You can configure Movilitas.Cloud to communicate with an external system that the company uses for its processes.

You create a channel to establish a connection between Movilitas.Cloud and an external system. To maintain your connections, you can search for, edit, and delete channels. Unless stated otherwise in the Online Help article about a specific channel, "Administrator" role is required to access the channel configuration. From the legacy and deprecated user roles, "Moderator" can also access the channel configuration.

You can configure the following types of channels in the system:


You use the business channel type to establish connections to external business systems, for example:

  • EU Hub
RegulatoryYou use the regulatory channel type to establish connections to regulatory systems, for example, BPOM.

You use the shopfloor channel type to establish connections to:

  • The shopfloor, like packaging lines.
  • The public APIs of the Movilitas.Cloud applications.
PrintingYou use the printing channel type to establish connections to Zebra Cloud Connect printers through the Zebra Cloud Connect server of Movilitas.Cloud.

List of Procedures

Creating a Channel


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. Click the + icon (Create channel). The application displays the Create channel dialog.

5. Select a type from the list and click Create. The application displays the Create Channel page with an empty form to give the basic parameters of the channel.

Example (Business Channel):

6. Enter a name for the channel and select a source.

7. Click Create Channel.

The application informs you about the additional costs. After confirming the creation, the application displays a form where you can provide the connection details for the channel. The form varies depending on the selected channel.

SAP ATTP example:

8. Provide the details of the connection.

9. Click Save Settings.

10. If you change the channel name, click Save Channel.

Back to the list of procedures

Searching for a Channel and Editing a Channel


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for a channel, use the search criteria field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search criteria field.
  • Select the status, source, and type.

Example about searching for a specific SAP ATTP channel:

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel. The application displays the Edit Channel page.

  • Modify the settings or
  • Go back to the previous page by clicking the <- (Back) button


6. Modify the settings as needed.

7. Click Save Settings.

8. If you change the channel name, click Save Channel.

Back to the list of procedures

Deleting a Channel


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. Find the channel and click the delete icon (Delete channel) next to the channel.

The application displays a confirmation window.

5. Confirm the action by clicking Yes. The channel is removed from the list.

Back to the list of procedures

Are you looking for something more specific? Select a channel from the list:

SAP ATTP over WebMethods
CRPT OMS (Foreign) 
Code OMS (Uzbekistan)
OMS Cloud (Kazakhstan)
EU Hub
MDLP Domestic
MDLP Foreign
Germany - NGDA
Graphic West
NiceLabel FTP 
NiceLabel Label Cloud
Serial Number Management (SNM)
TraceLink Partner 
TRVST (Africa)
Tatmeen (UAE)
Wholesaler API (Creation of the channel only!)
Manufacturer V2 API (Creation of the channel only!)
Serialized Logistics V2 API Channel and Webhook
Manufacturer for Pharma API (Creation of the channel only!)
Verification DSCSA API (Creation of the channel only!)
Wipotec-OCS (Legacy)
Wipotec-OCS V2
Zebra Cloud Connect Printing