Arvato is an NMVS provider in the EU. The NMVS helps you to connect to the EU Hub to report product information and statuses. Movilitas.Cloud enables you to create an Arvato NMVS channel that will establish a connection to the NMVS.

You can perform the functions listed below:

  • Perform verification of the packs
  • Send pack status to the NMVS

The NMVS sends the information to the EU Hub.

Currently, the Arvato NMVS channel can be used in the following applications:

  • Wholesaler FMD application
  • Hospital Pharmacies FMD application
  • Serialized Logistics application

List of Procedures

For more information on the general channel actions, see Managing Channels for a Tenant (Overview).

Creating an Arvato Channel


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. Click the + icon (Create channel). The application displays the Create channel dialog.

5. Select the channel type by following the description in the table below.

Your ApplicationChannel Type to Use
Wholesaler FMDBusiness
Hospital Pharmacies FMDBusiness
Serialized LogisticsRegulatory

6. Click Create. The application displays the Create Channel page with an empty form to give the basic parameters of the channel.

7. Enter a name for the channel and select Arvato NMVS as the source.

8. Click Create Channel.

The application informs you about the additional costs. After confirming the creation, the application displays the Edit Channel page with a form where you can provide the connection details for the channel.

The following example illustrates an Arvato channel that has the business channel type. Arvato channel with regulatory channel type is displayed in the same way:

9. Provide the Arvato channel settings as explained in the table below:

CountrySelect the country from where you want to connect to the NMVS.

Select the NMVS environment.

The available environments are:

  • Integrated Testing Environment - Use it to connect to the shared integrated test environment. Widely used by software suppliers.
  • Integrated Quality Environment - Use it to connect to the integrated quality environment of an NMVS. This is the copy of the production environment used for testing purposes.
  • Production Environment - Use it to connect to the production environment of an NMVS.
User IDEnter the username to connect to the NMVS. The username is in a specific format and is provided by the NMVO.
User password

Enter the current password.

For the first time, enter the initial password that is sent by the NMVO. Later, you need to change the initial password. The Arvato channel will work properly only after changing the initial password.

Certificate passphraseEnter the passphrase that is provided by the NMVO.
Select CertificateUpload the .p12 certificate provided by the NMVO for user authentication. Click on the button and select the certificate file on your computer.

Note: It is mandatory to upload a certificate.


  • When creating the channel, the functions related to password update and automatic password renewal are inactive. After providing all credentials, you can activate automatic certificate renewal, however, we recommend you to leave that checkbox intact during channel creation and activate it later as described in this article.
  • You can inactivate sending reminders about password expiration while creating the channel or later. For more information, see Turning Reminders about Password Expiration Off.


10. Click Save Settings. The application displays a bluish information message at the top about changing initial passwords.

11. Validate the connection to the NMVS by clicking Check Arvato Settings button.

The application displays the result:

  • If the connection is correctly set up, the application displays the Settings are OK and NMVS is connected message.
  • If there is an error, the application displays an appropriate error message including the reason. Make sure that you are connected to the Internet and that you provide the correct credentials.

Next Steps

If you entered an initial password, you need to change it. To change the password, you have two options:

If you entered a password that is not the initial one, refresh the browser and the bluish error message disappears. You can also change the password or renew the certificate automatically as described in this article.

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Accepting New Terms and Conditions

The NMVS updates its terms and conditions regularly. When there are new terms and conditions available, the administrator receives a notification in Movilitas.Cloud. The administrator must open the Arvato channel, open the terms and conditions, and accept it after reading them.

Note: The updates on the terms and conditions must be accepted so that the connection continues to work properly.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for an Arvato channel, use the search criteria field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search criteria field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select Arvato NMVS as the source.
  • Select Business channel or Regulatory channel as the type (depending on your application using Arvato).

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel. The application displays the Arvato connection settings.

If there are new terms and conditions from the NMVS, the application displays a message with a yellow background at the top of the Arvato connection settings form.



6. Click on the yellow bar to read and accept the terms and conditions.

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Updating User Password in Arvato Manually (On-Demand)

If you want to have full control over the password, you can manually change the Arvato password on-demand:

  • Change the password on the NMVS Web Portal and then use that password in Movilitas.Cloud.


  • Provide the new password on this page and update the NMVS from Movilitas.Cloud.

The following procedure describes the second case when updating the Arvato password from Movilitas.Cloud. If you change the password in the following way, you need to regularly check the password and update the password on your own.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for an Arvato channel, use the search criteria field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search criteria field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select Arvato NMVS as the source.
  • Select Business channel or Regulatory channel as the type (depending on your application using Arvato).

