After creating a dedicated FMD repository and setting it under the Settings tab in the FMD Reports application, you can schedule reports for the activities completed in a specific warehouse or by specific operators. You can also create reports on-demand.

List of Procedures

Creating a Scheduled or On-Demand Report

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have created a dedicated FMD repository and you have received the notification from Movilitas.Cloud Support that the repository has been set up for you. Set this repository in the FMD Reports application to schedule reports.


1. In the FMD Reports application, go to the Schedule FMD report tab. The application displays the list of existing schedules and the Schedule FMD report form.

Note: When viewing the details of a schedule, you can open the Schedule FMD report form by clicking Add new +.


2. Enter a name for the report.

3. Select a report type from the list. For more information on the report types, see the table below.

Report TypeDescription
Daily Quality Management reportContains information about every activity that happened in the selected warehouses on a given day.
Daily Quality Management error reportContains information about activities that were not completed successfully in the selected warehouses on a given day.
Monthly count reportContains information about how many times the operators completed the activities in the selected warehouses in a given month.
Standard monthly reportContains information about every activity that happened in the selected warehouses in a given month.
Monthly operator reportContains information about every activity the selected operators carried out in a given month.
Daily operator reportContains information about every activity the selected operators carried out on a given day.
Monthly 3PL reportContains information about every activity the selected third-party logistics entities (3PLs) carried out in a given month.

Note: Marketing Authorization Holders (MAHs) can create this type of report if they store the scans of the 3PL in their repository.
Daily 3PL reportContains information about every activity the selected 3PLs carried out on a given day.

Note: MAHs can create this type of report if they store the scans of the 3PL in their repository.
Monthly 3PL error reportContains information about the errored scans performed by the selected 3PLs in a given month.

Note: MAHs can create this type of report if they store the scans of the 3PL in their repository.
Daily 3PL error reportContains information about the errored scans performed by the selected 3PLs on a given day.

Note: MAHs can create this type of report if they store the scans of the 3PL in their repository.
Weekly count reportContains information about how many times the operators completed the activities in the selected warehouses in a given seven-day period.
Weekly standard reportContains information about every activity that happened in the selected warehouses in a given seven-day period.
Weekly operator reportContains information about every activity the selected operators carried out in a given seven-day period.

4. Depending on the report type, specify the following fields:

  • Starting day of the week and starting hour for the weekly report
  • Country
  • Warehouses
  • Operators
  • 3PLs (when Wholesaler FMD application is used in 3PL mode or in Wholesaler and 3PL mode)

When specifying the starting day and hour for a weekly report, consider that the report is generated at 8 AM for the previous seven-day period. It may happen that a few hours are cut off in the report because the starting hour of the report is later in time than the report generation time.


  • If you set Tuesday as the starting day, and 06:00 as the starting hour, you will receive a weekly report on each Tuesday morning at 8 AM that spans the period from the previous Tuesday at 6:00 AM to the current Tuesday at 5:59 AM.
  • If you set Tuesday as the starting day, and 13.00 as the starting hour, you will receive a weekly report on each Tuesday morning at 8 AM that spans the period from the previous Tuesday at 1 PM to the current Tuesday at 7:59 AM. The report in this case will not cover the period between 8 AM and 12.59 PM for the current Tuesday.

The following table summarizes the applicable parameters per report type.

Report TypeStarting day of the week AND Starting hourCountryWarehousesOperators3PLs
Daily Quality Management report

Daily Quality Management error report

Monthly count report

Standard monthly report

Monthly operator report
Daily operator report
Monthly 3PL report

Daily 3PL report

Monthly 3PL error report

Daily 3PL error report

Weekly count reportXXX

Weekly standard reportXXX

Weekly operator reportXX

5. (Optional) Specify a password for the ZIP file.

Note: The report is put into a ZIP file and the password you enter here protects the ZIP file.

