To view the device information in Movilitas Mobile, follow the procedure below.


1. Open Movilitas Mobile application and log in.


2. On the Dashboard, select the burger menu icon in the top-right corner of the screen. 


The application displays the menu options.


3. Select Device information. The application displays the device information.

Version numberDisplays the Movilitas Mobile version running on your device.
EnvironmentDisplays the Movilitas.Cloud environment.
ManufacturerDisplays the manufacturer of the device.
ModelDisplays the model of the device.
PlatformDisplays the software platform of the device.
VersionDisplays the version of the operating system.
UUIDDisplays the UUID.
  • On an iOS mobile device, the UUID uniquely identifies the device to the application's vendor (device-app vendor link identification).
  • On an Android mobile device, the UUID is a 64-bit number expressed as a hexadecimal string that either identifies the device (Android 7 or lower) or is unique to each combination of app-signing key, user, and device (Android 8 or higher).
    • For Android 7 or lower, if the device has multiple users, each user appears as a completely separate device, so the identifier is unique to each user.
    • For Android 8 or higher, the value may change if a factory reset is performed on the device or if an APK signing key changes.
  • On web, a random identifier is generated and stored in the browser cache:
    • A unique identifier is generated for each browser type - for example, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox - on the same device.
    • If the browser cache is cleared, a new unique identifier is generated.
Operating SystemDisplays the name of the operating system.
Web view browser versionDisplays the webview browser version. 
Device permissions
Camera permissionDisplays the camera permission status (granted, prompt, or denied).
Location permissionDisplays the location permission status (granted, prompt, or denied).


4. (Optional) To send the UUID by email, click/tap on the UUID row.