Third-party logistics (3PLs) can complete scanning activities for your tenant (MAH).

You need to register the 3PL entity in Movilitas.Cloud and you can:

  • Invite the 3PL to be a partner in Movilitas.Cloud
  • Assign a business channel previously created with SAP ATTP over Webmethods or TraceLink source, so that the 3PL can send data about the scanning activities in the mobile application to the external system of the MAH.

If a 3PL invites you to be a MAH in Movilitas.Cloud and you accept the invitation, the 3PL is automatically added under the 3PLs tab and you can set the business channel and request the 3PL to store the scans in your FMD repository.

List of Procedures

Creating a 3PL

Before You Begin

Make sure that:

  • You are using the Wholesaler FMD application in 3PL mode or Wholesaler and 3PL mode.
  • You have configured the SAP ATTP over Webmethods or TraceLink channel that is used for sending data about the scanning activities in the mobile application.


1. In the Wholesaler FMD application, select the 3PLs tab. The application displays the list of 3PLs and the Create 3PL customer form.

Note: When viewing the details of a 3PL, you can open the Create 3PL customer form by clicking Add new +.


2. Provide a name for the 3PL.

3. Click Create. The 3PL customer is created and added to the list.

4. Select the 3PL you just created from the list and continue the configuration. The application displays the Update 3PL customer and the Partner request forms.


5. Invite the 3PL to Movilitas.Cloud. In the Partner request form, enter an email address and click Invite Partner.

  • If the entered email address is assigned to one tenant in Movilitas.Cloud, a partner review request is sent to the specified email address. The email address must belong to a user with the “Administrator” role so that the partnership can be established.
  • If the entered email address is assigned to multiple tenants in Movilitas.Cloud as an administrator, the application displays a dialog to select the partner. Then, a partner review request is sent to the specified email address. The email address must belong to a user with the “Administrator” role so that the partnership can be established.
  • If the entered email address is not assigned to any tenant in Movilitas.Cloud, the system sends a registration email to the given address. The receiver of the partner request can become a full customer of Movilitas.Cloud, in which case they use the system and pay for the services themselves, or they can use the system as a partner, in which case the tenant that sent the invitation is paying for the services.

6. On the Update 3PL customer form, provide the connection details to be used by the 3PL:

Assign business channelAssign a business channel that is used for sending the data about the scanning activities.

You can assign a business channel that you previously created with SAP ATTP over Webmethods or TraceLink source.

If a business channel is set here and the 3PL partner configures Status Change over MAH or Status Change over NMVS and MAH operation mode on the MAHs tab in their view, data is sent to the SAP ATTP of the MAH or the TraceLink system of the MAH, respectively.
GLN numberEnter the GLN of the 3PL. Only displayed after selecting a business channel.
Store 3PL scans in FMD repositoryIf the partner accepts the invitation request, the Update 3PL customer form displays an additional checkbox, Store 3PL scans in FMD repository.

Select this checkbox to notify the 3PL to store the scanning data in the repository of the MAH.

7. Click Update.

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Updating a 3PL

A typical use case is when a 3PL invites you to be a MAH partner in Movilitas.Cloud. The 3PL is automatically added to the list of 3PLs, but you need to set the business channel and request the 3PL to store the scans in your FMD repository.


1. In the Wholesaler FMD application, select the 3PLs tab. The application displays the list of 3PLs.

2. Find and select the 3PL in the list you want to update. The application displays the Update 3PL customer and the Partner request forms.


3. (Optional) On the Update 3PL customer form, modify the fields as needed and click Update.

NameEnter the name of the 3PL.
GLN numberEnter the GLN of the 3PL.
Assign business channelAssign the business channel that is used for sending data about the scanning activities in the mobile application.

When the 3PL performs a scanning activity in the warehouse, the data is sent to the external system over this business channel.
Store 3PL scans in FMD repositorySelect the checkbox to ask the 3PL to store the scanning data in the FMD repository of the MAH. A notification is sent to the 3PL in Movilitas.Cloud.

The checkbox is only visible when the 3PL accepts the invitation request to Movilitas.Cloud from you and becomes a partner.

Note: Make sure that you have created an FMD repository and the repository is selected in the Settings tab.

4. (Optional) On the Partner request form, manage your partner depending on your actual configuration:

  • Remove an active partner by clicking the delete icon (Remove partner).
  • Invite a partner by entering the email address of your contact person and clicking Invite Partner.

When inviting a partner:

  • If the entered email address is assigned to one tenant in Movilitas.Cloud, a partner review request is sent to the specified email address. The email address must belong to a user with the “Administrator” role so that the partnership can be established.
  • If the entered email address is assigned to multiple tenants in Movilitas.Cloud as an administrator, the application displays a dialog to select the partner. Then, a partner review request is sent to the specified email address. The email address must belong to a user with the “Administrator” role so that the partnership can be established.
  • If the entered email address is not assigned to any tenant in Movilitas.Cloud, the system sends a registration email to the given address. The receiver of the partner request can become a full customer of Movilitas.Cloud, in which case they use the system and pay for the services themselves, or they can use the system as a partner, in which case the tenant that sent the invitation is paying for the services.

Note: Once a partner has been changed, make sure the rest of the settings are aligned accordingly.

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Deleting a 3PL


1. In the Wholesaler FMD application, select the 3PLs tab. The application displays the list of 3PLs.

2. Find the 3PL you want to delete.


3. Click the delete icon next to the 3PL and confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

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