Use the Serialized Logistics mobile application to check the outstanding outbound deliveries that are due within 2 days or already due.
Before You Begin
Make sure the administrator has assigned you as an operator to the Serialized Logistics application and authorized you to check the workload.
1. Open the Serialized Logistics application in Movilitas Mobile.
2. Select Workload.
The application displays the deliveries in Open or In picking validation status with delivery date due within 2 days or already due.
- The deliveries are sorted by the delivery date, showing the delivery with the closest or oldest date first.
- For each delivery, the following information is displayed:
- Delivery ID.
- Delivery date.
- Client name.
- Total remaining quantity.
- Note: A negative number (if any) means over-delivery (if allowed).
- The deliveries in In picking validation status are highlighed in turquoise with a gear wheel icon.
- To view the details of a delivery, slide the delivery to the left and select Preview. The application displays the data shown in the list plus the delivery status.