You can customize the access to the Reports & Analysis application in the Admin UI for each user that has the "User" or "Support" role:

  • The access is controlled on a tab basis. The tabs are organized in a tree view with selectable checkboxes. Access to the tab can be turned on or off. The application offers a default setting.
  • When a user has access to a tab, this means full access to that tab, including its child tabs.
  • A tab can contain a parameter that takes values from a page to which the user does not have access. In this case, the application offers the available values for selection but the user cannot manipulate the source page.
  • You cannot give access to the Settings tab for a user with the "User" or "Support" role.

Note: To access this page, the "Administrator" role is required.


1. In the Reports & Analysis application, click on the Settings tab. The application displays the Settings page.

2. On the Access Control for Users with User or Support role panel, find the user.

To search for a user, enter the email address in the search field.

  • The list of users is filtered based on the search criteria.
  • You can reset the filter by clicking on the Reset Filters icon.

3. Select the user to control the access to the Reports & Analysis application in the Admin UI.

The application displays the application tabs in a tree view with the current access of the user.

In the following example, the application displays the default access of a user. The tree view is not expanded for all parent tabs:

4. Customize the user access.

  • To give access to a tab, select the related checkbox.
  • To give access to all child tabs (group of tabs), select the checkbox next to the parent tab.
  • To deny access to a tab, clear the related checkbox.
  • To deny access to all child tabs (group of tabs), clear the checkbox next to the parent tab.


5. Click Save.

The setting becomes effective as follows:

  • Immediately at the backend (server side). 
  • With the next login of the user that has the “User” or "Support" role in the UI (client side).