The clients represent external destinations and they are involved in outbound external transfers.

In the Serialized Logistics application:

  • You can register and manage your clients.
  • You can establish a partnership with a client in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • For the USA, you can get the complete profile of a client from the Pulse Profile system.

When connecting to BPOM, all the shipping locations saved as clients on the BPOM channel settings page are automatically imported into the Serialized Logistics application. You may need to reorganize the address data after the import.

When sending an IDOC Delvry to Movilitas.Cloud from SAP ICH or uploading an IDOC Delvry on the SAP ICH channel, the client master data and the delivery address are automatically created in the Serialized Logistics application. However, you still need to perform some manual actions to complete the client configuration:

  • (Required) Provide the SGLN (location data).
  • (Optional) Set a special flag to use the delivery address GLN as the receiver in the outbound DSCSA EPCIS file.
  • (Conditional) Set a special flag if the client is in a country other than the USA and you want to send a regular EPCIS file to SAP ICH without DSCSA-specific data.

List of Procedures

Creating a Client (Master Data)

To create a client, you need to provide the master data of the client. The master data includes the client name, the client ID, and the business address (business location). If the client has one or more delivery addresses (facility/storage locations), you can provide further addresses after creating the client.

Automatic Client Creation

The Serialized Logistics application offers automatic client creation in the following cases meaning that you do not need to manually create them from scratch:

CaseDescriptionAny Manual Action after Automatic Client Creation?
Connection to BPOM (Indonesia)You can save the client on the BPOM channel settings page and automatically import it to the Serialized Logistics application. For more information, see Configuring a BPOM Channel, Managing Logs, Viewing BPOM Returns, and Importing Shipping Locations.Yes. You may need to reorganize the address data after the import. Go to Updating a Client.
IDOC Delvry from SAP ICHAfter sending an IDOC Delvry to Movilitas.Cloud from SAP ICH or uploading an IDOC Delvry on the SAP ICH channel, the client master data and the delivery address are automatically created in the Serialized Logistics application.

As a prerequisite, you need to configure an SAP ICH channel including the GLN values of the participants and you also need to configure SAP ICH to have the Movilitas.Cloud endpoint where the IDOC Delvry is sent. For more information, see Configuring and Monitoring an SAP ICH Channel.
  • Provide the SGLN (location data) for both the client master data and the delivery address.
  • If you want to use the delivery address GLN as the receiver in the outbound DSCSA EPCIS file, select the Delivery addresses are 3PLs of the Client checkbox.
  • If the client is in a country other than the USA and you want to send a regular EPCIS file to SAP ICH without DSCSA-specific data, select the Send full EPCIS checkbox.

Go to Updating a Client.

Manually uploaded IDOC


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Clients tab. The application displays the list of clients and the Create client form.

Note: When viewing the details of a client, you can open the Create client form by clicking Create.


2. On the Master data tab, fill in the form as described below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Client nameAllEnter the client name.

(USA only) If a few characters are entered for a client in the USA market, the application searches the Pulse Profile system and offers hits in a drop-down:
  • Select a value and the application populates the address and country (United States) fields and displays the Pulse logo button at the bottom of the form.
  • By clicking on the Pulse logo button, the application fetches the complete profile of the client from the Pulse Profile system and shows the details in a pop-up. For more information, see Viewing a Pulse Profile (DSCSA USA Only).
Client IDAllEnter a unique client ID. The unique ID enables the application to identify the client.
Client does not have a GLNAllIf the client does not have a Global Location Number (GLN), select this checkbox. As a result, the Client SGLN field disappears.
Client SGLNAll

Enter the location number of the client in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<extension or "0" when no extension>. 

For example, "1234567.00012.0".

This SGLN is the business, owning party, or sold-to location.

The client SGLN is required in the following cases:

  • You send the shipping event to the client in a TraceLink XML file.
  • You send the shipment details in an EPCIS 1.2 file.

To use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter, click on the conversion button (Help me to define the SGLN) on the right.

