The Serialized Manufacturing application helps manufacturers to perform serialization of the manufactured products.

With this application, the manufacturers can use the following capabilities:

Connections to External Systems, Shopfloor, and Printing Destinations

The connections to external systems, shopfloor, and printing destinations are established through respective channels.

In the pharmaceutical industry, you can connect to the following:

  • BPOM (Indonesia)
  • Code OMS (Uzbekistan)
  • EU Hub (EMVO)
  • Novumgen (UK)
  • OMS Cloud (Kazakhstan)
  • Shopfloor (Packaging lines)
  • Printing Destinations (Zebra Cloud Connect, FTP servers, and NiceLabel Label Cloud)
  • TraceLink
  • TRVST (Africa)
  • VRS (USA)

Administrator UI

Enables the users to configure and manage the application.

Movilitas Mobile

Enables the operators to scan items for commissioning. The scanned items are commissioned to Movilitas.Cloud and then they are ready for commissioning to the market.

Manufacturer V2 API

The Serialized Manufacturing application can be extended through the Manufacturer V2 API in the following ways:

  • To request serials
  • To request SSCCs
  • To release serials
  • To release SSCCs
  • To commission serials
  • To decommission serials
  • To aggregate trade items on a container or a trade item
  • To aggregate containers on a container
  • To disaggregate trade items from a container or a trade item
  • To disaggregate containers from a container
  • To create a packaging order
  • To get open packaging orders
  • To get order details
  • To assign serials to one or more packaging orders
  • To release a packaging order to a packaging line
  • To start a packaging order without serial number assignment (bypassing serials)
  • To cancel a packaging order
  • To finish a packaging order