Movilitas.Cloud application provides the TraceLink Partner channel to establish a connection to TraceLink SFTP service.
By default, the SFTP connection is automated, meaning that communication does not need human intervention. However, the users can monitor and manage the incoming transactions (=from TraceLink) and the outgoing transactions (=towards TraceLink).
Scenario 1
Movilitas.Cloud - including the Serialized Manufacturing application - acts as a gateway between SAP ATTP and TraceLink systems for serialization purposes. Movilitas.Cloud automatically uploads the files to TraceLink and automatically downloads the response files from TraceLink:
- If a transaction fails, Movilitas.Cloud sends a notification to the email address specified on the channel.
- You can view the status and other details of the outgoing transactions.
- You can manually upload a file to TraceLink and you can monitor the processing of the file.
- For an incoming transaction where the automatic download failed, you can view and copy the content of the file by accessing the related TraceLink folder directly from Movilitas.Cloud.
Scenario 2
The MAH uses Movilitas.Cloud - including the Serialized Manufacturing application - to receive shipment files from a CMO and commission the items to the market.
- Movilitas.Cloud checks for new files in TraceLink every hour. If there is a new file, the application downloads and processes it automatically.
- You do not need to wait for the automatic action and can pre-emptively download and process the files manually.
- If the CMO sends the TraceLink shipment file outside TraceLink, you can upload the file to Movilitas.Cloud and process it.
- The processed items are listed under the Serialized Manufacturing application --> Commissioning tab.
- If the file is processed with errors, Movilitas.Cloud sends a notification to the email address specified on the channel.
Scenario 3
The distributor in the USA market uses Movilitas.Cloud - including the Serialized Logistics application - to receive DSCSA EPCIS files from a supplier and send DSCSA EPCIS files to a client.
For incoming (inbox) DSCSA EPCIS files:
- Movilitas.Cloud checks for new files in TraceLink every hour. If there is a new file, the application downloads and processes it automatically.
- You do not need to wait for the automatic action and can pre-emptively download and process the files manually.
- If the supplier sends the TraceLink shipment file outside TraceLink, you can upload the file to Movilitas.Cloud and process it.
- The processed items are listed under the Serialized Logistics application --> Site management --> Suppliers --> Uploads tab for the supplier.
- If the file is processed with errors, Movilitas.Cloud sends a notification to the email address specified on the channel.
For outgoing (outbox) DSCSA EPCIS files:
- If a transaction fails, Movilitas.Cloud sends a notification to the email address specified on the channel.
- You can view the status and other details of the outgoing transactions.
- You can manually upload a file to TraceLink and you can monitor the processing of the file.
Scenario 4
A 3PL uses Movilitas.Cloud - including the Serialized Logistics application - to interact with the MAH through TraceLink:
- Receive shipment files from an MAH (incoming - inbox).
- Report the receipt to the MAH (outgoing - outbox).
- Report the decommissioned (destroyed) items to the MAH (outgoing - outbox).
For incoming (inbox) EPCIS files:
- Movilitas.Cloud checks for new files in TraceLink every hour. If there is a new file, the application downloads and processes it automatically.
- You do not need to wait for the automatic action and can pre-emptively download and process the files manually.
- If the MAH sends the TraceLink shipment file outside TraceLink, you can upload the file to Movilitas.Cloud and process it.
- The processed EPCIS file is logged under the Serialized Logistics application --> Site management --> Suppliers --> Uploads tab. The items from the EPCIS file are part of the stock and ready for shipping to clients.
- If the file is processed with errors, Movilitas.Cloud sends a notification to the email address specified on the channel.
For outgoing (outbox) EPCIS files:
- If a transaction fails, Movilitas.Cloud sends a notification to the email address specified on the channel.
- You can view the status and other details of the outgoing transactions.
- You can manually upload a file to TraceLink and you can monitor the processing of the file.
