The DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing mobile application enables the operators to verify the pharmaceutical products in the USA market.

Note: The procedure described below takes the use case when the operator scans the items by using the camera of the mobile device.

  • For mobile devices with built-in scanners, the GUI buttons related to scanning may not be displayed and you need to press the physical button on the device to scan.
  • For devices with external (table) scanners, you can point the scanner to the barcode to scan and you can ignore the GUI buttons on the screen related to scanning.

Before You Begin

The administrator must assign you as an operator in the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application.

Optionally, the administrator can assign Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) to the operator to allow scanning with the specified devices only.


1. Open the DSCSA Product Verification & Tracing application in Movilitas Mobile. The application displays the reasons for verification.

2. Select the reason for verification.

ReasonWhen to Use?
Verification for saleable returnRequester is seeking to understand the status of a product that is a saleable return prior to further transacting the product.
Verification of suspect or illegitimate productRequester is performing a verification as all trading partners must perform verification of a product identifier as part of their obligation to investigate suspect and illegitimate products.
Verification after exception arises with the productRequester is seeking to verify a product after an exception arises with the product in question.
Verification of the product statusRequester is seeking to understand the status of a product that is not a saleable return or known to be suspect or illegitimate.

The application displays the scanning options:

  • Scan pack
  • Scan multiple packs

3. Select Scan multiple packs. The application displays the Product in your possession toggle button and the SCAN PACK button.

4. Confirm that the products are in the possession of your company (default setting). Otherwise, turn off the Product in your possession toggle button.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you scan packs with the same possession status at once.

Note: If the product is not in the possession of your company, the responder may reject giving a response. 

5. Choose a scanning method:

  • Select SCAN PACK and scan the packs one by one.
  • Select MATRIX SCANNING and read multiple packs at once. 

IMPORTANT: Matrix scanning is available only with the installed version of the mobile application on mobile devices.

Each request is routed to the responder and it takes some time to get the response. Once the response is available, the application displays the following:

GUI Item From Left to RightDescription
Verification status indicator for the pack
  • Green checkmark icon - The pack is valid.
  • Red no entry icon - The pack is not valid.
  • Red exclamation mark icon - There is an error in the verification process.
Verification status indicator for the responder
  • Green checkmark icon - The responder is valid.
  • Red no entry icon - The responder is not valid.
  • Blue exclamation mark icon - The responder did not provide verifiable credentials in the response or verification of the responder is not activated. It was not possible to verify the responder.
Pack data
  • Serial number
  • Batch
  • Expiration date
  • GTIN (Product code)

6. To view further details, slide an item to the left and tap PREVIEW.

GUI SectionDescription
Scanned pack dataThe application displays the pack data:
  • Serial number
  • Batch
  • Expiration date
  • GTIN (Product code)

The application displays a status indicator in line with the verification result:

  • Green checkmark icon - The pack is valid.
  • Red no entry icon - The pack is not valid.
  • Red exclamation mark icon - There is an error in the verification process.
Response dataThe application displays the verification result for the pack:
  • The pack is valid versus not valid (true or false).
  • The responder Global Location Number (GLN).
  • The timestamp of the verification.
  • The verification failure reason (when the pack is not valid). Note: For product identifier mismatch, the responder may not provide a reason.
  • The additional information (if any).

When there is an error in the verification process, the application displays an error message.
ATP Verification ResponseThe application displays the verification result for the Authorized Trading Partner (ATP) that acts as the responder:
  • The ATP is valid versus not valid (true or false).
  • The timestamp of the verification.
  • The ATP details when the ATP is valid (true).
  • The verification failure reason when the ATP is not valid (false).

The application displays a status indicator in line with the verification result:

  • Green checkmark icon - The ATP is valid (true).
  • Red no entry icon - The ATP is not valid (false).

Note: Applicable when verification of the responder is activated in the application settings and the response includes verifiable credentials.
Contact InformationDisplays the responder's contact information:
  • Contact email
  • Contact phone number

When one of the contact data is not provided, the application displays Not available for that contact field. The responder shall provide at least one of the contact data. Otherwise, the responder cannot respond and the application displays an error message.

For more information on verification failure reasons and additional information related to the pack, see VRS Responses for the Pack (Verification Failure Reason and Additional Info).

For more information on verification errors, see Verification Error Handling.

If the product is not found in the Lookup Directory, the application returns the following message: GTIN not found. Contact [email protected].