You can manage the tenant-level settings in the Movilitas.Cloud Tenant Dashboard.

#GUI SectionDescription
1Navigation paneAfter selecting a tenant, the application extends the navigation pane with further functions compared to the status after login.

The navigation pane contains:
  • Movilitas.Cloud logo directing you to the Console
  • Tenant dashboard option directing you to the Dashboard of the currently selected tenant
  • Applications drop-down with the list of applications activated for the selected tenant
  • Movilitas.Cloud console directing you to the Console
  • Movilitas.Cloud tools offering an Arvato book generator and a data matrix generator
  • Application store to activate or deactivate applications
  • Notifications
  • Logout
  • User Settings

For the login view, see Movilitas.Cloud Console Overview.
2Tenant Dashboard tabsYou can do the following activities by clicking on a tab from left to right:
  • Go back to the Tenant Dashboard opening page
  • View, assign, and unassign users
  • View, create, edit, and delete channels used across multiple applications
  • View, create, edit, and delete repositories
  • View, create, edit, and delete API keys that are needed to get the authentication token for API communication
  • Manage partners (Limited functionality)
  • View Logs
3Tenant nameDisplays the name of the tenant.
4Tenant logoA company logo (image) that can be customized in the tenant settings.
Tenant SettingsYou can manage the company (tenant) information, global settings, company logo, and provide the billing information here.

You can also delete the tenant (company) from Movilitas.Cloud here.
NotificationsDisplays notifications about the activities in the system.
Configuration summaryYou can find a live summary of the current configuration for the tenant:
  • A donut chart about the current channels
  • The number of applications that have been enabled
  • Number of users who were active in the last 72 hours
  • Number of API keys
  • Number of repositories

  • Pending invitations. After clicking on the button, the application lists the invited users who have not created an account yet. You can resend the invitation or remove the invitation.

  • Mobile requests from users who requested to join the tenant from Movilitas Mobile. After clicking on the button, the application lists the users and you can accept or deny the request.

Buttons (Links)
Displays buttons to access a file or another page:
  • Download Movilitas Mobile - You can download the APK file to an Android device and install the application.
  • Movilitas Mobile Web - You can open Movilitas Mobile application in the browser to use it with table scanners.
  • Movilitas.Cloud Acceptance - You can access the Movilitas.Cloud acceptance environment.
  • Application store - You can activate or deactivate applications.
Activated applicationsDisplays the list of activated applications.

To access an application click on the applicable tile or go to Navigation pane --> Applications and select the application from the list.