
The Arvato-based National Medicines Verification System (NMVS) provides Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) that are imported into Movilitas.Cloud.

If the NMVS updates the Terms and Conditions, customers must accept the new Terms and Conditions on their respective Arvato channels. Please note that the Terms and Conditions are not available in certain countries.

Movilitas.Cloud gets updates when it is time to accept the new Terms and Conditions and there is some time to accept it. Movilitas.Cloud team does not know the length of the time window. Technically, Movilitas.Cloud does not get info upfront when new Terms and Conditions come up, but at the same time, you do not have to accept it immediately. 

There is some time overlap when both the old and new Terms and Conditions are active. Movilitas.Cloud does not know how long that overlap is, so we strongly recommend you to accept the T&Cs as soon as possible. Check the channel settings at least once a week to make sure that the connection is working.

Once the old Terms and Conditions are no longer valid, you cannot connect to the NMVS without accepting the new Terms and Conditions.




1. Open the Arvato channel from the tenant dashboard for editing.

2. Click on the yellow box in the channel settings informing you about the new version of NMVS Terms and Conditions.

3. Read and accept the new Terms and Conditions.

The yellow box should disappear and the new Terms and Conditions are accepted.