You can change the details about yourself:
- Personal data
- Password
- User avatar
You can also view the logs of your activity in the UI for the current day.
List of Procedures
- Accessing the Settings
- Configuring User Settings
- Changing Movilitas.Cloud Password
- Changing Avatar
- Viewing Logs
Accessing the Settings
1. To edit the settings, click Settings at the bottom of the navigation pane in the Console.
The application displays the user settings.
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Configuring User Settings
1. On the Settings form, configure the user settings. The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.
- First name
- Last name
- Phone
- Mobile
- Street
- City
- ZIP code
- Country
- Web-application language
- Note: When selecting the Arabic language, the layout changes from left-to-right to right-to-left once the user logs out and logs in again.
- Mobile application language
- Note: When selecting the Arabic language, the layout changes from left-to-right to right-to-left once the user logs out and logs in again.
- Alert sound in mobile and desktop application (Android)
2. Click Save Settings.
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Changing Movilitas.Cloud Password
1. On the Change password form on the right, provide the current and the new password.
2. Click Update Password. The password is updated and you are logged out.
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Changing Avatar
1. On the Change avatar section, click Select Image.
2. Browse for an image and open it.
3. Manipulate the image.
4. Click Upload Image.
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Viewing Logs
1. On the Logs section, view the logs. The application displays the logs of your activity in the UI for the current day in a paginated view.
2. Expand a log to view the details by using the > (Expand) icon.
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