You can view the history of a batch in the Serialized Logistics application. 

In certain outgoing EPCIS files, the manufacturing date is required. If the manufacturing date is missing in the database, Movilitas.Cloud cannot generate the EPCIS file. To resolve the situation, you can manually add the manufacturing date to the batch. 

You can also verify the number in stock and adjust the stock data. The application pre-calculates the total number of packs in stock based on external inbound transfers and external outbound transfers:

  • The packs shipped to a client reduce the stock.
  • The packs received from a supplier or returned by a client increase the stock.

In certain cases, the pre-calculated value does not reflect the actual number of packs in stock. Examples:

  • You receive non-serialized items in the mobile application.
  • You receive items by uploading an EPCIS file from the supplier.

To cover these cases, you can compensate the amount in stock by calculating and entering a compensation value. Then, the application recalculates the total number of packs in stock.

List of Procedures

Viewing the Batch History and Updating the Stock Data


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select the Batch History tab.


2. Enter the batch in the field and click Get Batch History.

If the batch belongs to multiple products (aggregations), select the product from the drop-down list in the pop-up. 

The application displays the following sections:

  • An overview of the batch:
    • (Product code schema) Product code - Product name.
      • Note: If the product name is not known in the system, the product name part is blank. In this case, you can specify the product name on the supplier's page under the Site management > Suppliers > Products tab.
    • Batch status.
    • Expiration date in the YYMMDD format.
    • Manufacturing date in the YYMMDD format (when applicable).
  • A log of the actions performed on the batch.
  • A summary of the stock status for that batch in all warehouses of the tenant:
    • Number of shipped packs.
    • Number of received packs.
    • Number of returned packs.
    • Number of packs in stock.

The following example illustrates the stock status of batch "DFHG0503":

  • 22 packs were shipped.
  • 0 pack was received.
  • 8 packs were returned.
  • 11 packs are in stock.
  • The recently used compensation value is 25. This information is required to verify the calculated number of packs in stock.

3. If the number in stock does not reflect the expected value, calculate a virtual compensation value by solving the equation below.

Stock_expected = Compensation + Received + Returned - Shipped


  • Stock_expected = The actual number of packs in stock. This is the expected value you would like to see.
  • Compensation = The entered compensation value. This is the value you need to calculate.
  • Received = The number of received packs displayed on the screen.
  • Returned = The number of returned packs displayed on the screen.
  • Shipped = The number of shipped packs displayed on the screen.

4. Enter the calculated compensation value in the Compensation field and then click Update compensation.

The application updates the total number of packs in stock and you should see the expected value. If you cannot see the expected value, you need to calculate a new compensation value and update the compensation.


We continue illustrating the stock status of the previous batch, "DFHG0503". A new EPCIS file has been recently uploaded containing 9 items, so the expected value in stock is 20. The application still displays 11 for the stock.

The equation is the following:

20 = Compensation + 0 + 8 - 22

The value for Compensation must be 34.

After updating the compensation, the stock value is 20. The recently used compensation value will be kept and displayed so that you can verify the calculated number of packs in stock.

TIP: Hover your mouse over the question mark icon to read the help explaining the above information.

List of procedures

Adding the Manufacturing Date to the Batch


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select the Batch History tab.


2. Enter the batch in the field and click Get Batch History.

If the batch belongs to multiple products (aggregations), select the product from the drop-down list in the pop-up.

The application displays the batch history.

Example of the pop-up:

Example of the batch history without manufacturing date:

3. Enter the manufacturing date in the YYMMDD format in the Manufacturing date field.

4. Save the manufacturing date. The manufacturing date is displayed as a read-only field in the batch history.

IMPORTANT: After saving, you cannot edit the manufacturing date.


5. For aggregated products, make sure that you repeat the procedure across the full hierarchy. 

List of procedures