List of Procedures
- Configuring a TraceLink Channel
- Managing Incoming SFTP Transactions That Are Pending or In Queue (Inbox)
- Uploading a File to Movilitas.Cloud for Processing (Inbox)
- Monitoring Outgoing SFTP Transactions (Outbox)
- Uploading a File to TraceLink through SFTP (Outbox)
For more information on the general channel actions, see Managing Channels for a Tenant (Overview).
Configuring a TraceLink Channel
Before You Begin
Make sure that you have an account in TraceLink SFTP service and you have the credentials. If you do not have an account, contact the company you want to interact with through TraceLink and initiate the account creation.
Create a separate account for the test and production connection.
1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.
2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.
3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.
4. Depending on your setup, create a new TraceLink channel or modify an existing one. Follow one of the procedures described in the table below.
# | Create a Channel | Modify an Existing Channel |
4.1 | Click the + icon (Create channel). The application displays the Create channel dialog. | To search for a TraceLink channel, use the search field and the filters:
4.2 | Select Business channel as the type and click Create. The application displays the Create Channel page with an empty form to give the basic parameters of the channel. | To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel. The application displays the Edit Channel page with the current channel settings. |
4.3 | Enter a name for the channel and select TraceLink Partner as the source. | N/A |
4.4 | Click Create Channel. The application informs you about the additional costs. After confirming the creation, the application displays the Edit Channel page with a form where you can provide the connection details for the channel. | N/A |
Example when creating a TraceLink channel:
5. Provide the settings for the TraceLink channel as explained in the table below:
Parameter | Action |
Support e-mail | Enter the email address where Movilitas.Cloud can send notifications about errors on the channel. The email will contain the name of the TraceLink channel with a link to the channel page where the error occurred. |
Company identifier | Enter the TraceLink company identifier of your company. Identifies the sender company in the outbound TraceLink files. |
Select type of connection | Select the type of connection:
The connection settings change depending on the selected type of connection. The HTTP connection is not supported end-to-end. HTTP-related parameters are not elaborated in this article. |
Select environment | For SFTP connection, select the environment:
SFTP username | For SFTP connection, enter the username. |
SFTP password | For SFTP connection, enter the password. |
6. Click Save Settings.
7. (Optional) If needed, change the name of the channel and click Save Channel.
Next Steps
Configure the relevant application with the TraceLink channel.
Back to the list of procedures
Managing Incoming SFTP Transactions That Are Pending or In Queue (Inbox)
The Inbox tab points to the Outbox folder of TraceLink. After selecting a transaction type, you can check the files that are still in the TraceLink folder.
Transaction Type | Reason | What Can You Do? |
SNX_RESPONSE | There was an error and the file was not downloaded automatically from TraceLink, therefore, the file is not processed.
| You can download the file to your local computer without any processing. If the response file contains the requested serials but the file was placed on TraceLink too late, you can use this file in your serialization activities outside Movilitas.Cloud. Note: For the SNX_RESPONSE transaction type, the normal business logic is that Movilitas.Cloud automatically downloads and processes the response file, and then deletes the file in TraceLink. These successfully processed files are not listed on this page. |
SOM_SHIPMENT_EVENT PT_SOMINT_SALES_SHIPMENT | Movilitas.Cloud has not executed the hourly automatic action yet. |
1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.
2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.
3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.
4. To search for a TraceLink channel, use the search field and the filters:
- Enter the channel name in the search field.
- Select the status.
- Select TraceLink Partner as the source.
- Select Business channel as the type.
5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.
The application displays the Edit Channel page with the current channel settings and the TraceLink SFTP Transactions panel. By default, the Inbox tab is selected on the panel.