The application displays a pop-up. Provide the following data and click Convert:

  • Client location in the GLN format (13 digits).
  • Company prefix length (6 to 11 digits or no company prefix).
    • If the company does not have a company prefix, select No company prefix. The question mark (help) icon displays a short message about it after hovering. This is equivalent to a 12-digit long company prefix.
  • Extension digit that is 0 by default.


The provided GLN value is converted to the SGLN format and the field is populated.


CityAllEnter the city where the client is located.
StreetAllEnter the street. The form offers three rows (levels) for the street data.
StateAllEnter the state.
ZIP codeAllEnter the postal code.
Select countryAllSelect the country. Start entering the country name to filter the countries.

For locations imported through a BPOM channel, the field is automatically set to Indonesia and the field is read-only.
Send full EPCISNon-USASelect this checkbox to send a regular EPCIS file to SAP ICH about the shipment to the client. The regular EPCIS file contains the commissioning, aggregation, and shipping events without master data. Only applicable when the following conditions are met:
  • The tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier. See the Site management --> Suppliers tab.
  • The collaboration channel for the outbound EPCIS file on behalf of the MAH is SAP ICH. See the Site management --> Suppliers tab.
  • The warehouse is in the USA. See the Site management --> Warehouses tab.
  • The client is in a country other than the USA but the delivery address can be in the USA.

The following list helps you to define the setting of this checkbox:

  • Client delivery address is in the USA but a regular EPCIS is required --> Select the checkbox.
  • Client delivery address is in the USA and a DSCSA EPCIS is required --> Clear the checkbox.
  • Client delivery address is in a country other than the USA and a regular EPCIS is required --> Select the checkbox. Note: Otherwise, a non-compliant EPCIS is generated that contains the shipping event only.

If the client is in the USA, the checkbox is not visible. The application generates a DSCSA EPCIS file that is either sent to SAP ICH (3PL mode) or downloadable (wholesaler mode).

BPOM idIndonesia

Unless already filled in during the shipping location import, enter the BPOM ID of the client. Only applicable when the selected country is Indonesia.

  • For imported locations, the field is read-only.
  • For locations created on-demand, the field is editable.

Note: Make sure that you are using the BPOM ID that is assigned to that location by BPOM. The BPOM ID is important for the sender who wants to ship items to this location because the destination BPOM ID is sent to BPOM during the report.

Collaboration channel - outbound EPCIS DSCSAUSASelect the collaboration channel to send the DSCSA EPCIS file about the shipment to the external system represented by the channel. Only applicable when the selected country is the United States.

Supported channels:
  • LSPediA
  • TraceLink Partner
  • AS2
  • SFTP

The application offers the channels for selection that are configured on the tenant.

  • If an AS2 channel is selected, the application displays the AS2 ID field.
  • If an SFTP channel is selected, the application displays the File path field.
AS2 IDUSAEnter the AS2 identifier of the client. This identifier is required for the onboarding process on the AS2 platform.

Only applicable when the selected country is the United States and an AS2 channel is selected as the collaboration channel for outbound DSCSA EPCIS.
File pathUSASet the file path on the SFTP server. Follow the help text under the field and do not add "/" at the beginning of the file path.

If the file path is not given, the file is saved in the roots folder.

If the specified folder does not exist, the folder is automatically created during the first file upload unless a setting on the SFTP server blocks creating the folder.

Only applicable when the selected country is the United States and an SFTP channel is selected as the collaboration channel for outbound DSCSA EPCIS.
E-mail address for sending DSCSA EPCISUSAEnter the contact email address to send the DSCSA EPCIS file by email. You can send the file under the Transfers --> Outbound External --> Transfers page (Note: Orders are not supported yet).

Only active if a collaboration channel for outbound DSCSA EPCIS files is not selected. Once a collaboration channel is selected, the DSCSA EPCIS file is sent over the channel, and sending by email is not active.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United States.
E-mail address for EPCIS exception handlingUSAEnter the contact email address to handle inbound EPCIS exceptions.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United States.
E-mail address for VerificationsUSAEnter the contact email address in case of issues with verifications.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United States.
E-mail address for Trace requestUSAEnter the contact email address to send the TI trace requests.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United States.
Delivery addresses are 3PLs of the ClientUSAIf the GLN of the delivery address shall be used as the receiver in the outbound DSCSA EPCIS file, select the checkbox.

