You can assign users to the tenant to enable coworkers to use the system. You can also search for, edit, unlock, and unassign users.
In Movilitas.Cloud, users can have the following roles:
- Administrator
- Moderator (Legacy and deprecated)
- Analyzer (Legacy and deprecated)
- Support
- User
- None (for Mobile users only)
It is possible to combine Administrator, Moderator, Support, User, or None roles with the mobile user setting. As a mobile user, you have access to the Movilitas Mobile and Movilitas Desktop applications. Only mobile users can be assigned to the mobile and desktop applications as operators.
You are the administrator of every tenant that you create in the system. You, as an administrator, can then assign users to a specific tenant with any of the above roles. A user has one role in each tenant, and the role can be different, for example, the user has the Administrator role in Tenant A, but the user is only a mobile user in Tenant B.
The following table explains the details of each role for the Administrator UI.
Role | Description |
Administrator | As an administrator of a certain tenant, you perform administration activities on the tenant level as well as on the application level. You can do the following:
Note: Unless stated otherwise, the screenshots in the Online Help illustrate an administrator view. |
Moderator (Legacy and deprecated) | As a moderator of a certain tenant, you perform administration activities in the scope of applications rather than in the scope of the tenant. You can do the following:
IMPORTANT: The "Moderator" role is a legacy role that is supported for an existing user configuration only. You cannot select the "Moderator" role for a new user or when you want to change the role of an existing user. The "Moderator" role is deprecated and cannot be used in the Serialized Manufacturing and the Serialized Logistics applications. |
Analyzer (Legacy and deprecated) | As an analyzer of a certain tenant, you can do the following:
IMPORTANT: The "Analyzer" role is a legacy role that is supported for an existing user configuration only. You cannot select the "Analyzer" role for a new user or when you want to change the role of an existing user. The "Analyzer" role is deprecetad and reserved for the FMD Reports application. |
Support | As a support assigned to a tenant, you can do the following:
Users with the "Support" role can access the Serialized Manufacturing application, Serialized Logistics application, and Reports & Analysis application for administration tasks, but an administrator of the specific tenant can customize their access. They cannot control application-level settings and certain functions. For more information, see Roles and Access to the Serialized Manufacturing Application, Roles and Access to the Serialized Logistics Application, and Roles and Access to the Reports & Analysis Application. The "Support" role is not available for legacy applications. |
User | As a user assigned to a tenant, you can do the following:
Users with the "Support" role can access the Serialized Manufacturing application, Serialized Logistics application, and Reports & Analysis application for administration tasks, but an administrator of the specific tenant can customize their access. They cannot control application-level settings and certain functions. For more information, see Roles and Access to the Serialized Manufacturing Application, Roles and Access to the Serialized Logistics Application, and Roles and Access to the Reports & Analysis Application. For legacy applications, the "User" role is used for operators (mobile users) in the warehouse and they cannot access the applications for the specific tenant in the Administrator UI. |
None (together with Mobile user) | As a mobile user of a certain tenant without any specific role above, you can perform activities in the warehouse but you cannot access the Dashboard and the applications for the specific tenant in the Administrator UI. The "None" role can only be used for operators (mobile users) in the warehouse. |
Irrespective of the role you have, you can change the settings of your account, like your email address, your avatar, or your password.
The following table summarizes the user statuses in Movilitas.Cloud.
Status | Description |
Pending | The user registered an account in Movilitas.Cloud by following the invitation email sent from Movilitas.Cloud, but the user has not activated the account yet through the activation email from Movilitas.Cloud. |
Active | The user is an active member of the tenant, and the user can apply all functions as per the role. This is the expected status for a user to perform actions in Movilitas.Cloud. |
Inactive | The user account is inactive in Movilitas.Cloud. Only a system administrator can set this role (not available to administrators of the tenant). |
Banned | The user account is banned in Movilitas.Cloud. Only a system administrator can set this role (not available to administrators of the tenant). |
Locked | The user account is locked because of too many failed logon attempts. The user needs to reset the password or an administrator of the tenant can unlock the user. |
List of Procedures
- Searching for a User and Viewing Its Details
- Assigning Users to a Tenant
- Editing a User
- Unlocking a User
- Unassigning a User from a Tenant
Searching for a User and Viewing Its Details
1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.
2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.
3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Users tab. The application displays the list of users assigned to the tenant.
4. Enter the name or the email address in the search field. Filter based on the status and/or the role.
- The list of users is filtered based on the search criteria.
- You can reset the filter by clicking the Reset filters icon.
The following example illustrates the case when a user in the "User" role in Pending status is displayed. The Pending status means that the user registered an account in Movilitas.Cloud by following the invitation email sent from Movilitas.Cloud, but the user has not activated the account yet through the activation email from Movilitas.Cloud:
The following example illustrates the case when searching for all active mobile users that have the "cloud" expression in the email address or the name:
5. Click the eye icon (More details) next to the user in the Actions column to view the user details.
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Assigning Users to a Tenant
Assign users to the tenant to enable coworkers to use the system.
1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.
2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.
3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Users tab. The application displays the list of users assigned to the tenant.
4. Click the + icon (Assign user). The application displays the Assign user dialog.
5. Provide the email address of the person you want to assign to the tenant.
6. Specify a role.
7. (Optional) If the user does not have operator tasks on a site, that is, they do not use the Movilitas Mobile or Movilitas Desktop application, clear the Mobile user checkbox.
Note: If you want to use the None role, make sure that the Mobile user checkbox is selected.
8. Click Assign user.
If the user has not registered in the system yet, an invitation email is sent to the email address you provided, and the user must register first. After the user registers, the user is assigned to the tenant immediately, but the user must activate the account to be an active user in the system:
- Until the user activates the account, the user is in Pending status.
- After activating the account, the user is in Active status.
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Editing a User
1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.
2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.
3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Users tab. The application displays the list of users assigned to the tenant.
4. Find the user and click on the user's name or click the edit icon next to the user in the Actions column. The application displays the Edit user dialog.
5. (Optional) Change the role of the user.
6. (Optional) Select or clear the Mobile user checkbox depending on whether the user performs scanning activities on the site. If the user does not have operator tasks on a site, clear the checkbox.
Note: If you want to use the None role, make sure that the Mobile user checkbox is selected.
7. Click Save.
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Unlocking a User
1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.
2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.
3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Users tab. The application displays the list of users assigned to the tenant.
4. Find the locked user.
5. Click the unlock icon (Unlock user) next to the user in the Actions column. The application asks you to confirm the action.
6. Select Yes.
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Unassigning a User from a Tenant
1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.
2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.
3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Users tab. The application displays the list of users assigned to the tenant.
4. Find the user in the list you want to unassign.
5. Click the delete icon next to the user in the Actions column. The application asks you to confirm the action.
6. Select Yes.
Note: The user is not removed from Movilitas.Cloud, only the connection to the tenant is terminated. If you want to remove the user from Movilitas.Cloud, contact Movilitas.Cloud Support.
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