6. Under the Inbox tab, select the transaction type. The transaction type follows the folder name used in TraceLink.
Transaction Type | Description |
SNX_RESPONSE | A file for this transaction contains serial numbers or SSCCs as a response to the corresponding SNX_REQUEST transaction. The files listed for this transaction type were not downloaded automatically due to an error. In the normal case, these files are automatically downloaded and processed. |
SOM_SHIPMENT_EVENT | A shipment file containing the items produced by a manufacturer (commissioning, aggregation, and shipping events). Movilitas.Cloud automatically downloads and processes the files every hour. However, you do not have to wait for the automated action but you can pre-emptively download and process the file. After the file is processed, Movilitas.Cloud deletes the file in TraceLink. The items are processed in one of the following applications depending on the tenant setup:
As a prerequisite, the corresponding application must be properly configured in advance.
PT_SOMINT_SALES_SHIPMENT | A DSCSA EPCIS file that contains the items from a supplier (USA market). Movilitas.Cloud automatically downloads and processes the files every hour. However, you do not have to wait for the automated action but you can pre-emptively download and process the file. After the file is processed, Movilitas.Cloud deletes the file in TraceLink. The log about the processed file is listed under the Serialized Logistics application --> Site management --> Suppliers --> Uploads tab for the supplier. The log contains the items and the Advanced Shipping Notification. Note: As a prerequisite, the Serialized Logistics application must be properly configured in advance:
After selecting the transaction type, the application displays the list of files that are still in the TraceLink folder:
- For each file, you can see the file name, the file size, and the date of the last modification. To see the latest files and status, click on the Refresh icon next to the Transaction type drop-down on the right.
- Download the file by clicking on the Download XML button.
- For the SOM_SHIPMENT_EVENT or PT_SOMINT_SALES_SHIPMENT transaction, you can manually process the file by clicking Process.
- For the SOM_SHIPMENT_EVENT or PT_SOMINT_SALES_SHIPMENT transaction, the application displays a log of the downloaded and processed files in the Processed Files section. The Processed Files section contains the automatically and manually processed files also:
- To see the latest files and status, click on the Refresh icon in the top-right corner of the Processed Files section.
- To upload a file to Movilitas.Cloud for processing, use the Select File for Import and Upload File buttons. For more information, see Uploading a File to Movilitas.Cloud for Processing (Inbox).
In the following example, we selected the SNX_RESPONSE transaction type to view the files that were not downloaded automatically due to an error:
In the following example, we selected the SOM_SHIPMENT_EVENT transaction type to view the pending files and to view the processed files.
7. Click Process next to the file. A log is created in the Processed Files section.
8. In the Processed Files section, verify that the file was processed successfully. To see the latest status, click on the Refresh icon on the right.
The status of the transaction can be one of the following:
Status | Description |
Finished (Green) | The file is downloaded and processed successfully. Then, the file is deleted in TraceLink.
Pending | Downloading and processing the file is in progress. Wait for the operation to be completed. |
Error (Red) | The file is downloaded and processed but there are errors. You need to investigate the issue. The file is deleted in TraceLink. |
9. Click the > (Expand) icon on the left:
- To have the content of the XML, click on the Download button and save the content into a file.
- For a file that is successfully processed, the application either displays the processed items or provides a link to view the processed items (depending on transaction type and tenant setup).
- For a file that is processed with errors, investigate the errors and take the necessary actions. Each item that has an error is listed together with the error message.
The following tables list some typical errors.