Otherwise, leave the checkbox cleared (default) and the GLN of the client master data is used as the receiver in the outbound DSCSA EPCIS file.

The checkbox is only available when the country of the client is the United States.
Registration typeKazakhstanEnter the registration type as specified in the generic report that is sent from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud. Only applicable when the selected country is Kazakhstan and the generic report from SAP ATTP is an import request to Kazakhstan.

Note: When receiving the generic report from SAP ATTP for the first time, the client is auto-created, meaning that the field is auto-filled with the value in the generic report from SAP ATTP.
Registration numberKazakhstanEnter the registration number as specified in the generic report that is sent from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud. Only applicable when the selected country is Kazakhstan and the generic report from SAP ATTP is an import request to Kazakhstan.

Note: When receiving the generic report from SAP ATTP for the first time, the client is auto-created, meaning that the field is auto-filled with the value in the generic report from SAP ATTP.
Email to send EPCIS Tatmeen fileUAEEnter the email address where Movilitas.Cloud can send the EPCIS file that was reported to Tatmeen after shipping the order (import permit) to the client.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United Arab Emirates.

To send the EPCIS Tatmeen file by email, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
  • The tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier of the products.
  • A Tatmeen regulatory channel is configured and associated with the supplier.
  • A shipping action to the client is performed in the mobile application.
SFTP channelUAESelect a previously configured SFTP channel to send the EPCIS Tatmeen file to the SFTP server. The EPCIS file is reported to Tatmeen and is sent to the SFTP server after shipping the order (import permit) to the client.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United Arab Emirates.

To send the EPCIS Tatmeen file to an SFTP server, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
  • The tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier of the products.
  • A Tatmeen regulatory channel is configured and associated with the supplier.
  • An SFTP channel is configured and associated with the client.
  • A shipping action to the client is performed in the mobile application.

To stop sending files to an SFTP server, clear the field by clicking on the X button.

File pathUAEOnce an SFTP channel is selected, set the file path on the SFTP server. Follow the help text under the field and do not add "/" at the beginning of the file path.

If the file path is not given, the file is saved in the roots folder.

The field is only available after an SFTP channel is selected.
Tracelink collaboration channelAllSelect a previously configured TraceLink Partner channel. This setting is required when your company reports the shipping event to the client in TraceLink.

The field is only available when your tenant has a TraceLink Partner channel in Movilitas.Cloud.
Tracelink company identifierAllEnter the TraceLink company identifier of the client. This setting is required when your company reports the shipping event to the client in TraceLink.

The field is only available when your tenant has a TraceLink Partner channel in Movilitas.Cloud.

3. Click Save. The client is added to the list.

Next Steps

Register the delivery address(es) of the client. For more information, see Registering the Delivery Addresses of a Client.

You can establish a partnership with the client in Movilitas.Cloud. For more information, see Establishing a Partnership with a Client in Movilitas.Cloud.

Back to the list of procedures

Registering the Delivery Addresses of a Client

The delivery address holds the facility/storage/ship-to location information.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Clients tab. The application displays the list of clients.

2. Find and select the client in the list you want to update.

3. On the Update client form, select the Delivery addresses tab.

In the following example, the selected client does not have any delivery address yet:

4. To add a delivery address, click Add Delivery Address. The application displays the Create delivery address pop-up with a form.


5. Fill in the form as described below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Delivery address IDEnter a unique delivery address ID.
Delivery address nameEnter the name of the delivery address.
CityEnter the city.
StreetEnter the street. The form offers three rows (levels) for the street data.
StateEnter the state.
ZIP codeEnter the postal code.
Select countrySelect the country. Start entering the country name to filter the countries.

Required when a TraceLink collaboration channel is set for the client.
Delivery address SGLNEnter the location number of the facility in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<extension or "0" when no extension>. 

For example, "1234567.00012.0".

This SGLN is the facility, storage, or ship-to location where the shipments are sent.

The delivery address SGLN is required in the following cases:

  • You send the shipping event to the client in a TraceLink XML file.
  • You send an EPCIS shipment file.

