Tatmeen is the regulatory system that supports the track and trace legislation to the pharmaceutical industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market. The Tatmeen channel enables the tenant to connect to Tatmeen.

Currently, the Tatmeen channel can be used in the following application:

  • Serialized Logistics

List of Procedures

For more information on the general channel actions, see Managing Channels for a Tenant (Overview).

Configuring a Tatmeen (UAE) Channel

Before You Begin

Make sure that a technical user is onboarded in Tatmeen and owns the credentials:

  • API key
  • Sign-on ID
  • Password

The Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) can onboard the technical user in Tatmeen for you.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. Depending on your setup, create a Tatmeen (UAE) channel or modify an existing one. Follow one of the procedures described in the table below.

#Create a ChannelModify an Existing Channel
4.1Click the + icon (Create channel). The application displays the Create channel dialog.

To search for a Tatmeen (UAE) channel, use the search criteria field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search criteria field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select Tatmeen (UAE) as the source.
  • Select Regulatory channel as the type.
4.2Select Regulatory channel as the type and click Create.

The application displays the Create Channel page with an empty form to give the basic parameters of the channel.
To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.

The application displays the Edit Channel page with the current channel settings.
4.3Enter a name for the channel and select Tatmeen (UAE) as the source.N/A

Click Create Channel.

The application informs you about the additional costs. After confirming the creation, the application displays the Edit Channel page with a form where you can provide the connection details for the channel.


Example when creating a Tatmeen (UAE) channel:

5. Provide the Tatmeen (UAE) channel settings as explained in the table below.

Connection typeSelect the type of connection to Tatmeen.
  • Manufacturers (MAH)
  • Logistics
  • Dispensers

When you act as a 3PL for a MAH and you send manufacturing reports to Tatmeen on behalf of the MAH, select Manufacturers (MAH).

API key

Enter the API key obtained from Tatmeen. This key identifies the API connection to Tatmeen.

Sign-on IDEnter your sign-on ID in Tatmeen.
PasswordEnter the password belonging to your sign-on ID in Tatmeen.
Support e-mailEnter the email address where Movilitas.Cloud can send notifications about warnings/failures/errors on the channel.

6. Click Save Settings

7. (Optional) If needed, change the name of the channel and click Save Channel.

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Managing Tatmeen Messages

You can view the messages sent to Tatmeen from Movilitas.Cloud with their status:

  • If sending the message to Tatmeen fails, you can resend the message to Tatmeen.
  • If Tatmeen does not accept the message, there is an error.
  • If Tatmeen accepts the message, the application waits for 30 seconds and then sends the message status query to Tatmeen for the processing result. If the initial message status query is not successful, you can resend the query to Tatmeen.
  • If Tatmeen accepts the message, processes it, and the message status query is positive (no warning, no error), then the message is successful.

If the shipment contains more than 50,000 items, the system splits the shipment into multiple EPCIS 1.2 files (messages). Each file describes a top-level parent and its hierarchy. The limit of 50,000 items per EPCIS file comes from Tatmeen. Movilitas.Cloud applies the limit to comply with the requirements in Tatmeen.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. Find the Tatmeen (UAE) channel. Use the search field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select Tatmeen (UAE) as the source.
  • Select Regulatory channel as the type.

5. To view the Tatmeen (UAE) channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel. The application displays the Tatmeen (UAE) settings and Documents.


6. To view the messages, select the Messages tab on the Documents panel.

7. Find the message by using the search field and expand the message for the details.

You can enter specific data from the file, for example, the import (shipment) permit number or an SGTIN, and the list of messages is filtered based on the search criteria.

For the messages, the following parameters and functions are displayed:

> (Expand) icon

You can view the details of the message.

After expanding the log, you can download the EPCIS file (XML) by using the download icon next to the content.