Tenant Setup | Error | Action |
MAH | No commissioning event in the received TraceLink file. | 1. Update the shipment file so that it contains commissioning events. 2. Upload the file manually as described in Uploading a File to Movilitas.Cloud for Processing (Inbox). |
MAH | Commissioning event(s) in the TraceLink file cannot be linked to any CMO registered in the Serialized Manufacturing application. | 1. Make sure that the CMO is correctly registered under the Serialized Manufacturing application > Site management > CMOs tab:
2. Upload the file manually as described in Uploading a File to Movilitas.Cloud for Processing (Inbox). |
MAH | Commissioning event(s) in the TraceLink file cannot be linked to any product. The CMO is registered but the product is unknown in the Serialized Manufacturing application. | 1. Make sure that the product is registered under the Serialized Manufacturing application > Products > Products tab. Assigning the product to the CMO is strongly recommended under the Serialized Manufacturing application > Site management > CMOs tab. 2. Upload the file manually as described in Uploading a File to Movilitas.Cloud for Processing (Inbox). |
MAH | The serial is already commissioned. | Do not send serials in the shipment that are already commissioned in Movilitas.Cloud. Only include serials in the shipment that are not yet commissioned in Movilitas.Cloud. |
3PL | Supplier with SGLN is not found. | 1. Make sure that the supplier is correctly registered under the Serialized Logistics application > Site management > Suppliers tab:
2. Upload the file manually as described in Uploading a File to Movilitas.Cloud for Processing (Inbox). |
Error | Action |
Supplier with SGLN is not found. | 1. Make sure that the supplier is correctly registered under the Serialized Logistics application > Site management > Suppliers tab:
2. Upload the file manually as described in Uploading a File to Movilitas.Cloud for Processing (Inbox). |
The transaction was successful. For the product, the items are organized per batch.
The transaction has errors. The SGLN of the CMO is not provided in the Serialized Manufacturing application, hence, the application cannot identify the sender (CMO).
The transaction was successful. The user can click on the link to get to the supplier's page and verify the processed items.
The transaction was not successful. The application could not identify the sender (supplier).
Back to the list of procedures
Uploading a File to Movilitas.Cloud for Processing (Inbox)
The sender might send the file to you outside TraceLink, for example, by email. After selecting the transaction type on the Inbox tab, you can upload the received TraceLink XML file to Movilitas.Cloud for processing. The file is not uploaded to TraceLink, it is uploaded to Movilitas.Cloud and it is processed in Movilitas.Cloud.
The following transaction types are supported:
Transaction Type | End result (Positive case) |
SOM_SHIPMENT_EVENT | One of the following:
PT_SOMINT_SALES_SHIPMENT | The log about the processed file is listed under the Serialized Logistics application --> Site management --> Suppliers --> Uploads tab for the supplier. The log contains the items and the Advanced Shipping Notification. |
1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.
2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.
3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.
4. To search for a TraceLink channel, use the search field and the filters:
- Enter the channel name in the search field.
- Select the status.
- Select TraceLink Partner as the source.
- Select Business channel as the type.
5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.
The application displays the Edit Channel page with the current channel settings and the TraceLink SFTP Transactions panel. By default, the Inbox tab is selected on the panel.
6. Under the Inbox tab, select the SOM_SHIPMENT_EVENT transaction type.
The application displays:
- The list of files that are still in the TraceLink folder waiting for taking them.
- A log of the downloaded and processed files in the Processed Files section. The Processed Files section contains the automatically and manually processed files also.
- The Select File for Import and Upload File buttons in the Processed Files section.
The following example illustrates uploading a SOM_SHIPMENT_EVENT file:
7. Click Select File for Import and select the file you want to upload.
After selecting the file, the Upload File button becomes active.
8. Click Upload File: <FILENAME>. A log is created in the Processed Files section.
9. In the Processed Files section, verify that the file was processed successfully. To see the latest status, click on the Refresh icon on the right.
Status | Description |
Finished (Green) | The file is processed successfully.
Pending | Processing the file is in progress. Wait for the operation to be completed. |
Error (Red) | The file is processed but there are errors. You need to investigate the issue. |
10. Click the > (Expand) icon on the left:
- To have the content of the XML, click on the Download button and save the content into a file.
- For a file that is successfully processed, the application either displays the processed items or provides a link to view the processed items (depending on transaction type and tenant setup).
- For a file that is processed with errors, investigate the errors and take the necessary actions. Each item that has an error is listed together with the error message.
The transaction was successful. For the product, the items are organized per batch.
The transaction failed. Each item that has an error is listed with the details.
The transaction was successful. The user can click on the link to get to the supplier's page and verify the processed items.