To use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter, click on the conversion button (Help me to define the SGLN) on the right.

The application displays a pop-up. Provide the following data and click Convert:

  • Client delivery address location in the GLN format (13 digits).
  • Company prefix length (6 to 11 digits or no company prefix).
    • If the company does not have a company prefix, select No company prefix. The question mark (help) icon displays a short message about it after hovering. This is equivalent to a 12-digit long company prefix.
  • Extension digit that is 0 by default.


The provided GLN value is converted to the SGLN format and the field is populated.


6. Click Save. The shipping address is added to the list.


Back to the list of procedures

Establishing a Partnership with a Client in Movilitas.Cloud

By establishing a partnership in Movilitas.Cloud, the supplier and the client are integrated within Movilitas.Cloud with their customized views and functions. The partnership enables the supplier and the client to exchange data in an efficient, controlled, and secure manner.

You can invite a client to be a partner in Movilitas.Cloud by providing the contact email address.

  • If the client does not have a tenant in Movilitas.Cloud, the client registers a tenant. Depending on the payment model, the client becomes a full-paying customer in Movilitas.Cloud or the supplier that sent the invitation pays the invoices and the client is in "Partner" mode. Then, the client accepts the invitation and gets access to the Serialized Logistics application in a customized view.
  • If the client already has a tenant in Movilitas.Cloud, the client reviews the partner request, accepts the invitation, and gets access to the Serialized Logistics application in a customized view.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Clients tab. The application displays the list of clients.

2. Find and select the client to view its details. The application displays the master data of the client on the Update client panel and the empty Invite partner panel.


3. On the Invite partner panel, enter the contact email address.


4. Click Invite Partner.

CaseSystem ResponseAction
The contact email address is not known in the system.

The application sends a registration email to the address.

The client has to register a tenant in Movilitas.Cloud and then accept the partner request.

Until the partner request is accepted, the request is in pending status.


Track the status of the partner request on the Tenant Dashboard, under the Partner management tab.

You can cancel the request by clicking on the cancel icon on the right.

The contact email address belongs to one tenant in Movilitas.Cloud.

The application sends a partner review request email to the address.

Note: The email address must belong to a user with the “Administrator” role so that the partnership can be established.

Until the partner request is accepted, the request is in pending status.


Track the status of the partner request on the Tenant Dashboard, under the Partner management tab.

You can cancel the request by clicking on the cancel icon on the right.

The contact email address belongs to multiple tenants in Movilitas.Cloud.The application displays the Multiple partner options window to select a tenant from the list.

1. Select a tenant and click Confirm.

  • After the tenant is selected, the application sends a partner review request email to the address. Note: The email address must belong to a user with the “Administrator” role so that the partnership can be established.
  • Until the partner request is accepted, the request is in pending status.
  • You can cancel the request by clicking on the cancel icon on the right.

2. Track the status of the partner request on the Tenant Dashboard, under the Partner management tab.

You can cancel the request by clicking on the cancel icon on the right.

Once the partner request is accepted, the partnership is live. The application displays the active partnership as follows:

Partnership status indicator next to the client name in the list

The status indicator displays the payment model in place:

  • Movilitas.Cloud customer (full-paying customer) in purple.
  • Partner in red.

If there is no partnership status indicator, that means a partnership is not established with the client in Movilitas.Cloud.

Invite partner panel
  • Status - Active partner.
  • Name of the tenant.
  • Payment model - Movilitas.Cloud customer (full-paying customer) versus Partner.

The following example illustrates tenant "Partner Client" with payment model "Partner":

Back to the list of procedures

Removing the Partnership with a Client in Movilitas.Cloud

You can remove the partnership with a client in Movilitas.Cloud. After the partnership is removed, the integration between the supplier and the client is degraded. The data exchange between the supplier and the client in Movilitas.Cloud is canceled.



1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Clients tab. The application displays the list of clients.

2. Find and select the client to view its details. The application displays the master data of the client on the Update client panel and the active partner on the Invite partner panel.

3. On the Invite partner panel, click on the delete icon (Remove partner) on the right.

The application asks you to confirm the action.