6. Specify if the report is scheduled or on-demand:

  • If you want a scheduled report, select the Scheduled execution checkbox. You will receive the daily or monthly report until you deactivate the setting.
  • If you want a report on-demand, clear the Scheduled execution checkbox and specify the time frame by using the datepicker in the From and To fields. You will receive the report for the specified time frame only and the setting will not be saved as this is not a scheduled report.

The following example illustrates an on-demand report setting:

7. If you want to send the notifications to the operator, select the Include operator email checkbox.

Note: This option is available for Daily Quality Management report, Daily Quality Management error report, Standard monthly report, and Weekly standard report.

8. Specify the Report format by selecting/clearing the applicable checkbox (CSV and XLS):

  • Only Comma Separated Values (CSV)
  • Only Microsoft Excel Worksheet (XLSX)
  • Both XLSX and CSV (default setting)

The report is generated in the specified format(s) and the file(s) are put into a ZIP file.

9. Click Receivers and specify the destination for the reports.

OPTION 1: Select an FTP or an SFTP channel and set the file path. You can select a previously created business channel with the FTP source or the SFTP source.

Note: For the SFTP channel, if the given file path is not existing, it is automatically created.

OPTION 2: Enter an email address and click Add Email to add the email address to the list of receivers.

The following example illustrates an SFTP setting:

The following example illustrates adding emails:

10. Click Create to save your settings.

The report you scheduled is listed on the Existing schedules panel:

  • If you schedule a monthly report, you receive it for the previous month on the first day of the month that follows.
  • If you schedule a weekly report, you receive it each week on the same day in the morning for the previous seven-day period starting from the specified day and hour of the week.
  • If you schedule a daily report, you get a report about the activities of the previous day the next morning.

On-demand requests are not saved but the reports are sent to the configured destination.

Back to the list of procedures

Searching for and Viewing a Schedule


1. In the FMD Reports application, go to the Schedule FMD report tab. The application displays the list of existing schedules.

2. Search for a schedule by using the filters:

  • Entering schedule name
  • Selecting frequency
  • Selecting report type

The list of schedules is filtered based on the search criteria.

You can reset the filters by clicking Reset filters.

3. Select the schedule to view its details. The application displays the Update schedule form.

In the following example, we are viewing the schedule details after searching for daily quality management reports with "bulgaria" in the name:

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Updating a Schedule


1. In the FMD Reports application, go to the Schedule FMD report tab. The application displays the list of existing schedules.

2. Search for a schedule by using the filters:

  • Entering schedule name
  • Selecting frequency
  • Selecting report type

The list of schedules is filtered based on the search criteria.

You can reset the filters by clicking Reset filters.

3. Select the schedule to view its details. The application displays the Update schedule form.

4. Update the Report information section as needed.

  • Update the report name.
  • Select the report type.
  • Based on the selected report type, configure the allowed combination of parameters (starting day of the week, starting hour, country, warehouses, operators, and 3PLs).
  • Provide a password for the ZIP file containing the report.
  • Include operator email when sending the report or deactivate this setting.
  • Specify the report format (CSV, XLSX, or both).

Note: You cannot modify a scheduled report to an on-demand report.

For more information, see the Creating a Scheduled or On-Demand Report section above.

5. Update the Receivers section as needed.

OPTION 1: Select an FTP or an SFTP channel and set the file path. You can select a previously created business channel with the FTP source or the SFTP source.

Note: For the SFTP channel, if the given file path is not existing, it is automatically created.

OPTION 2: Enter an email address and click Add Email to add the email address to the list of receivers. Remove an email address from the list by clicking the Remove icon next to the email address.

6. Click Update.

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Deleting a Schedule


1. In the FMD Reports application, go to the Schedule FMD report tab. The application displays the list of existing schedules.

2. Search for a schedule by using the filters:

  • Entering schedule name
  • Selecting frequency
  • Selecting report type

The list of schedules is filtered based on the search criteria.

You can reset the filters by clicking Reset filters.


3. Click Remove schedule next to the report you want to delete and confirm the action. The application removes the report from the list.

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