Back to the list of procedures
Monitoring Outgoing SFTP Transactions (Outbox)
The Outbox tab points to the Inbox folder of TraceLink. After selecting a transaction type, you can monitor the status of transactions, detect any issue that occurred while uploading the files, and investigate the transaction details. You can download the request XML and the response XML (if applicable).
1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.
2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.
3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.
4. To search for a TraceLink channel, use the search field and the filters:
- Enter the channel name in the search field.
- Select the status.
- Select TraceLink Partner as the source.
- Select Business channel as the type.
5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.
The application displays the Edit Channel page with the current channel settings and the TraceLink SFTP Transactions panel. By default, the Inbox tab is selected on the panel.
6. Select the Outbox tab and then select the transaction type. The transaction type follows the folder name used in TraceLink.
Transaction Type | Description |
SNX_REQUEST | Used for Serial Number Request files. The file can contain requests for pack serial numbers or for SSCCs. |
SNX_DISPOSITION_ASSIGNED | Used for Commissioning Request files. The file can contain stand-alone packs and containers (SSCCs) including the aggregation details. |
SOM_SALES_SHIPMENT | Used for Sales Shipment files. The file describes a shipping event. |
PT_SOMINT_SALES_SHIPMENT_IB | Used for DSCSA EPCIS files. The file describes the TI/TS information of a transfer in the USA market. |
SOM_RECEIPT | Used for receipt EPCIS files:
SOM_DESTROY_EVENT_IB | Used for decommissioning EPCIS files:
After selecting the transaction type, the application displays the list of files that have been uploaded to the applicable TraceLink folder:
- For each transaction, you can see the status, request ID, date and time of sending, sender, receiver, and comments.
- Each transaction can be expanded for further details.
In the following example, we are viewing the SNX_REQUEST transactions:
The status of the transaction can be one of the following:
Status | Description |
Finished (Green) | The transaction was successful. The file is successfully uploaded to the applicable folder in TraceLink. |
Pending | The processing of the transaction is pending. Uploading the file to TraceLink is in progress. Wait for the transaction to be completed. |
Error (Red) | An error occurred while uploading the file to TraceLink. The transaction failed. You need to investigate the issue. |
7. To see the latest transactions and status, click on the Refresh icon next to the search field on the right.
8. Search for a transaction by entering an expression from the request XML, as described in the table below. The list of transactions is filtered based on the search criteria.
Transaction Type | Search Expressions |
SNX_REQUEST | Content from the request XML, for example, request ID or the product code. |
SNX_DISPOSITION_ASSIGNED | Content from the request XML, for example, SGTIN or SSCC. |
SOM_SALES_SHIPMENT | Content from the request XML, for example, Purchase Order ID (PO ID), SGTIN, or SSCC. |
PT_SOMINT_SALES_SHIPMENT_IB | Content from the request XML, for example, Purchase Order ID (PO ID), SGTIN, or SSCC. |
SOM_RECEIPT | Content from the request XML, for example, despatch advice, SGTIN, or SSCC. |
SOM_DESTROY_EVENT_IB | Content from the request XML, for example, SGTIN or SSCC. |
9. Click the > (Expand) icon on the left to see the details of the transaction and to download the XML file(s):
- Request XML
- Last raw response (if applicable)
We are searching for the SNX_REQUEST transaction with request ID "20220309170337023". The transaction failed. We are expanding it to see the details of the request. There is no response:
To have the content of the XML, click on the Download button.
In the following example, we are searching for the SNX_REQUEST transaction with request ID "20220323110355422". The transaction is successful. After expanding the transaction, the following are displayed:
- Transaction details
- Request XML
- Last raw response
The Last raw response contains the requested items. To have the content of the XML, click on the Download button.
In the following example, we are searching for the SNX_DISPOSITION_ASSIGNED transaction(s) that contain(s) the following pack data (product code, expiry date, batch, and serial number):
Only one log contains the pack and the transaction is successful. After expanding the transaction, the following are displayed:
- Transaction details
- Request XML
To have the content of the XML, click on the Download button.