4. In the confirmation window, click Yes.

  • The application removes the partnership with the client.
  • The data exchange between the supplier and the client in Movilitas.Cloud is canceled.
  • The client still has the tenant in Movilitas.Cloud but the configuration is not updated from the supplier anymore.

Back to the list of procedures

Searching for a Client


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Clients tab. The application displays the list of clients.

2. Enter the client name in the search field.

  • The list of the clients is filtered based on the search criteria.
  • You can reset the filter by clicking on the Reset filters icon.

3. Select the client to view its details.

  • Check the client master data on the Master data tab. You can find screenshot examples in this procedure.
  • Check the delivery addresses on the Delivery addresses tab. For screenshot examples, see Registering the Delivery Addresses of a Client.

In the following example, we are searching for the client "Apotek Dummy":

  • The client is located in Indonesia and is imported through the BPOM channel as stated under the client name on the left.
  • The full client address is imported into the Street field which may need reorganization.
  • The client has a BPOM id that was also imported through the BPOM channel.
  • The client is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.

In the following example, we are searching for the client "Dubai Client":

  • The client is located in the United Arab Emirates.
  • The client SGLN is provided because the shipment is reported to Tatmeen.
  • The EPCIS file is sent to the client by email because the Email to send EPCIS Tatmeen file field is filled in.
  • The EPCIS file is also sent to an SFTP server through the selected SFTP channel. The file is uploaded to the SFTP location as given in the file path. 
  • The client is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.

In the following example, we are searching for the client "Partner Client":

  • The tenant established a partnership with the client in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • The client is in "Partner" mode. The tenant that sent the invitation pays the invoices.
  • The client is located in Belgium.
  • The client SGLN is provided.

In the following example, we are searching for the client "Movilitas Client Belgium":

  • The client is located in Belgium.
  • The client receives the shipping event in TraceLink. The SGLN field and the TraceLink fields are set. The delivery address must also be set as described in Updating a Client.
  • The client is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.

In the following example, we are searching for the client "Pharmacy Client USA":

  • The client is located in the USA.
  • The client does not have a GLN so the Client does not have a GLN checkbox is selected.
  • Contact email addresses to perform DSCSA-related tasks are added.
  • There is no collaboration channel to send DSCSA EPCIS files. Note: It is not possible to send an EPCIS file because the client does not have a GLN.
  • The Pulse logo button is available to fetch the complete profile of the supplier from the Pulse Profile system and show the details in a pop-up.
  • The client is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.

In the following example, we are searching for the client "Maine Client USA":

  • The client is located in the USA.
  • The client has a GLN so the SGLN field is populated besides the address field.
  • The tenant acts as a distributor and sends the DSCSA EPCIS files about the shipments to AS2. A previously configured AS2 channel is selected and the AS2 ID of the client is given.
  • Contact email addresses to perform DSCSA-related tasks are added.
  • The Pulse logo button is available to fetch the complete profile of the supplier from the Pulse Profile system and show the details in a pop-up.
  • The client is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.

In the following example, we are searching for the client "Montana Client USA":

  • The client is located in the USA.
  • The client has a GLN so the SGLN field is populated besides the address field.
  • The tenant acts as a manufacturer and sends the DSCSA EPCIS files about the shipments to SFTP. A previously configured SFTP channel is selected and the file path is given.
  • Contact email addresses to perform DSCSA-related tasks are added.
  • The Pulse logo button is available to fetch the complete profile of the supplier from the Pulse Profile system and show the details in a pop-up.
  • The client is not a partner in Movilitas.Cloud.

Back to the list of procedures

Viewing a Pulse Profile (DSCSA USA Only)

If a client operates in the USA, you can get the complete profile of the client from the Pulse Profile system.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Clients tab. The application displays the list of clients.

2. Find and select the client.

3. On the Update client panel, click on the Pulse logo button.


The application fetches the complete profile of the client from the Pulse Profile system and shows the details in a pop-up. However, the displayed information is not a proof of an active license or a license in good standing.


