD Europe):

6. Save the product. Scenarios:

Scenario USA

To save the product and fetch master data from openFDA, click Fetch from openFDA and Save. The application updates the product and fetches product master data from openFDA. The product master data is required in the outbound DSCSA EPCIS file.

To save the product but not connect to openFDA, click Save.

Scenario Non-USA and Non-FMD (Europe)

Click Save. The application updates the product.

Scenario FMD (Europe)

Click Save. The application investigates whether the supplier is flagged as a designated wholesaler:

  • If no, the product is updated.
  • If yes and the supplier master data can be overwritten with the data from the National system, the application asks you to confirm overwriting:

  • When selecting Yes, the supplier master data (name and address fields) are overwritten, as applicable. The product is updated.
  • When selecting No, the supplier master data (name and address fields) are left intact but the product is updated.

Back to the list of procedures

Unassigning a Product from the Supplier


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find and select the supplier.

3. On the Update supplier panel, select the Products tab. The application displays the list of products from the supplier.

You can sort the table in ascending or descending order based on the product code, product name, or company prefix.


4. Find the product by using the search field. 

  • Enter the product code, product name, or company prefix. The products are filtered based on the search criteria.
  • You can reset the filter by clicking on the Reset filters icon.


5. Unassign a product from the supplier by clicking Unassign product from supplier in the Action column.

The application immediately executes the action without requesting confirmation. By performing this action, you only remove the link between the supplier and the product code, but the product remains in the database.

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Deleting a Supplier


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Suppliers tab. The application displays the list of suppliers.

2. Find the supplier in the list you want to delete.


3. Click the delete icon and confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

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