When a VRS request is performed in the Product Verification DSCSA application, Movilitas.Cloud logs the VRS request and the corresponding VRS response. The VRS requests represent the verification actions of a distributor. The Reports & Analysis application enables you to view the VRS requests.

Note: To access this page, the "Administrator" role is required.


1. In the Reports & Analysis application, select DSCSA --> VRS --> Requests. The application displays all the VRS requests.

For each request, the application displays the pack status by using an icon, the GTIN, the expiration date, the batch, the serial number, and the date and time of the scan.

The packs can take one of the following statuses:

Icon (Status)MeaningDefinition
Green checkmarkTrueThe pack is valid.
Red exclamation markFalseThe pack is invalid.
Question mark
ErrorThere is a verification error.


Note: Hover your mouse over the status icon and the application displays the pack status.

2. Search for a specific request by using the filters:

  • Set the search properties. The supported search properties are the following: GTIN, serial number, batch, and expiration date.
  • Click the + button to add further search criteria. You can set a maximum of three properties.
  • Set the date range by using the datepicker.
  • Select the Failed scans toggle button to display only the VRS requests that failed due to an error or because the pack is invalid.

You can reset the filter by clicking Reset filters.

3. Click Search. The application filters the list of requests based on the search criteria.

4. Click > (Expand) to view the details of a request.

The provided information contains the pack data, the response data including the result and the responder GLN, and the timestamps.

The following example illustrates the details of a request by applying the filters below:

  • GTIN
  • Serial number
  • Responder name
  • Specific date range

The pack status is TRUE (valid). After expanding the request, the application displays the pack data, the response details, the responder information, and the date and time of creation:


The implementation follows the GS1 Lightweight Messaging Standard for Verification of Product Identifiers / Returned Product Identifiers.

  • For more information on GS1 verification messaging in general, go to the following GS1 site where you can download a public version of the standard.
  • For a US-specific implementation guideline, see the following GS1 link.