You can change the details you provided about your company and yourself when you registered.

You can modify the following settings of the tenant:

  • Change the details of the tenant, like the name or address. You can’t change the unique tenant identifier.    
  • Registration over mobile application
  • Availability of contact list on mobile application
  • Billing information
  • Company logo

List of Procedures

Managing the Company Information, Global Settings, and Company Logo


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the tenant dashboard, click Settings. The application displays the Tenant Settings page.

4. On the Settings tab, configure the general settings.

GUI sectionAction
Company informationFill in the form with the company information and click Save Settings.
Global configuration

1. Set the global configuration by selecting or clearing the checkboxes:

  • Show contact list on mobile application
  • Enable public registration over mobile application
  • Enable manual approval of mobile users

Note: The Enable manual approval of mobile users checkbox is only visible when public registration over the mobile application is activated. If this checkbox is selected, you have control over the public registration and you can manually approve or reject the request. Otherwise, the user is automatically assigned to the tenant.

2. Click Save Settings to save your changes.

Change logo1. Click Select Image.
2. Browse for an image and open it.
3. Manipulate the image.
4. Click Upload Image.

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Providing Billing Information for a Tenant

You have completed the registration to Movilitas.Cloud and have set up the system for use for your company. Before the end of the first month of using the product, you need to provide your billing information. In case of any change, you can update the billing information.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the tenant dashboard, click Settings

4. Select the Billing information tab. The application displays the Billing information form.


5. Provide the required details in the form. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the form.

Filling in the form is self-explanatory, but the following list collects some best practices:

  • Contact email(s) - These are the addresses where Movilitas.Cloud sends the invoice. You can provide one or more email addresses. To add an email address to the list, enter the email address, and then hit enter or click on another part of the form. The emails are added as chips that you can remove by clicking on the X button.
  • Notification email - This is the address where Movilitas.Cloud sends payment reminders and the confirmation when the payment is received.
  • Yes, I would like to receive payment confirmation email - This checkbox enables you to turn on or off payment confirmations. By default, the checkbox is selected meaning that Movilitas.Cloud sends a confirmation when the payment is received.
  • The VAT number field is not applicable to the United States. This field is automatically hidden when the selected country is the United States.

6. To receive the UBL (XML) file as an attachment along with the invoice, select the Add UBL (XML) with invoicing email checkbox.

Note: When the Add UBL (XML) with invoicing email checkbox is selected, it is mandatory to fill in the PO fields.

7. If the shipping address is not the same as the one in the invoice, select the Shipping address checkbox and provide the details.

8. Click Save Settings.


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Canceling Subscription

You can cancel your subscription to Movilitas.Cloud any time.

Delete any tenant you have in the system in the Tenant Settings to cancel your company’s subscription.

If you cancel your subscription within 30 days after you registered, your company will not be charged for using Movilitas.Cloud.

We keep the tenant for 3 more days after you terminate (in case you change your mind) and then the tenant and its data get deleted from the system.

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