After selecting the Packaging --> Packaging orders tab in the Serialized Manufacturing application, you can manage packaging orders. You can perform the following:

Packaging order settingsYou can specify the order details. You can associate a packaging line with the packaging order.
Packaging order historyYou can track the progress of the packaging order execution here.

The order status is updated in one of the following ways (depending on the setup and business use case):
  • The shopfloor (or a middleware) updates the order status over the Manufacturer V2 API.
  • Movilitas.Cloud regularly polls the shopfloor (packaging line) for status updates.

List of Procedures

Creating a Packaging Order


1. In the Serialized Manufacturing application, select Packaging --> Packaging orders tab. The application displays the list of packaging orders and the Create packaging order form.

Note: When viewing the details of a packaging order, you can open the Create packaging order form by clicking Create.

2. Fill in the form as described below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Order IDEnter order ID. The allowed character length is 1-255 characters.
Order descriptionEnter order description. The allowed character length is 1-255 characters.
Select product

Select a product code. The application displays a searchable drop-down with a prefiltered list of products. You can search for any product registered in the system by entering the product code in the search field.

If you want to use Wipotec-OCS packaging line and the product you specify here is aggregated, specify the aggregation level structure in the article mapping of the Wipotec-OCS V2 shopfloor channel where you are sending this production order.

For more information on the aggregation level structure in the article mapping of the Wipotec-OCS, see Configuring a Wipotec-OCS V2 Channel and Specifying Aggregation Levels.

Product code schemaSelect the product code schema. The application supports GTIN only.
QuantityGive the number of serials used for production in this order. The maximum allowed value is 10000.
Extra percentage (%)

Provide the extra percentage on top of the quantity. This field ensures that there are enough serial numbers in case any errors happen during production. The valid range is 0-100.

For example, if you request 1000 serial numbers and you state "10" as the extra percentage, 100 additional serial numbers will be created.

BatchSelect a batch for the product code. The application displays a searchable drop-down with a list of batches released for that product code. You can search for any batch released for the product by entering the batch number (ID) in the search field.

You can also leave the field blank, for example, because an external system generates the batch over API. You can empty the field by clicking on the X icon.
Expiry dateThe application automatically fills in the expiration date based on the data registered in the system for that batch. It is not possible to manually change the expiration date.

You can also leave the field blank, for example, because an external system generates the batch over API. By removing the selected batch, the Expiry date field also becomes empty.
Packaging lineSelect the packaging line where you want to send the packaging order.
Planned production dateSelect the planned production date by using the datepicker. You can select the actual date or a future date.

When you want to send requests to an Order Management Station (OMS) in Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan, this field is required.
SerializedBy selecting this checkbox you ensure that a unique serial number is added to each pack while executing the order. Otherwise, you can execute packaging for non-serialized items.

3. Click Save.

The order is ready for execution. You can execute the order in one of the following ways: 

  • Through Manufacturer V2 API.
  • By releasing the order to the packaging line as described in Releasing a Packaging Order to the Packaging Line. A Wipotec-OCS V2 shopfloor channel is associated with the packaging line to connect to a Wipotec-OCS machine.

When the packaging order is created and released to the packaging line, the serial numbers are marked as Assigned in the serial number pool and are associated with the order.

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Searching for a Packaging Order and Viewing Its Settings and History


1. In the Serialized Manufacturing application, select Packaging --> Packaging orders tab. The application displays the list of packaging orders.

2. Enter the packaging order ID in the search field and/or select the order status under Status.

  • The list of the packaging orders is filtered based on the search criteria.
  • You can reset the filter by clicking the Reset filters icon.

3. Select the packaging order to view its settings and history.

  • To view the order settings, click Packaging order settings.
  • To view the actions and status changes of the order with date and time, click Packaging order history.

In the example below, we selected Done status only and we are searching for "Order131". Then, we are viewing the Packaging order settings tab:

In the example below, we are viewing the Packaging order history tab for the previously selected "Order131". The application displays the status transitions that were sent through the Manufacturer V2 API:

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Updating a Packaging Order


1. In the Serialized Manufacturing application, select PackagingPackaging orders tab. The application displays the list of packaging orders.

2. Find and select the packaging order you want to modify.

Example 1:

Example 2:

3. In the Update packaging order form, modify the fields as needed. You can edit orders in Open status only.

Note: The application displays the order status as a read-only field.

Order IDEnter order ID. The allowed character length is 1-255 characters.
Order descriptionEnter order description. The allowed character length is 1-255 characters.
Select product

Select a product code. The application displays a searchable drop-down with a prefiltered list of products. You can search for any product registered in the system by entering the product code in the search field.

If you want to use Wipotec-OCS packaging line and the product you specify here is aggregated, specify the aggregation level structure in the article mapping of the Wipotec-OCS V2 shopfloor channel where you are sending this production order.

For more information on the aggregation level structure in the article mapping of the Wipotec-OCS, see Configuring a Wipotec-OCS V2 Channel and Specifying Aggregation Levels.

Product code schemaSelect the product code schema. The application supports GTIN only.
QuantityGive the number of serials used for production in this order. The maximum allowed value is 10000.
Extra percentage (%)

Provide the extra percentage on top of the quantity. This field ensures that there are enough serial numbers in case any errors happen during production. The valid range is 0-100.

For example, if you request 1000 serial numbers and you state "10" as the extra percentage, 100 additional serial numbers will be created.

BatchSelect a batch for the product code. The application displays a searchable drop-down with a list of batches released for that product code. You can search for any batch released for the product by entering the batch number (ID) in the search field.

You can also leave the field blank, for example, because an external system generates the batch over API. You can empty the field by clicking on the X icon.
Expiry dateThe application automatically fills in the expiration date based on the data registered in the system for that batch. It is not possible to manually change the expiration date.

You can also leave the field blank, for example, because an external system generates the batch over API. By removing the selected batch, the Expiry date field also becomes empty.
Packaging lineSelect the packaging line where you want to send the packaging order.
Planned production dateSelect the planned production date by using the datepicker. The application displays the currently set date (if any). You can keep this date or you can select a new date. The new date can be the actual date or a future date.

When you want to send requests to an Order Management Station (OMS) in Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan, this field is required.
SerializedBy selecting this checkbox you ensure that a unique serial number is added to each pack while executing the order. Otherwise, you can execute packaging for non-serialized items.

4. Click Save.

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Releasing a Packaging Order to the Packaging Line

You want to release a packaging order to the packaging line through the Wipotec-OCS V2 channel associated with the packaging line.

Before You Begin

Ensure the following:

  • You have enough serial numbers available in the pool.
  • The machine on the shopfloor (the packaging line) is available.


1. In the Serialized Manufacturing application, select Packaging --> Packaging orders tab. The application displays the list of packaging orders.

2. Find the packaging order in the list you want to release to the packaging line.


3. Under the Action column, click the release icon (Release packaging order) and confirm the action.

The order details and the serial numbers including the extra percentage are passed to the packaging line through the Wipotec OCS V2 channel associated with that packaging line.

Movilitas.Cloud regularly polls the packaging line for status updates.

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Deleting a Packaging Order


1. In the Serialized Manufacturing application, select Packaging --> Packaging orders tab. The application displays the list of packaging orders.

2. Find the packaging order in the list you want to delete.


3. Click the delete icon and confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

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