This article summarizes access rights for each role supported by the Reports & Analysis application. The roles are controlled at the tenant level, meaning that the user has one role in each tenant, and the role can be different, for example, the user has an Administrator role in Tenant A, but the user is only a mobile user in Tenant B.

Unless stated otherwise, the screenshots and descriptions in all articles represent the "Administrator" role viewpoint. When a description mentions "user", it does not relate to the "User" role but it is a general term for a person that has the privilege to do a specific action.

Roles and Access Rights in Reports & Analysis Admin

Tab / AreaAdministrator RoleSupport Role*User Role*

None Role

(Mobile User Only)

Alert ManagementEuropeRRR-
Bulk responsesRRR-
Peak timesRRR-
Trace RequestRRR-
Exception HandlingRRR-

R/W: Read/Write

R: Read Only

-: No Access

*: Default setting. Access to the tabs can be customized, except for the "Settings" tab which is a privilege of the "Administrator" role only.

Customizing User Role and Support Role Access

You can customize the access of a user with the "User" or "Support" role to the tabs in the Admin UI under the Settings tab. The tabs are organized in a tree view with selectable checkboxes. Access to the tab can be turned on or off.

When a user has access to a tab, this means full access to that tab, including its child tabs.

A tab can contain a parameter that takes values from a page to which the user does not have access. In this case, the application offers the available values for selection but the user cannot manipulate the source page.

You cannot give access to the Settings tab for a user with the "User" or "Support" role.