Use the Serialized Logistics mobile application to scan the products to be decommissioned.

Auto-unpack during Decommissioning

If the items to be decommissioned are aggregated and the hierarchy is known in Movilitas.Cloud, the application unpacks them automatically while decommissioning them and a manual unpack action is not required from the user.

  • The scope of the unpack can be also extended to dissolve parent container(s) (SSCCs). This is set at the warehouse level.
  • The setting does not bring extra UI functions for the user in the mobile application but Movilitas.Cloud executes additional tasks in the background. For more information on the unpacking logic, see Unpack Products in Serialized Logistics (Mobile).

Note: The procedure described below takes the use case when the operator scans the items by using the camera of the mobile device.

  • For mobile devices with built-in scanners, the GUI buttons related to scanning, like Scan Item, may not be displayed and you need to press the physical button on the device to scan.
  • For devices with external (table) scanners, you can point the scanner to the barcode to scan and you can ignore the GUI buttons on the screen related to scanning.

Before You Begin

Make sure the administrator has assigned you as an operator to the Serialized Logistics application and authorized you to perform one or more decommissioning actions.

Depending on the tenant setup, the decommissioning action is reported to one of the following external systems:

  • NMVS through an Arvato regulatory channel (FMD Europe).
  • SAP ICH through an SAP ICH business channel.
  • TraceLink through a TraceLink Partner business channel.


1. Open the Serialized Logistics application in Movilitas Mobile.

2. Select Decommission.

3. Select Scan Item and scan the first item you want to decommission. You can scan up to 20 items.

The type of connection determines what items you can scan and what happens in the background:

Type of ConnectionWhat Items Can You Scan?
An Arvato (NMVS) regulatory channel is selected for the warehouse.You can scan only trade items (SGTINs) for decommissioning.
An SAP ICH business channel is selected for the warehouse.

You can scan both trade items (SGTINs) and containers (SSCCs) for decommissioning. For containers, all children will be also decommissioned.

If the item is aggregated and the hierarchy is known in Movilitas.Cloud, the application unpacks the item in the background before decommissioning. All parent trade items (SGTINs) of the item are dissolved in the hierarchy and optionally, the parent container(s) (SSCCs) of the item can be also dissolved.*

A TraceLink Partner channel is selected for the supplier as the collaboration channel while the tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier of the items to be decommissioned.
On Movilitas.Cloud database only (no channel)

*The unpack actions are performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only and the event is not sent to the connected external system (if any).

4. (Optional) Scan multiple items by tapping Continue Scan.

The application displays the items you scan in the list. To view the details of an item or remove an item, slide the item to the left and select Preview or Remove, respectively.

5. Select the reason for decommissioning.

You can select the reasons that are assigned to you by the administrator.

ReasonDescriptionSupported by FMD?Supported External Systems
DestroyedSelect this reason when you want to mark the item as "Destroyed".Yes*NMVS (Arvato)
SampledSelect this reason when you want to mark the item as "Sampled".Yes*NMVS (Arvato)
SuppliedSelect this reason when you want to dispense the item and mark it as "Supplied".YesNMVS (Arvato)
ExportedSelect this reason when you want to mark the item as "Exported".YesNMVS (Arvato)
InactiveSelect this reason when you want to mark the item as "Inactive".NoSAP ICH
LockedSelect this reason when you want to mark the item as "Locked".YesNMVS (Arvato)
StolenSelect this reason when you want to mark the item as "Stolen".YesNMVS (Arvato)
Free SampledSelect this reason when you want to mark the item as "Free Sampled".YesNMVS (Arvato)

*When connecting to NMVS (Arvato).

6. Tap Decommission Items.

The application executes decommissioning.

The application displays a summary of the action completed for the scanned items:

  • You can slide the item to the left to select Preview and check the details.
  • The items are decommissioned in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • (SAP ICH) When a connection to SAP ICH is set up through an SAP ICH business channel and the channel is configured for the warehouse of the operator, the decommissioning action is reported to SAP ICH.
  • (TraceLink) When a connection to TraceLink is set up through a TraceLink Partner channel, the channel is associated with the supplier of the scanned item as a collaboration channel, and the tenant acts as a 3PL for the supplier, the decommissioning action (Destroyed) is reported to TraceLink.
  • (FMD actions) When a connection to an NMVS is set up through an Arvato regulatory channel and the channel is configured for the warehouse of the operator, the decommissioning action is reported to the NMVS.
  • There is a separate list for the successful requests and the failed requests, respectively. For failed requests, the application displays the reason.
    • (FMD actions) For successful requests with a warning from the NMVS, the application displays the warning message also.
    • (FMD actions) For a failed request that raised an alert in the NMVS, the application displays the alert ID.
  • (FMD actions) You can resend the failed requests to the external system by using the Retry Failed Packs button (when retry is applicable).