Back to the list of procedures

Updating a Client

When updating a client, you can modify the master data including the business address (business location) and you can also manage the delivery addresses (facility/storage/ship-to locations).

Providing a delivery address is required when at least one of the following is applicable:

  • The shipments are sent to a location different from the business address (business location).
  • A TraceLink collaboration channel is selected and a TraceLink company identifier is provided in the client master data.

After an automatic client creation, you may need to perform some manual actions. The following table summarizes these cases.

Connection to BPOM (Indonesia)The BPOM (Indonesia) shipping locations specified as clients on the BPOM channel settings page are automatically imported and are available in the list. The configuration form is prefilled with the existing data and the application displays the text Imported through BPOM channel under the client name in the list.(Optional) Reorganize the address data after the import.
IDOC Delvry from SAP ICHAfter sending an IDOC Delvry to Movilitas.Cloud from SAP ICH or uploading an IDOC Delvry on the SAP ICH channel, the client master data and the delivery address are automatically created in the Serialized Logistics application.

The application stores the GLN (location data) both for the client master data and for the delivery address to help the user determine the SGLN format.
(Required) Provide the SGLN (location data) by using the built-in converter, for both the client master data and the delivery address.
(Optional) To use the delivery address GLN as the receiver in the outbound DSCSA EPCIS file, select the Delivery addresses are 3PLs of the Client checkbox.
(Conditional) If the client is in a country other than the USA and you want to send a regular EPCIS file to SAP ICH without DSCSA-specific data, select the Send full EPCIS checkbox.
Manually uploaded IDOC


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Clients tab. The application displays the list of clients.

2. Find and select the client in the list you want to update.

3. On the Master data tab in the Update client form, modify the master data as needed.

Client nameAllEnter the client name.

(USA only) If a few characters are entered for a client in the USA market, the application searches the Pulse Profile system and offers hits in a drop-down:
  • Select a value and the application populates the address and country (United States) fields and displays the Pulse logo button at the bottom of the form. The application can overwrite existing client data with the data from the Pulse Profile system.
  • By clicking on the Pulse logo button, the application fetches the complete profile of the client from the Pulse Profile system and shows the details in a pop-up. For more information, see Viewing a Pulse Profile (DSCSA USA Only).
Client IDAllEnter a unique client ID. The unique ID enables the application to identify the client.
Client does not have a GLNAllIf the client does not have a Global Location Number (GLN), select this checkbox. As a result, the Client SGLN field disappears.
Client SGLNAll

Enter the location number of the client in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<extension or "0" when no extension>. 

For example, "1234567.00012.0".

This SGLN is the business, owning party, or sold-to location.

The client SGLN is required in the following cases:

  • You send the shipping event to the client in a TraceLink XML file.
  • You send shipment details in an EPCIS 1.2 file.

To use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter, click on the conversion button (Help me to define the SGLN) on the right.

The application displays a pop-up. Provide the following data and click Convert:

  • Client location in the GLN format (13 digits).
    • If the client is created automatically by receiving an IDOC Delvry file from SAP ICH or uploading an IDOC Delvry file on the SAP ICH channel, you do not need to enter the GLN manually. The application populates this field automatically.
  • Company prefix length (6 to 11 digits or no company prefix).
    • If the company does not have a company prefix, select No company prefix. The question mark (help) icon displays a short message about it after hovering. This is equivalent to a 12-digit long company prefix.
  • Extension digit that is 0 by default.

The provided GLN value is converted to the SGLN format and the field is populated.

CityAllEnter the city where the client is located.
StreetAllEnter the street. The form offers three rows (levels) for the street data.
StateAllEnter the state.
ZIP codeAllEnter the postal code.
Select countryAllSelect the country. Start entering the country name to filter the countries.

For locations imported through a BPOM channel, the field is automatically set to Indonesia and the field is read-only.
Send full EPCISNon-USASelect this checkbox to send a regular EPCIS file to SAP ICH about the shipment to the client. The regular EPCIS file contains the commissioning, aggregation, and shipping events without master data. Only applicable when the following conditions are met:
  • The tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier. See the Site management --> Suppliers tab.
  • The collaboration channel for the outbound EPCIS file on behalf of the MAH is SAP ICH. See the Site management --> Suppliers tab.
  • The warehouse is in the USA. See the Site management --> Warehouses tab.
  • The client is in a country other than the USA but the delivery address can be in the USA.

