Use the Serialized Manufacturing mobile application to release Data Matrix barcodes to the Keyence printer for a packaging order.

Before You Begin

Make sure the administrator has assigned you as an operator to the Serialized Manufacturing application and authorized you to print on a Keyence printer in Movilitas.Cloud.


1. Open the Serialized Manufacturing application in Movilitas Mobile.

2. Select Keyence printing. The application displays the list of packaging orders.

3. Find the order by entering the order ID in the search field.

4. Select the order.

The application displays the details of the order:

  • Order ID
  • GTIN
  • Batch
  • Expiry date
  • Amount
  • Available serials - Decreased by 1 every time a serial is sent to the printer. The logic takes the extra percentage of serial numbers (%) setting into account. Only displayed for an ongoing order.
  • Released serials - Increased by 1 every time a serial is sent to the printer. Only displayed for an ongoing order.

5. For an ongoing order, verify that the last printing is successful (if any).

6. Release a Data Matrix (GS1) barcode to the printer:

  • For an open order, select Start the order and Release datamatrix to printer.
  • For an ongoing order, select Release datamatrix to printer.

For an open (not yet started) order, the application assigns the serial numbers including the extra percentage (%) to the order. If the required amount of serial numbers is not available at the beginning of the process, the application displays an error message and printing is not possible.

Each time you click the release button, the application takes a serial number assigned to the order and releases it to the printer.

7. Verify that the last printing is successful.

8. Repeat the previous release-verify steps until the order is fulfilled.

The Release datamatrix to printer button becomes inactive once the order runs out of the assigned serial numbers (end of process).

9. If the order is fulfilled, select Close Packaging Order.

The application exits the order details view and displays the list of packaging orders.

The packaging order status goes to Done.

Next Steps

Commission the items in the mobile application by using the Commission action.