In the following example, we are searching for the PT_SOMINT_SALES_SHIPMENT_IB transaction where the purchase order ID is TPG-Test11.
Only one log matches the search and the transaction is successful. After expanding the transaction, the following are displayed:
- Transaction details
- Request XML
To have the content of the XML, click on the Download button.
Next Steps
For failed transactions, investigate the issue and find the root cause. If needed, you can manually upload the file to TraceLink.
Back to the list of procedures
Uploading a File to TraceLink through SFTP (Outbox)
The Outbox tab points to the Inbox folder of TraceLink. After selecting a transaction type, you can import an XML file from your local computer to Movilitas.Cloud and then you can upload the file to TraceLink. The transaction type specifies which TraceLink folder to use for the upload. Only XML files are allowed and content validation is performed in the background.
In the normal case, Movilitas.Cloud automatically uploads the file to TraceLink. You need to manually upload a file because of an error, for example, the automatic upload of the file failed. Investigate the issue before uploading a file manually.
Before You Begin
For the SNX_REQUEST transaction, make sure that the XML file you want to upload contains a unique request ID in the description (message body):
- The request ID must be different from the one in the original XML file that failed.
- It is not possible to upload an XML file that contains an already used request ID.
- Uploading an XML file that does not contain a request ID will fail.
- For the request ID, the allowed data type is "string". Movilitas.Cloud generates request ID based on timestamp, in the format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsss, where Y - Year, M - Month, D - Day, H - Hour, M - Minute, S - Second, s - Millisecond.
1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.
2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.
3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.
4. To search for a TraceLink channel, use the search field and the filters:
- Enter the channel name in the search field.
- Select the status.
- Select TraceLink Partner as the source.
- Select Business channel as the type.
5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.
The application displays the Edit Channel page with the current channel settings and the TraceLink SFTP Transactions panel. By default, the Inbox tab is selected on the panel.
6. Select the Outbox tab and then select the transaction type. The transaction type follows the folder name used in TraceLink.
Transaction Type | Description |
SNX_REQUEST | Used for Serial Number Request files. The file can contain requests for pack serial numbers or for SSCCs. |
SNX_DISPOSITION_ASSIGNED | Used for Commissioning Request files. The file can contain stand-alone packs and containers (SSCCs) including the aggregation details. |
SOM_SALES_SHIPMENT | Used for Sales Shipment files. The file describes a shipping event. |
PT_SOMINT_SALES_SHIPMENT_IB | Used for DSCSA EPCIS files. The file describes the TI/TS information of a transfer in the USA market. |
SOM_RECEIPT | Used for receipt EPCIS files:
SOM_DESTROY_EVENT_IB | Used for decommissioning EPCIS files:
After selecting the transaction type, the application displays the list of files that have been uploaded to the applicable TraceLink folder:
- For each transaction, you can see the status, request ID, date and time of sending, sender, receiver, and comments.
- Each transaction can be expanded for further details.
In the following example, we selected SNX_REQUEST:
7. Click Select File for Upload and select the file you want to upload. After selecting the file, the Upload File button becomes active.
IMPORTANT: For the SNX_REQUEST transaction, make sure that the XML file you want to upload contains a unique request ID in the description (message body):
- The request ID must be different from the one in the original XML file that failed.
- It is not possible to upload an XML file that contains an already used request ID.
- Uploading an XML file that does not contain a request ID will fail.
- For the request ID, the allowed data type is "string". Movilitas.Cloud generates request ID based on timestamp, in the format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsss, where Y - Year, M - Month, D - Day, H - Hour, M - Minute, S - Second, s - Millisecond.
8. Click Upload File: <FILENAME>. Movilitas.Cloud puts the file in the applicable folder under the Inbox folder in TraceLink.
9. Monitor the processing of the file and make sure that the transaction is successfully processed. To see the latest status, click on the Refresh icon next to the search field on the right.
If the transaction fails, you need to investigate the issue again and understand the root cause. If the problem can be resolved by repeating the upload operation, reupload the file.
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