The following list helps you to define the setting of this checkbox:

  • Client delivery address is in the USA but a regular EPCIS is required --> Select the checkbox.
  • Client delivery address is in the USA and a DSCSA EPCIS is required --> Clear the checkbox.
  • Client delivery address is in a country other than the USA and a regular EPCIS is required --> Select the checkbox. Note: Otherwise, a non-compliant EPCIS is generated that contains the shipping event only.

If the client is in the USA, the checkbox is not visible. The application generates a DSCSA EPCIS file that is either sent to SAP ICH (3PL mode) or downloadable (wholesaler mode).

BPOM idIndonesia

Unless already filled in during the shipping location import, enter the BPOM ID of the client. Only applicable when the selected country is Indonesia.

  • For imported locations, the field is read-only.
  • For locations created on-demand, the field is editable.

Note: Make sure that you are using the BPOM ID that is assigned to that location by BPOM. The BPOM ID is important for the sender who wants to ship items to this location because the destination BPOM ID is sent to BPOM during the report.

Collaboration channel - outbound EPCIS DSCSAUSASelect the collaboration channel to send the DSCSA EPCIS file about the shipment to the external system represented by the channel. Only applicable when the selected country is the United States.

Supported channels:
  • LSPediA
  • TraceLink Partner
  • AS2
  • SFTP

The application offers the channels for selection that are configured on the tenant.

  • If an AS2 channel is selected, the application displays the AS2 ID field.
  • If an SFTP channel is selected, the application displays the File path field.
AS2 IDUSAEnter the AS2 identifier of the client. This identifier is required for the onboarding process on the AS2 platform.

Only applicable when the selected country is the United States and an AS2 channel is selected as the collaboration channel for outbound DSCSA EPCIS.
File pathUSASet the file path on the SFTP server. Follow the help text under the field and do not add "/" at the beginning of the file path.

If the file path is not given, the file is saved in the roots folder.

If the specified folder does not exist, the folder is automatically created during the first file upload unless a setting on the SFTP server blocks creating the folder.

Only applicable when the selected country is the United States and an SFTP channel is selected as the collaboration channel for outbound DSCSA EPCIS.
E-mail address for sending DSCSA EPCISUSAEnter the contact email address to send the DSCSA EPCIS file by email. You can send the file under the Transfers --> Outbound External --> Transfers page (Note: Orders are not supported yet).

Only active if a collaboration channel for outbound DSCSA EPCIS files is not selected. Once a collaboration channel is selected, the DSCSA EPCIS file is sent over the channel, and sending by email is not active.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United States.
E-mail address for EPCIS exception handlingUSAEnter the contact email address to handle inbound EPCIS exceptions.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United States.
E-mail address for VerificationsUSAEnter the contact email address in case of issues with verifications.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United States.
E-mail address for Trace requestUSAEnter the contact email address to send the TI trace requests.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United States.
Delivery addresses are 3PLs of the ClientUSA

If the GLN of the delivery address shall be used as the receiver in the outbound DSCSA EPCIS file, select the checkbox.

Otherwise, leave the checkbox cleared (default) and the GLN of the client master data is used as the receiver in the outbound DSCSA EPCIS file.

The checkbox is only available when the country of the client is the United States.

Registration typeKazakhstanEnter the registration type as specified in the generic report that is sent from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud. Only applicable when the selected country is Kazakhstan and the generic report from SAP ATTP is an import request to Kazakhstan.

Note: When receiving the generic report from SAP ATTP for the first time, the client is auto-created, meaning that the field is auto-filled with the value in the generic report from SAP ATTP.
Registration numberKazakhstanEnter the registration number as specified in the generic report that is sent from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud. Only applicable when the selected country is Kazakhstan and the generic report from SAP ATTP is an import request to Kazakhstan.

