You want to group multiple items using a pallet, box, etc. Use the Serialized Logistics for Pharma mobile application to scan the products to be packed.

Note: The procedure described below takes the use case when the operator scans the items by using the camera of the mobile device.

  • For mobile devices with built-in scanners, the GUI buttons related to scanning, like Scan Item, may not be displayed and you need to press the physical button on the device to scan.
  • For devices with external (table) scanners, you can point the scanner to the barcode to scan and you can ignore the GUI buttons on the screen related to scanning.

Before You Begin

Make sure the administrator has assigned you as an operator to the Serialized Logistics for Pharma application and authorized you to pack products.


1. Open the Serialized Logistics for Pharma application in Movilitas Mobile.

2. Choose Pack. The application is ready for scanning the parent.

3. Select Scan Parent and scan the logistic unit you want to use to group the items.

Note: If scanning Chinese eCodes is allowed in the application, the parent can be an eCode or an SSCC. It is not possible to pack an eCode into an sGTIN or an sGTIN into an eCode.  

4. Choose Scan Item and scan the child item for the logistic unit.

Note: When you attempt to scan the parent item as a child item, you will be prompted with a message, Scanned item cannot be same as parent item.

5. (Optional) Scan multiple items for the logistic unit by choosing Continue Scan.

Each item you scan is displayed in the list. To view the details of an item or remove an item, slide the item to the left and select Preview or Remove, respectively.

6. When you finished scanning, select Pack Items. The medicinal products are now grouped.