A stakeholder in the USA market can receive a TI trace request for a product from a client or a state authority. If the trace request is received by email in Movilitas.Cloud, the stakeholder can download the JSON file of the trace request in the Reports & Analysis application. As per the DSCSA requirements, the stakeholder must provide the product master data and the details of the product flow related to that stakeholder. The stakeholder can collect these data in the Reports & Analysis application and then give the response in an external system (for example, Pulse portal) or directly send the JSON file of the trace response to the requester by email.

If the stakeholder wants to place a TI trace request in an external system, the stakeholder can download the JSON file of the trace request or send the JSON file of the trace request by email in the Reports & Analysis application. The trace request is initiated from mobile in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application or received by email in Movilitas.Cloud. Then, the stakeholder can use the JSON in the external trace management system to submit the trace request.

Note: To access this page, the "Administrator" role is required.

List of Procedures

Executing a Trace Request On-Demand

By entering the product code (GTIN) and serial, the application returns the product master data and visualizes the product flow in the system.

You can achieve the same system response by clicking on a trace request in the Trace Requests Performed table. However, this function is currently limited because the application takes the first trade item from the trace request and ignores further items (if any).

You can verify the displayed data and use the data to create the trace response in-house or in an external system (for example, Pulse portal).


1. In the Reports & Analysis application, select DSCSA --> Trace Request

The application displays a page with two sections:

  • Fields to enter the product GTIN and the serial number.
  • List of trace requests performed in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application ready for download (JSON).

The following example illustrates the case when the page is opened. Trace requests are not available to download:

2. Execute a trace request in one of the following ways:

  • Enter the GTIN and the serial number, and click Trace.
  • Select a trace request in the Trace Requests Performed table that lists the trace requests received by email or generated in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application.
    • Limitation: The application takes the first trade item from the trace request and ignores further items (if any).

The application displays the following:

  • Product master data
  • Inbound transaction details
  • Outbound transaction details
  • Product flow as supplier details --> warehouse details --> client details.

The following example illustrates the case when the product code and serial number were manually entered:

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Downloading the JSON File of a Trace Request

You can download the JSON file of a trace request. The trace request can come from two sources:

  • The trace request is initiated from mobile in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application.
  • The trace request is received by email with the JSON file of the trace request as an attachment. The receiver email address is configured in the Serialized Logistics application settings.


1. In the Reports & Analysis application, select DSCSA --> Trace Request

The application displays a page with two sections:

  • Fields to enter the product GTIN and the serial number.
  • List of trace requests.

The following example illustrates the case when the page is opened. The trace requests are listed in a paginated view:

2. Find the trace request you want to download by checking the trace request ID, the date and time of creation, and the organization. You can sort the list of trace requests by clicking on a column in the header.


3. Click on the download icon (Download JSON) next to the trace request in the Action column.

4. Save the JSON file to your local computer.

5. Open the file and verify its content.

  • If the request is initiated from Movilitas.Cloud, the JSON file contains the application configuration data and the data given in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application.
  • If the request is received by email in Movilitas.Cloud, the content is controlled by the sending system.

The structure of the JSON file shall comply with the Partnership for DSCSA Governance (PDG) requirements.

The following table describes how the data is populated when initiating the request from Movilitas.Cloud:

Tracing schema set versionThe version of the trace request schema that is used for constructing the trace request (v2.0.7).
Request IDAuto-generated UUID. Each request has a unique identifier.
Request timestampDate and time of the trace request in UTC format.
Requester investigation IDAuto-generated UUID. An investigation can group multiple requests so the investigation is identified separately from the requests and multiple requests can refer to the same investigation.
DSCSA credential presentationThe DSCSA ATP credential presentation of the requester (if any). This is a JWT token that is the verifiable presentation obtained through a digital wallet provider (CARO by Spherity or XATP by LedgerDomain).
Contact information
  • The person or department name - The name of the operator who initiated the trace request.
  • The requesting organization name - The tenant in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • The contact method - The email address or phone number as given in the Verification Request Contact Information settings of the operator in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application. Otherwise, the email address of the operator.
Requester GLN

The GLN value that is provided in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application under the Settings tab.