Note: When receiving the generic report from SAP ATTP for the first time, the client is auto-created, meaning that the field is auto-filled with the value in the generic report from SAP ATTP.
E-mail to send EPCIS Tatmeen fileUAEEnter the email address where Movilitas.Cloud can send the EPCIS file that was reported to Tatmeen after shipping the order (import permit) to the client.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United Arab Emirates.

To send the EPCIS Tatmeen file by email, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
  • The tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier of the products.
  • A Tatmeen regulatory channel is configured and associated with the supplier.
  • A shipping action to the client is performed in the mobile application.
SFTP channelUAESelect a previously configured SFTP channel to send the EPCIS Tatmeen file to the SFTP server. The EPCIS file is reported to Tatmeen and is sent to the SFTP server after shipping the order (import permit) to the client.

The field is only available when the country of the client is the United Arab Emirates.

To send the EPCIS Tatmeen file to an SFTP server, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
  • The tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier of the products.
  • A Tatmeen regulatory channel is configured and associated with the supplier.
  • An SFTP channel is configured and associated with the client.
  • A shipping action to the client is performed in the mobile application.

To stop sending files to an SFTP server, clear the field by clicking on the X button.

File pathUAEOnce an SFTP channel is selected, set the file path on the SFTP server. Follow the help text under the field and do not add "/" at the beginning of the file path.

If the file path is not given, the file is saved in the roots folder.

The field is only available after an SFTP channel is selected.
Tracelink collaboration channelAllSelect a previously configured TraceLink Partner channel. This setting is required when the tenant (your company) reports the shipping event to the client in TraceLink.

The field is only available when your tenant has a TraceLink Partner channel in Movilitas.Cloud.
Tracelink company identifierAllEnter the TraceLink company identifier of the client. This setting is required when the tenant (your company) reports the shipping event to the client in TraceLink.

The field is only available when your tenant has a TraceLink Partner channel in Movilitas.Cloud.

4. Click Save.

5. If applicable, select the Delivery addresses tab and manage the delivery addresses.

Operation on Delivery AddressDescription
AddClick Add Delivery Address, fill in the form as described below, and click Save. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Delivery address IDEnter a unique delivery address ID.
Delivery address nameEnter the name of the delivery address, for example, the company name.
CityEnter the city.
StreetEnter the street. The form offers three rows (levels) for the street data.
StateEnter the state.
ZIP codeEnter the postal code.
Select countrySelect the country. Start entering the country name to filter the countries.

Required when a TraceLink collaboration channel is set for the client.
Delivery address SGLNEnter the location number of the facility in the SGLN format: <GS1 company prefix>.<location reference>.<extension or "0" when no extension>. 

For example, "1234567.00012.0".

This SGLN is the facility, storage, or ship-to location where the shipments are sent.

The delivery address SGLN is required in the following cases:

  • You send the shipping event to the client in a TraceLink XML file.
  • You send an EPCIS shipment file.

To use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter, click on the conversion button (Help me to define the SGLN) on the right.

The application displays a pop-up. Provide the following data and click Convert:

  • Client delivery address location in the GLN format (13 digits).
  • Company prefix length (6 to 11 digits or no company prefix).
    • If the company does not have a company prefix, select No company prefix. The question mark (help) icon displays a short message about it after hovering. This is equivalent to a 12-digit long company prefix.
  • Extension digit that is 0 by default.

The provided GLN value is converted to the SGLN format and the field is populated.

Edita) Click on the edit icon.

b) Modify the fields in the opened form as described for the Add action.

If the delivery address is created automatically by receiving an IDOC Delvry file from SAP ICH or uploading an IDOC Delvry file on the SAP ICH channel, complete the configuration by giving the delivery address SGLN:
  • Use the built-in GLN to SGLN converter (Convert icon in the SGLN field). The application populates the GLN automatically.
  • Provide the company prefix length and optionally the extension digit, then click Convert. The application converts the GLN to SGLN.

c) Click Save.


Click on the delete icon.

Note: The application does not request confirmation but it immediately removes the delivery address from the list.

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Deleting a Client


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select Site management --> Clients tab. The application displays the list of clients.

2. Find the client in the list you want to delete.


3. Click the delete icon and confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

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