The Reports & Analysis application offers services for various markets in the pharmaceutical industry.



Administrators of the tenant can customize the access to the Reports & Analysis application in the Admin UI for each user that has the "User" or "Support" role.


FMD Scans

When the user performs an FMD action in the Serialized Logistics application, the scanned data is stored. The Reports & Analysis application enables the users to view the FMD scans performed in the warehouses.

Alert Management

The Reports & Analysis application is integrated with the EMVO Alert Management System (EAMS) and lists the alerts for a time window not longer than one month. As a prerequisite, Movilitas.Cloud team configures an EU Hub channel and sets up the connection to the EMVO AMS for your tenant. The customer must have separate credentials for the EU Hub and for the EMVO AMS.

The Reports & Analysis application is integrated with the National Alert Management System (NAMS) and lists the alerts of a specific connection for the last 30 days. The time window is configurable. If there are multiple NMVS (Arvato) connections configured for the tenant, the user can select another connection and list the alerts of that connection.

Bulk responses

When the user performs an FMD action in bulk towards the NMVS (Arvato) in the Serialized Logistics application, a bulk transaction is created in the NMVS and a bulk response is retrieved from the NMVS. The Reports & Analysis application enables the users to view the bulk responses. If the bulk transaction fails, Movilitas.Cloud sends an email to all administrators of the tenant and optionally to the operator who performed the FMD action. Sending the notification to the operator is controlled in the Serialized Logistics application.


Any change in the inventory through the Serialized Logistics application is recorded. The Reports & Analysis application enables the user to get inventory reports based on GTIN, batch, and inventory status, and to download these reports in CSV format.

Bahrain / United Arab Emirates

3PL Total Count Reports for a Supplier

Each transfer that the user performs as a 3PL in the Serialized Logistics application is stored. The Reports & Analysis application enables the user to generate a “total count” report about the scans performed for a supplier (MAH) in a given month. The user can download the file, send the file to an email address, or perform both actions at the same time. The report is in CSV format.


Any change in the inventory through the Serialized Logistics application is recorded. The Reports & Analysis application enables the user to get inventory reports based on GTIN, batch, and inventory status, and to download these reports in CSV format.


3PL Activities

Each successful scan for a shipped delivery that the user performs as a 3PL in a warehouse in the Serialized Logistics application is stored. The Reports & Analysis application enables the user to get an overview of the activities performed in a given timeframe in the selected warehouses.

3PL Peak Times of Scanning

Each successful scan for a delivery that a user performs as a 3PL in a warehouse in the Serialized Logistics application is recorded. The Reports & Analysis application enables the user to check the peak times of scanning for a day of the week. The user selects a warehouse, a day of the week, and a time period as the basis of the calculation. The application  displays a graph with hourly granularity per mobile action (station).


Any change in the inventory through the Serialized Logistics application is recorded. The Reports & Analysis application enables the user to get inventory reports based on GTIN, batch, and inventory status, and to download these reports in CSV format.


The user can download workload reports about the outbound activities in the warehouse. To customize the report, the user specifies a date range and optionally gives the customer, GTIN, and delivery pick status. The data to calculate the workload is collected in the Serialized Logistics application while executing outbound external deliveries through Validate Picking, Packing - orders, and Pack an order mobile actions. The delivery workload is presented per day in the specified date range. The date can be in the past, on the current day, and also in the future. For dates in the past, the report shows the quantity scanned on a given day (history data). For dates in the future, the report shows a daily forecast about the quantities still to be scanned till the order deadline. For the present (current) day, the quantity is a mixture of what was scanned till the moment of the report generation and what will be scanned for the rest of the day.

DSCSA (USA) - Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dispensers


The requests are stored when a distributor or a dispenser sends VRS requests by using the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application. The Reports & Analysis application enables the users to view the VRS requests.

When a manufacturer sends VRS responses to incoming VRS requests by using the Serialized Manufacturing application, the responses are stored. The Reports & Analysis application enables the users to view the VRS responses.

Trace Requests

The stakeholder can receive a trace request for a product from a client or a state authority:

  • The users can execute a trace request by providing the GTIN and the serial number or by selecting a trace request from the log that lists the trace requests received by email. The application displays the inbound/outbound transaction details and the product flow as supplier details --> warehouse details --> client details.
  • If the trace request is received by email, the stakeholder can send the trace response to the callback address of the trace request.

The stakeholder can download the JSON file of a trace request that is initiated from the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application or received by email. The stakeholder can send a trace request by email.

Exception Handling

While receiving items in the Serialized Logistics application, exceptions might occur. Movilitas.Cloud collects the exceptions of a receipt and logs an incident in the Reports & Analysis application. The Reports & Analysis application enables the user to review the incident, elaborate on the exception details, and report the incident to the involved company (supplier) by sending an email. The email contains the exception details as a JSON file in the attachment. The incident shall be investigated by the involved stakeholders (sender and receiver).


Any change in the inventory through the Serialized Logistics application is recorded. The Reports & Analysis application enables the user to get inventory reports based on GTIN, batch, and inventory status, and to download these reports in CSV format.