Movilitas.Cloud has separate instances to fulfill different roles:

  • Your company performs everyday services in the production environment. This instance is the live environment.
  • Your company can use the acceptance environment to test the latest updates of the upcoming quarterly release before those features are released in the production environment.
  • If an extensive development is ongoing for your company business use case and there is an agreement with the Movilitas.Cloud Product Owner, you can use the staging environment for testing. You test the most recently developed features (in the current or the previous development sprints). Movilitas.Cloud team members might also be involved.

The instances are identical in terms of general functionality, look and feel, and so on. The difference is in the purpose:

  • Production environment: everyday service, live environment.
  • Acceptance environment: tests on a quarterly basis in a one-month time window before the quarterly release.
  • Staging environment: tests in the development phase to give feedback to Movilitas.Cloud development team.

You need to log in to these environments separately. You need to configure and operate these environments in parallel.

Movilitas.Cloud has a new release on a quarterly basis. We deploy the new release in the acceptance environment one month before deploying it on the production environment:

  • Deploying the new release in the acceptance environment is performed in March, June, September, and December.
  • Deploying the new release in the production environment is performed in April, July, October, and January.