Callback addressThe email callback address where the responder can send the response:
  • TI_response_<dynamic_value>@movilitas.cloud

The <dynamic_value> is the value given in the Serialized Logistics application settings for the email to receive TI trace requests.
Request parametersThe data entered by the user in mobile in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application:
  • Response type
  • Investigation reason attestation
  • Investigation circumstances
  • 3911 incident number (if applicable)
  • Recall depth (if applicable)
  • Recall request level (if applicable)
RequestsThe requests are organized into line items. Each line item holds the product data as scanned or entered in mobile in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application:
  • Line item number
  • Product ID (GTIN)
  • Serial number or batch (lot)

JSON example:

  "tiRequestSet": {
    "tracingSchemaSetVersion": "2.0.7",
    "tiRequestAuditReferences": {
      "tiRequestID": "29684942-ed3a-4a89-930c-a006fe9cb8e5",
      "tiRequestTimestamp": "2024-03-25T16:07:44.000Z",
      "tiRequesterInvestigationID": "c8c3435b-fc1f-4609-9608-724168214a22"
    "tiRequestingPartyInformation": {
      "dscsaCredentialPresentation": {
        "dscsaATPCredentialPresentation": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MTEzODMwMDUsImV4cCI6MTcyNTcxNTg5OCwidnAiOnsiQGNvbnRleHQi"
      "contactInformation": {
        "personOrDepartmentName": "Matt Koncz",
        "organizationName": "Engineering Industries Excellence",
        "contactMethod": {
          "phone": "+36214289137"
      "requesterGLN": "2996133448223",
      "callbackAddress": {
        "emailCallbackAddress": "[email protected]"
    "tiRequestParameters": {
      "responseTypeRequested": "Transaction Information",
      "investigationReasonAttestation": "Compliance Audit",
      "investigationCircumstances": "To verify that the TI trace request that we generate from mobile follows v2.0.7 and contains verifiable credentila (if active).",
      "3911IncidentNumber": "N/A"
    "tiRequests": [
        "requestLineNumber": 1,
        "productID": {
          "gtin": "00369539130603"
        "serialNumberOrLotNumber": {
          "serialNumber": "0XFRE022203"

Next Steps

Perform one of the following (as applicable):

  • Place the trace request (JSON) in the external system for trace management.
  • Construct the trace response (JSON) for the trace request and send the response to the requester.

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Sending the JSON File of a Trace Request by Email

You can send the JSON file of a trace request by email. The trace request can come from two sources:

  • The trace request is initiated from mobile in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application.
  • The trace request is received by email with the JSON file of the trace request as an attachment. The receiver email address is configured in the Serialized Logistics application settings.


1. In the Reports & Analysis application, select DSCSA --> Trace Request.

The application displays a page with two sections:

  • Fields to enter the product GTIN and the serial number.
  • List of trace requests.

The following example illustrates the case when the page is opened. The trace requests are listed in a paginated view:

2. Find the trace request you want to send by checking the trace request ID, the date and time of creation, and the organization. You can sort the list of trace requests by clicking on a column in the header.

The application also shows the date and time and the destination email address of the most recent email sending (if any).


3. Click on the send icon (Email Trace request as attachment) next to the trace request in the Action column.

The application displays a pop-up to enter the email address.

4. Enter the email address.


5. Click Send.

The application sends the JSON file of the trace request to the specified email address as an attachment. The application records the timestamp in the Email datetime column and the destination email address in the Email address column for the latest sending.

Next Steps

Place the trace request (JSON) in the external system that is used for trace management.

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Sending the JSON File of a Trace Response by Email

You can send the trace response to a trace request by email. The application creates the JSON file of the trace response based on the application configuration and sends the file to the callback address of the trace request JSON.


1. In the Reports & Analysis application, select DSCSA --> Trace Request.

The application displays a page with two sections:

  • Fields to enter the product GTIN and the serial number.
  • List of trace requests.

The following example illustrates the case when the page is opened. The trace requests are listed in a paginated view:

2. Find the trace request to which you want to send the trace response by checking the trace request ID, the date and time of creation, and the organization. You can sort the list of trace requests by clicking on a column in the header.

The application also shows the date and time and the destination email address of the most recent email sending (if any).


3. Click on the reply icon (Email Trace response as attachment) next to the trace request in the Action column.

The application sends the JSON file of the trace response as an attachment to the callback address of the trace request JSON. The process might take some time. Once the action is completed, the application records the timestamp in the Email datetime column and the destination email address in the Email address column for the latest sending.


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