Movilitas.Cloud offers the portability of the supplier and client configurations between environments within the Serialized Logistics application. The users can transfer the supplier and client configurations from the test environment to the production (live) environment. The function accelerates the tenant setup in the production (live) environment.
The transfer consists of two steps:
1. Export the supplier and client configurations of the test environment to separate CSV files.
2. Import the CSV files of the supplier and client configurations into the production (live) environment.
After the import, you can do the mapping:
- Match the channels from the file with the channels of the tenant where the import is performed.
- Confirm the AS2 ID (partner) taken from the file for each affected supplier and client (if AS2 applies).
List of Procedures
- Exporting the Supplier and Client Configurations on the Test Environment
- Importing the Supplier and Client Configurations on the Production - Live Environment
Exporting the Supplier and Client Configurations on the Test Environment
1. Log in to the Movilitas.Cloud test environment.
2. Select the Movilitas.Cloud tools option in the left menu. The application displays the Movilitas.Cloud Tools page.
3. Select Serialized Logistics Export. The application displays the download buttons for the client and the supplier with the number of items in brackets.
4. Click Download Clients and save the CSV file to the local computer.
The application displays the number of exported clients in a green status message.
Example (Windows Computer):
5. Click Download Suppliers and save the CSV file to the local computer.
The application displays the number of exported suppliers in a green status message.
Example (Windows Computer):
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Importing the Supplier and Client Configurations on the Production - Live Environment
Before You Begin
Perform the following on the production (live) environment in the Admin UI:
- Activate the Serialized Logistics application from the application store.
- Configure the channels of the tenant.
1. Log in to the Movilitas.Cloud production (live) environment.
2. Select the Movilitas.Cloud tools option in the left menu. The application displays the Movilitas.Cloud Tools page.
3. Select Serialized Logistics Import. The application displays the import buttons for the client and the supplier.
4. Click Import Clients and select the CSV file from the local computer to import.
Example (Windows Computer):
The application pre-processes the CSV and asks you to do the mapping before the import. The parameters to be mapped are categorized and organized into collapsible sections.
5. If an AS2 channel is used, confirm the AS2 partner to be used with the client. The AS2 partner is pre-selected. You can also clear the value and skip.
6. In each applicable channel section, map the channels from the file versus the local channels on the tenant. You can also skip a mapping.
The application organizes the channels as per the channel fields of the client.
Example of collaboration channels - outbound EPCIS DSCSA:
7. If you are ready with the mapping, click Confirm.
The application imports the clients and displays the result:
- Green message - The number of successfully imported clients.
- Yellow messages (if any) - Errors during import. The listed clients cannot be imported due to the error message.
Existing clients on the destination tenant are not changed. If a client from the file has the same SGLN as an already existing client, the client is skipped on the destination tenant.
The following example illustrates a successful client import without error:
8. Click Import Suppliers and select the CSV file from the local computer to import.
Example (Windows Computer):
The application pre-processes the CSV and asks you to do the mapping before the import. The parameters to be mapped are categorized and organized into collapsible sections.
9. If an AS2 channel is used, confirm the AS2 partner to be used with the supplier. The AS2 partner is pre-selected. You can also clear the value and skip.
10. In each applicable channel section, map the channels from the file versus the local channels on the tenant. You can also skip a mapping.
The application organizes the channels based on the channel fields of the supplier.
Example of collaboration channels - inbound EPCIS:
11. If you are ready with the mapping, click Confirm.
The application imports the suppliers and displays the result:
- Green message - The number of successfully imported suppliers.
- Yellow messages (if any) - Errors during import. The listed suppliers cannot be imported due to the error message.
Existing suppliers on the destination tenant are not changed. If a supplier from the file has the same SGLN as an already existing supplier, the supplier is skipped on the destination tenant.
The following example illustrates a successful supplier import without error:
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