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel. The application displays the Arvato connection settings.

The following example illustrates an Arvato channel that has the business channel type. Arvato channel with regulatory channel type is displayed in the same way:

6. Change the user password.

  • Enter the password in the User password field and then select the Update user password in Arvato system checkbox


  • Generate the password by using the Generate button. The new password is visible in the User password field. The password is copied to your clipboard so that you can save it. The Update user password in Arvato system checkbox is automatically selected.

In the following example:

  1. We entered the new password manually. The Update user password in Arvato system checkbox became selectable.
  2. We manually selected the Update user password in Arvato system checkbox.

Note: This setting automatically made the Automatically renew user password checkbox inactive.

7. Click Save Settings. The user password is updated in Movilitas.Cloud and in the NMVS.

Note: After changing your initial password received from the NMVO, you may still see a bluish message at the top warning you about the initial password change. If this is the case, and you have changed your initial password, refresh the browser and the message disappears.

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Renewing Arvato User Password and Arvato Certificate Automatically

For an already configured Arvato channel, you can automatically renew the Arvato password and Arvato certificate from Movilitas.Cloud without user intervention.

IMPORTANT: The auto-renew function is a convenient solution that keeps your Arvato connection up and running from Movilitas.Cloud. However, you are responsible for your credentials. For any reason, if you want to manually access the NMVS Web Portal parallel to Movilitas.Cloud, you might need to consider the following:

  • The generated password cannot be retrieved from Movilitas.Cloud. If you want to access the NMVS Web Portal after applying the auto-renew setting, manually change the password on this page, ensure that the NMVS is refreshed from Movilitas.Cloud, and then use this password. For more information, see Updating User Password in Arvato Manually (On-Demand).
  • Once the new certificate is available, make sure that you also download it manually from the NMVS PKI Portal and you keep it in a safe place with the certificate passphrase. To access the NMVS Web Portal from your browser, you need to integrate the new certificate into your browser.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for an Arvato channel, use the search criteria field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search criteria field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select Arvato NMVS as the source.
  • Select Business channel or Regulatory channel as the type (depending on your application using Arvato).

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel. The application displays the Arvato connection settings.

The following example illustrates an Arvato channel that has the business channel type. Arvato channel with regulatory channel type is displayed in the same way:

6. Select the Automatically renew user password checkbox.

7. Select the Automatically renew certification checkbox. 

8. To receive notifications about the automatic renewal, enter an email address in the Email for notifications about automatic renewal field.


9. Click Save Settings.

  • Movilitas.Cloud immediately generates a new password in the background and sends the notification to the specified email address.
  • When a new certificate is available, Movilitas.Cloud automatically downloads the certificate together with the passphrase and integrates them into the channel.

IMPORTANT: The auto-renew function is a convenient solution that keeps your Arvato connection up and running from Movilitas.Cloud. However, you are responsible for your credentials. For any reason, if you want to manually access the NMVS Web Portal parallel to Movilitas.Cloud, you might need to consider the following:

  • The generated password cannot be retrieved from Movilitas.Cloud. If you want to access the NMVS Web Portal after applying the auto-renew setting, manually change the password on this page, ensure that the NMVS is refreshed from Movilitas.Cloud, and then use this password. For more information, see Updating User Password in Arvato Manually (On-Demand).
  • Once the new certificate is available, make sure that you also download it manually from the NMVS PKI Portal and you keep it in a safe place with the certificate passphrase. To access the NMVS Web Portal from your browser, you need to integrate the new certificate into your browser.

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Turning Off Reminders about Password Expiration

Movilitas.Cloud sends reminders about Arvato password expiration every 6 weeks. While the password change interval varies country by country, Movilitas.Cloud takes the shortest interval for all countries by design. For an account in a country where the interval is longer, for example, 6 months or 1 year, you might find the reminders unnecessary from Movilitas.Cloud. You can inactivate sending reminders about password expiration.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for an Arvato channel, use the search criteria field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search criteria field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select Arvato NMVS as the source.
  • Select Business channel or Regulatory channel as the type (depending on your application using Arvato).

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel. The application displays the Arvato connection settings.

The following example illustrates an Arvato channel that has the business channel type. Arvato channel with regulatory channel type is displayed in the same way:

6. Select the Don't send password expiration reminders checkbox.


7. Click Save Settings. Movilitas.Cloud stops sending reminders about password expiration. It is your responsibility to renew the password on time.

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