Movilitas.Cloud treats each Arvato-based NMVS connection the same way in terms of password expiration. The application assigns a 40-day lifetime to each Arvato-based NMVS password. The application sends a reminder by email and a notification on the tenant dashboard 3 days before the 40 days pass.
The 40-day password lifetime was chosen by design because Arvato applies 6 weeks (42 days) as the shortest password validity in the NMVS. While the password validity varies country by country - the validity can be 6 months or even a year - Movilitas.Cloud sends reminders in the same way, 3 days before the 40 days pass for each Arvato-based NMVS connection.
This can lead to unwanted reminders from Movilitas.Cloud.
When you receive such a reminder, confirm the following:
- If password auto-renew is activated on the corresponding Arvato channel, you don't need to worry about password expiration. The password is automatically renewed on time without human intervention.
- If password auto-renew is not activated on the corresponding Arvato channel, verify the password validity for that NMVS account. If the password lifetime is longer than 42 days, you can ignore the reminder from Movilitas.Cloud and update the password by following the setup in the NMVS.