Open the mobile application for Serialized Logistics in the browser to validate the picked items and put them back into one or more cases (SSCCs).


  • This action is only applicable when shipping pharmaceutical products to the United States and reporting the shipping to SAP ICH.
  • This action is only available in the browser. The action is not supported on mobile devices having the installed version of the mobile application.

Before You Begin

Make sure the administrator has assigned you as an operator to the Serialized Logistics application and authorized you to validate picking in the specified warehouse.


1. Open Movilitas Mobile in the browser and select the Serialized Logistics application.

2. Select Validate picking.

3. Enter or scan the delivery ID. The application displays the delivery ID and asks you to scan an SSCC label.

4. If not yet done, put the SSCC label on the case that will contain the picked items. 

5. Scan the SSCC label.

The system response depends on the SSCC status:

  • If the SSCC is new, the application displays the delivery ID and the SSCC. A pop-up message that fades away after a few seconds guides you to start scanning under the SSCC. At this moment, the SSCC is not assigned to the delivery yet; you need to scan the first item under the SSCC to assign the SSCC to the delivery.
  • If the SSCC is already assigned to the delivery but is not yet validated, the application shows the scanned items organized into line items (NDC sections). You can continue adding items to the SSCC. A pop-up message that fades away after a few seconds guides you to start scanning under the SSCC.
  • If the SSCC is validated, the application displays a message that the SSCC is already validated. It is not possible to add more items to this SSCC.

Note: If the SSCC is not known in Movilitas.Cloud, the application displays an error message.

6. Scan the trade items (sGTINs) and put them back into the case (SSCC).

  • Scanning an SSCC as a child is not allowed.
  • Each scanned item is packed under the SSCC and this is stored in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • Each scanned item is automatically linked to the related line item (NDC).
  • If there is an issue with the scanned item, the application displays an appropriate error message and does not allow the user to add it to the SSCC.
  • The delivery and the parent order are updated under the Serialized Logistics application --> Orders --> Outbound orders tab in the Admin UI.
    • The status of the delivery is In picking validation.
    • The status of the order is In shipping.
  • If auto-unpack during shipping is activated at the warehouse level, the scanned item is aggregated, and the hierarchy is known in Movilitas.Cloud, the application unpacks the item in the background before adding it to the case (SSCC). All parent trade items are dissolved in the hierarchy and optionally, the parent container(s) (SSCCs) can be also dissolved. These actions are performed on Movilitas.Cloud database only and the event is not sent to an external system.
  • If auto-unpack during shipping is not activated at the warehouse level and the scanned item is aggregated, the item is not added to the case (SSCC). The application displays a message that the item is aggregated and needs to be unpacked first.

The application displays the NDC sections following the line item structure of the delivery (order). The logic also considers whether the batch is predefined (specified) for a line item:

  • If the batch is not specified for the line item of the outbound external order (delivery), the application collects all scanned batches for the corresponding NDC within one NDC section.
  • If the batch is specified for the line item of the outbound external order (delivery) and there are multiple batches for the same NDC in the delivery, multiple NDC sections with the same NDC but a different batch are opened.

Each scanned item is organized into the NDC section it belongs to:

  • NDC code
  • Product name
  • Quantity - The scanned quantity 
  • NDC barcode

The NDC section is expandable. The items scanned for the NDC are grouped by batch and the application displays the following subsequent levels:

  • Expandable batch / expiration date pair.
    • Expandable GTIN and Quantity
      • (Aggregated) Trade items

For each NDC, you can expand one subsequent level at a time (">" icon on the left) or all subsequent levels at once (expand button on the right, next to the barcode).

You can remove trade items from the case until the case (SSCC) is validated. To remove trade items, do one of the following:

  • Click on the dustbin icon (Delete) next to the item.
  • Select Remove Items at the bottom-left corner of the screen and scan the items to be removed at once in the Remove items pop-up window.
    • To view the details of an item or remove an item from the list, slide the item to the left and select Preview or Remove, respectively.
    • If you are ready, click Confirm.
      • The scanned items are removed from the case (SSCC) at once. 
      • If one or more items do not belong to the case (SSCC), the pop-up window displays an error message in red and shows the items that caused the error. 
        • To view the details of an item, slide the item to the left and select Preview.
        • However, the items that belong to the case (SSCC) are removed.

7. Once you scanned all items for the case (SSCC), click Picking Validated at the bottom right corner of the screen.

If there is over-delivery above the tolerance value, the application displays an error message with the concerned line item(s):

  • You need to remove items from the case.
  • The application does not check under-delivery in the Validate Picking action but in the next phase of the process.
  • By default, over-delivery is not allowed. However, custom delivery limits may apply as set by an authorized user in the Admin UI for the parent outbound order.

If the delivery totals are within the tolerance range, the application checks whether the scanned quantity meets the expected quantity for each line item in the delivery:

#ScenarioDescriptionNext Steps
1Yes - One-case delivery

The SSCC is validated in the system.

The delivery is updated under the Orders > Outbound orders tab in the Admin UI:

  • The status of the delivery is Picking validated.
  • The status of the parent order remains In shipping.
  • In the delivery view, the application displays the truck icon (Ship delivery) in the Action column for the delivery.
An authorized user can review and ship the delivery in the Admin UI.
2No - One-case delivery

The SSCC is validated in the system.

The delivery is updated under the Orders > Outbound orders tab in the Admin UI:

  • The delivery remains in In picking validation status.
  • In the delivery view, the application displays the checkmark icon (Validate picking) in the Action column for the delivery.
An authorized user can review and put the delivery into Picking validated status in the Admin UI.

Then, the authorized user can ship the delivery in the Admin UI.

3No - Multi-case delivery without palletsThe SSCC is validated in the system.

The delivery remains in In picking validation status.

Alternative A) You can add a new SSCC to the delivery by repeating the above procedure.

Alternative B) You can continue with the next mobile action, Pack an Order.

4Yes - Multi-case delivery without palletsThe SSCC is validated in the system.

However, the delivery remains in In picking validation status.
You can continue with the next mobile action, Pack an Order.
5No - Pallet deliveryThe SSCC is validated in the system.

The delivery remains in In picking validation status.

Alternative A) You can add a new SSCC to the delivery by repeating the above procedure.

Alternative B) You can continue with the next mobile action, Pack an Order.

6Yes - Pallet deliveryThe SSCC is validated in the system.

However, the delivery remains in In picking validation status.
You can continue with the next mobile action, Pack an Order.