The Reports & Analysis application enables you to download workload reports about the outbound activities in the warehouse. The data to calculate the workload is collected in the Serialized Logistics application while executing outbound external deliveries through Validate Picking, Packing - orders, and Pack an order mobile actions.

You can get the delivery workload on a given day in a specified date range. The date can be in the past, on the current day, and also in the future.

You can download the workload report in CSV file format.

Note: To access this page, the "Administrator" role is required.


1. In the Reports & Analysis application, select Workload. The application displays the filters.


2. Select the date range by using the datepicker.

3. (Optional) Select the client in the Client drop-down where the deliveries are shipped.

4.  (Optional) Select a GTIN in the GTIN drop-down.

To clear the filter, click on the X icon on the right side of the drop-down.

5. (Optional) Select the delivery pick status in the Pick status drop-down:

  • None

  • In picking validation

  • Picking validated

The following example illustrates requesting a workload report:

  • The date range spans 30 days and it is a mixture of past, present, and future dates.
    • Start date is April 8, 2024.
    • End date is May 7, 2024.
    • Current day in this example is May 6, 2024.
  • The client is specified.
  • The GTIN is specified.
  • Delivery pick status is specified, In picking validation.

6. Click Get workload.

For each day in the specified date range in the CSV, the workload is calculated as follows:

  • Past date - The history data of the deliveries are taken. For these records in the CSV, the quantity reflects the scanned quantities on a particular day for the particular GTIN of the particular delivery to the particular client.
  • Future date - For these records in the CSV, the quantity is a forecast to be scanned on a particular day for the particular GTIN of the particular delivery to the particular client.
    • When determining the workload, the deliveries that are in Open or in In picking validation status are taken into account.
    • The remaining (non-scanned) quantities are part of the workload, equally distributed among the days till the order deadline (including weekends), forming the “daily portion”.
      • If the order deadline falls within the specified date range, the daily portion is assigned to the involved days till the order deadline and no further day (record) is added to the report after the order deadline. The total expected quantity is reached in this case.
      • If the order deadline is after the end date of the range, the daily portion is assigned till the end date of the range. The total expected quantity cannot be reached in this case.
      • If the order deadline is before the start date of the range, nothing is added to the report (empty CSV).
  • Present (Current day) - For these records in the CSV, the quantity is a mixture of what was scanned till the moment of the report generation and what will be scanned for the rest of the day.

7. Save the file to your local computer.

The following example illustrates the report for the previous request:

  • For the past date (before May 6), the quantity reflects how many items were scanned.
  • For the current day (May 6), nothing has been scanned yet, the quantity is a daily forecast.
  • For the future date (after May 6), the quantity is a daily forecast.
  • The forecast quantities are decimal numbers because the quantity to be still scanned is small and the order deadline is far in the future.
    • For example, in DEL24032201, 20 items remained to scan and the order deadline is December 31, 2024, so 240 days are left from the current day (May 6). The daily forecast for the quantity is 20/240=0.083333.