Monitor the inbound transfers in the Serialized Logistics application.

  • Inbound internal transfers represent all the receiving activities related to shipments from the departments (warehouses) of your company.
  • Inbound external transfers represent all the receiving activities related to deliveries from the suppliers or returns from the clients.

List of Procedures

Monitoring the Inbound Internal Transfers

An inbound internal transfer is a receipt by batch or by stock transfer ID.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select the Transfers tab.

2. To view the incoming shipments by batch, select the Inbound internal --> Receive by batch option in the drop-down. The application displays the list of received shipments by batch.

  • Sort the list by batch, warehouse, destination, or receiving date, in ascending or descending order.
  • Search for a shipment by entering the batch in the search field. You can reset the filtering by clicking on the Reset filters icon.
  • Click on the > (Expand) icon next to the batch to view the details. The application displays the received containers and trade items. You can view the hierarchy and the number of children at each level by clicking on the > (Expand) icon.
  • Click on the SSCC of a container and the application displays the SSCC History page in a separate browser tab.

In the following example, we are checking the details of a shipment by batch "BATCHDEMO241":

  • We have received the items on a distributor site from the manufacturer site within the same company.
  • The shipment has five containers and eight stand-alone trade items, collecting 23 trade items altogether.
  • Four containers are nested. Each top-level container has a child container with trade items inside the child container.
  • One container aggregates three trade items without a child container.

3. To view the incoming shipments by stock transfer ID, select the Inbound internal --> Receive by stock transfer ID option in the drop-down. The application displays the list of received shipments by stock transfer ID.

  • Sort the list by stock transfer ID, warehouse, destination, shipping date, or receiving date, in ascending or descending order.
  • Search for a shipment by entering the stock transfer ID in the search field. Turn on the Returns only toggle button to filter on returns. You can reset the filtering by clicking on the Reset filters icon.
  • Click on the > (Expand) icon next to the stock transfer ID to view the details. The application displays the received containers and trade items. You can view the hierarchy and the number of children at each level by clicking on the > (Expand) icon.
  • Click on the SSCC of a container and the application displays the SSCC History page in a separate browser tab.

In the following example, we are checking the details of the shipment with stock transfer ID "movilitas-demo-002":

  • We have received the items on a distributor site from the manufacturer site within the same company. This is not a return.
  • The shipment has two containers and five stand-alone trade items, collecting 12 trade items altogether.
  • There is a nested container having three trade items inside the child container.
  • The shipment contains trade items with different batches, see BATCHDEMO987 and BATCH167.

In the following example, we are checking the details of the shipment with stock transfer ID "return-1":

  • While searching, we turned on the Returns only toggle button to filter on returns, and then we entered "return-1".
  • The reason for the return is displayed: "Seal is broken".
  • The shipment has two containers, and two stand-alone trade items, collecting 12 trade items altogether.
  • There is a nested container having five trade items inside the child container.

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Monitoring the Inbound External Transfers

An inbound external transfer is either a delivery from a supplier or a return from a client.

  • A delivery from a supplier is linked to an inbound external order.
  • A return from a client is controlled through a transfer order that is linked to the original purchase order ID.


1. In the Serialized Logistics application, select the Transfers tab.

2. To view the deliveries from the suppliers, select the Inbound external --> Deliveries option in the drop-down. The application displays the list of deliveries received from the suppliers. Each delivery belongs to an order.

  • Sort the list by delivery ID.
  • Search for an order by entering the order ID in the search field. You can reset the filtering by clicking on the Reset filters icon.
  • Search for a received delivery by entering the delivery ID in the search field. You can reset the filtering by clicking on the Reset filters icon.
  • Click on the > (Expand) icon next to the delivery to view the details. For each line item, the application displays the product name, the number of labels, and the received items.

In the following example, we are checking the details of delivery "MOV/DEL/220201/1" belonging to order "Order220201":

  • The delivery contains two line items.
  • For line item 1, "Anti-Biotics", three trade items (packs) were received.
  • For line item 2, "Painkiller", two trade items (packs) were received.

In the following example, we are checking the details of delivery "Order-Non-Serialized-Test-01" belonging to order "Order-Non-Serialized-Test-01" (delivery ID and order ID are the same). The delivery contains one line item, "Anti-Wrinkle Cream", and eight non-serialized items were received:

3. To view the returns from the clients, select the Inbound external --> Returns option in the drop-down. The application displays the list of returns received from the clients. Each return is linked to a purchase order ID.

  • Sort the list by purchase order ID, warehouse, client, or return date, in ascending or descending order.
  • Search for a received return by entering the order ID in the search field. You can reset the filtering by clicking on the Reset filters icon.
  • Click on the > (Expand) icon next to the return to view the details. The application displays the reason for the return and the received containers and trade items. You can view the hierarchy and the number of children at each level by clicking on the > (Expand) icon.
  • Click on the SSCC of a container and the application displays the SSCC History page in a separate browser tab.

In the following example, we are checking the details of "RETURN-PO-0425-1":

  • The reason for the return is displayed: "Seal is broken".
  • The return contains two containers and two stand-alone packs, collecting 14 trade items altogether.
  • The two containers are nested. Each top-level container contains two child containers, and each child container has three trade items inside.

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