Status of the message:

  • Pending (Circular arrows icon) - Tatmeen accepted the message but:
    • The application has not sent the initial message status query yet, or
    • The processing of the message is still in progress, or
    • The message status query fails due to an issue at Tatmeen.
  • Success (Checkmark icon) - Tatmeen accepted the message, processed it, and the result of the message status query is positive (no warning, no error).
  • Processed with warnings (Yellow triangle with exclamation mark) - Tatmeen accepted the message and processed it, but the result of the message status query contains one or more warnings.
  • Processed with errors (Red cross icon) - Tatmeen accepted the message and processed it, but the result of the message status query contains one or more errors.
  • Failed (Red exclamation mark) - It was not possible to send the message to Tatmeen due to an issue at Tatmeen.
  • Error (Red exclamation mark) - Tatmeen did not accept the message and sent back an error.
Request type

The following request types are displayed on the Messages tab:

  • Send EPCIS
Sent DatetimeThe timestamp when the message was sent to Tatmeen.
Sender GLNThe GLN of the sending entity.
Receiver GLNThe GLN of the receiving entity. This refers to the client that received the shipment. However, the receiver GLN in the EPCIS refers to Tatmeen.

A description providing further details in one of the following cases:

  • The message status is Error.
  • The message status is Processed with warnings. The user can resend the message status query.
  • The message status is Processed with errors. The user can resend the message status query.

IMPORTANT: The information in this field needs attention and requires further action from the user. The information in this field comes from Tatmeen unless sending the message to Tatmeen failed. The information in this field relates to an inconsistency between the Tatmeen configuration and Movilitas.Cloud configuration. 

ACTION: Investigate the response from Tatmeen and identify whether the configuration should be aligned in Tatmeen or Movilitas.Cloud. 

  • If there is an issue with the configuration in Tatmeen, update the configuration in Tatmeen or contact Tatmeen Support.
  • If there is an issue with the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud, contact Movilitas.Cloud Support.
Upload TypeIf the message is manually sent on the channel, the application displays the Manual Upload label in this column.

For automatically created messages, the column is empty.
Resend buttonIf sending the message fails because Tatmeen is not available, the application displays this button to resend the message.

Before resending, confirm that the issue is identified and resolved:
  • Tatmeen is available.
  • The credentials are correct in the channel settings.

The resending action updates the status of the existing log.

Check status buttonThe application displays this button to send the message status query to Tatmeen in the following cases:
  • The application has not sent the initial message status query yet (Pending status).
  • The message status query fails due to an issue at Tatmeen (Pending status).
  • The processing of the message is still in progress (Pending status).
  • The result of the message status query contains warnings or errors (Processed with warnings or Processed with errors status).

The button is primarily for the Pending status to send the message status query on-demand. If the message gets stuck in Pending status, contact Movilitas.Cloud Support.

For a message in Processed with warnings or Processed with errors status:

  • If the issue is an incomplete configuration in Tatmeen, fix the issue in Tatmeen and then use this button to refresh the message status.
  • If the issue is in Movilitas.Cloud, don't use this button but contact Movilitas.Cloud Support.

The status check action updates the status of the existing log.

In the following example, an SGTIN is entered in the search field and the search result is expanded. The request was successful (checkmark icon):


In the following example, an import (shipment) permit number is entered in the search field and the search result is expanded (truncated screenshot). The request was processed with warnings from Tatmeen that needs investigation from the user:

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Sending Documents Manually

You may want to send a message (document) to Tatmeen manually. You can enter the XML content and send it. This option is useful when the original message sent to Tatmeen is in Error status on the channel, the problem is at Tatmeen side, and the problem is fixed before sending.

If the problem is at Movilitas.Cloud side, do not send the message manually but contact Movilitas.Cloud Support.

The action creates a new log on the channel.


IMPORTANT: Before sending the message:

  • Confirm that the message contains a unique instance identifier. We recommend you generate a unique UUIDv4 here and use that identifier in the file.
  • The receiver GLN in the message header is a fixed value that is the Tatmeen GLN (6297001273036).


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. Find the Tatmeen (UAE) channel. Use the search field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select Tatmeen (UAE) as the source.
  • Select Regulatory channel as the type.

5. To view the Tatmeen (UAE) channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel. The application displays the Tatmeen (UAE) settings and Documents.


6.  On the Documents panel, select the Send document manually tab. The application displays an empty field where you can enter XML content.


7. Enter the XML content (EPCIS) in the field. The application has a built-in validator to detect invalid content.

IMPORTANT: Confirm that the description contains a unique instance identifier and the receiver GLN in the message header points to the Tatmeen GLN (6297001273036).


8. Click Send Document Manually.

The message is sent to Tatmeen and a log is created under the Messages tab. The application displays the Manual upload label for the message in the Upload type column.


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