The exceptions are recorded while receiving items in the Serialized Logistics application. Movilitas.Cloud collects the exceptions of a receipt and logs an incident. The incident shall be investigated by the involved stakeholders (sender and receiver).

The Reports & Analysis application enables you to view the incident, give the exception details, and report the incident by email. The generated email describes the exception details in a formatted, easy-to-read manner while the exception details are also attached as a JSON file. The application constructs the JSON file by following the PDG DSCSA Exception Notification schema.

Note: To access this page, the "Administrator" role is required.

List of Procedures

Viewing an Incident


1. In the Reports & Analysis application, select DSCSA --> Exception Handling. The application displays the incidents.

For each incident, the application displays the following:

  • Incident ID - Collects all data exchange between parties with the same ID.
  • Name of the involved company.
  • Indication of the involved company in Movilitas.Cloud (Supplier or Client).
  • Delivery ID.
  • Date and time of incident creation.
  • Status.
  • Action button (Report).


2. Find the incident.

  • Search for an incident by entering the incident ID, the delivery ID, or the name of the involved company in the search field.
  • Filter the status of the incident.

You can reset the filter by clicking Reset filters.

3. Click > (Expand) to view the incident details.

Exception details:

  • Notification ID - The initial ID matches the incident ID. A data exchange triggers a new message and therefore a new notification ID while the incident ID remains the same.
  • Purchase order list
  • Shipment receipt date
  • Receiving location address
  • Contact information
    • Tenant name
    • Email address - The email address to receive DSCSA exceptions as given in the Serialized Logistics application settings.
  • GLN - Derived from the tenant SGLN given in the company information section in the tenant settings.
  • Incident notes
  • Email to report - By default, the email address is taken from the supplier master data settings in the Serialized Logistics application but the email address can be overwritten.
  • Report sent by - If the report is sent to the involved company, the field is displayed with the sender's name.
  • Details of each exception within the incident. See the table below.

NDC Number
Drug name
Serial number
Expiration date
  • Product No Data
  • Data No Product
  • Product No Data
  • Data No Product
Applies to:
  • Items in Shipment
Applies to:
  • Items in Shipment

Physical product notes

Note: Visible after the user provides the information.

Physical product notes

Note: Visible after the user provides the information.

Exception type list (any of these):
  • EPCIS Event Timestamp Sequence
  • Missing Attributes
  • Missing EPCIS Events
  • Duplicate EPCIS Events
  • Unrecognized Buyer GCP and/or GLN
  • Unrecognized Seller GCP and/or GLN
  • EPCIS Event Formatting Issue
  • Certificate Issue

Note: Visible after the user provides the information.

Exception type list (any of these):
  • EPCIS Event Timestamp Sequence
  • Missing Attributes
  • Missing EPCIS Events
  • Duplicate EPCIS Events
  • Unrecognized Buyer GCP and/or GLN
  • Unrecognized Seller GCP and/or GLN
  • EPCIS Event Formatting Issue
  • Certificate Issue

Note: Visible after the user provides the information.

Priority (Low-Medium-High)

Note: Visible after the user provides the information.

Priority (Low-Medium-High)

Note: Visible after the user provides the information.

Resolution requests (any of these):
  • Send New Data
  • Send Product
  • Return Product
  • Send Back Product
  • Credit Account
  • Debit Account

Note: Visible after the user provides the information.

Resolution requests (any of these):
  • Send New Data
  • Send Product
  • Return Product
  • Send Back Product
  • Credit Account
  • Debit Account

Note: Visible after the user provides the information.

Last email response - This applies once a response to a report is received.

  • Sender
  • Subject
  • Received date
  • Message
    • Note: The message might contain a thread of emails in a non-formatted way. The content comes from the sender’s messaging system and Movilitas.Cloud does not have control over it.

The following example illustrates an incident in Open status:

The following example illustrates an incident in Pending response status:

The following example illustrates an incident in In progress status:

Back to the list of procedures

Managing an Incident Report


1. In the Reports & Analysis application, select DSCSA --> Exception Handling. The application displays the incidents.

2. Find the incident.

  • Search for an incident by entering the incident ID, the delivery ID, or the name of the involved company in the search field.
  • Filter the status of the incident.

You can reset the filter by clicking Reset filters.


3. Click Report in the Action column. 

The application displays the Exception details pop-up:

  • General incident data at the top of the window. Read-only data. 
  • Each exception indicates the number (#), the scanned item, and whether any required data is missing (red exclamation mark).
    • By default, the exceptions are collapsed. It is possible to expand one at once.
  • Incident notes - General notes about the complete incident.
  • Email to report - Destination email address of the report. By default, the application takes the supplier email address for DSCSA exceptions but it can be overwritten.


4. Complete the report as described in the table below. 

  • If all the required fields are populated for an exception, the red exclamation mark next to the exception disappears.
  • If you don't want to send your report immediately, click Save any time during the process and resume later.
  • To view the data without saving, click Close or X.

Exception #N (where N is an integer)
Physical product notesGive some information about the physical product.
Exception type listSelect the exception type(s) that apply to the exception. Multiple values can be selected:
  • EPCIS Event Timestamp Sequence
  • Missing Attributes
  • Missing EPCIS Events
  • Duplicate EPCIS Events
  • Unrecognized Buyer GCP and/or GLN
  • Unrecognized Seller GCP and/or GLN
  • EPCIS Event Formatting Issue
  • Certificate Issue
Exception descriptionDescribe the exception.
PrioritySelect the priority:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
Resolution requestsSelect the resolution request(s) that apply to the exception. Multiple values can be selected:
  • Send New Data
  • Send Product
  • Return Product
  • Send Back Product
  • Credit Account
  • Debit Account
Exception notesGive some additional information about the exception.
Incident notesGive some additional information about the incident.
Email to reportConfirm the email address where the report is sent. If necessary, change the email address.

Example of an exception for a trade item:

Example of an exception for a container (SSCC):

Example of incident notes and active Report button:

5. Do one of the following:

  • Click Save to save the exception details. The incident is not sent by email and you can resume later.
  • Click Report to save and send the report by email at once. Once the report is sent, the incident status changes from Open to Pending Response.


Result of the report

The generated email describes the exception details in a formatted, easy-to-read manner while the exception details are also attached as a JSON file. The application constructs the JSON file by following the PDG DSCSA Exception Notification schema.

Next Steps

Monitor the incidents and verify whether a response is received. If a response is received, the incident status goes to In progress.

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