You can set up the Serialized Logistics application to perform logistics activities on the items in your warehouse.

You can manage the Serialized Logistics application through the main tabs as described below.



An order is a logical grouping of one or more deliveries. An order organizes the activities in the warehouse through the linked deliveries. The following table summarizes the order types:

Order TypeDescription
InboundInternalDelivery from another warehouse of your company.
ExternalDelivery from your supplier.
ReturnReturn from a client or from another warehouse of your company.
OutboundInternalDelivery (shipment) to another warehouse of your company.
ExternalDelivery (shipment) to your client.

The following operations are supported with orders:

  • You can create the orders in the Admin UI, over the Serialized Logistics V2 API, or by an IDOC Delvry (outbound order only).
  • You can manage the orders (deliveries) in the Admin UI.
    • You can track the progress of the orders (deliveries):
      • Orders (deliveries) that are prepared in the mobile application and shipped in the Admin UI.
      • Orders (deliveries) that are prepared and shipped in the mobile application.
    • You can update an order.
    • You can delete an order.
    • You can cancel/delete a delivery of an order.
    • On outbound, you can validate a one-case delivery and move it to Picking validated status when the following conditions are met:
      • The delivery is in In picking validation status.
      • Its case (SSCC) was validated during the Validate picking action in the mobile application.
      • The scanned quantity does not meet the expected quantity.
    • On outbound, you can ship a delivery that is in Picking validated status due to one of the following reasons:
      • The delivery is a one-case delivery and its case is validated during the Validate picking action in the mobile application because the scanned quantity meets the expected quantity.
      • The delivery is a one-case delivery that is validated by the authorized user in the Admin UI because the scanned quantity does not meet the expected quantity. As a prerequisite, the case is validated during the Validate picking action in the mobile application.
      • The delivery is a multi-case delivery without pallets. The delivery is validated during the Pack an order action in the mobile application.
      • The delivery is a pallet delivery that is built up and validated during the Pack an order action in the mobile application.
      • Note: Besides manual shipping, the delivery can be automatically shipped by receiving an ASN IDOC from SAP ICH.
    • On outbound, you can export the deliveries of the selected day to a Microsoft Excel file.
    • On outbound, you can edit the delivery and inventory (reverse functions and removing empty containers from the delivery).


You can track the pick lists that are created in the warehouses. Picking is a preparation step before shipping the items to a client. The activity is similar to filling a shopping cart. The content of the shopping cart can change before the actual shipping. The goal is to accelerate the shipping activity.

A pick list is identified by a purchase order ID but the order is not created in Movilitas.Cloud in advance. This purchase order ID is used in the next step when shipping the items to a client. Once the items are shipped:

  • An outbound external transfer is created with the same purchase order ID.
  • The related pick list disappears from the Pickings view.

When shipping to Bahrain or the UAE (Tatmeen), you can also verify the EPCIS file generation for a pick list. This is a quality check to avoid the situation when the EPCIS file cannot be generated for a released shipment.


Transfers record what was executed in the warehouse. The following table summarizes the transfer types.

Transfer TypeDescription
Inbound internalReceive by batchItems were received by batch. The items come from the manufacturing site of your company (set as a warehouse).
Receive by stock transfer IDItems were received by stock transfer ID. The items come from another warehouse of your company.
Inbound external DeliveriesItems were received from a supplier in one of the following ways:
  • By executing an inbound external order in the mobile application. The inbound external order was created in Movilitas.Cloud in advance.
  • By creating an inbound external transfer (order) on the fly in the mobile application.
ReturnsItems were received as a return from a client.
Outbound internalShip by batchItems were shipped by batch from the manufacturing site (set as a warehouse) of your company to another warehouse of your company.
Ship by stock transfer IDItems were shipped by stock transfer ID to another warehouse of your company.
Outbound externalOrdersItems were shipped to a client by executing a delivery. Before the execution, the delivery was created together with the order or it was added to an existing order in Movilitas.Cloud.

Items were shipped to a client by purchase order ID but the order was not created in Movilitas.Cloud before the execution. The transfer was created on the fly in the mobile application or automatically after triggering the action from SAP ATTP.

System Actions Triggered by an Inbound Internal Transfer (By batch or by stock transfer ID)

When connecting to BPOM (Indonesia), the event is reported through the BPOM channel set for the warehouse.

System Actions Triggered by an Inbound External Return

When receiving returns in a warehouse that is in Saudi Arabia and the warehouse has an SFDA regulatory channel, the action triggers requests to SFDA RSD as follows:

  • If the client that returned the items is in Saudi Arabia, a Dispatch Cancel message is sent to SFDA RSD. The Dispatch Cancel message describes the lowest level of trade items.
  • If the client that returned the items is in a country other than Saudi Arabia, an Export Cancel message is sent to SFDA RSD. The Export Cancel message describes the lowest level of trade items.

System Actions Triggered by an Outbound Internal Transfer (By batch or by stock transfer ID)

When connecting to BPOM (Indonesia), the event is reported through the BPOM channel set for the warehouse.

System Actions Triggered by an Outbound External Order

If the delivery is a Third-Party Logistics (3PL) activity on behalf of the supplier and an SAP ICH channel is configured for the supplier, the application generates an EPCIS 1.2 file and sends it to SAP ICH. 

A log is created on the SAP ICH business channel associated with the supplier. The format of the EPCIS file follows the client configuration settings:

  • DSCSA shipping message (USA) - A DSCSA EPCIS file that contains the product master data, DSCSA transaction statement, supplier/client information, commissioning, aggregation, and shipping events.
  • Full shipping message - A regular EPCIS file that contains the commissioning, aggregation, and shipping events.

If a collaboration channel for outbound DSCSA EPCIS is associated with the client in the USA, a DSCSA EPCIS file is generated and sent over the channel. The following connections are supported:

  • AS2
  • LSPediA
  • SFTP

System Actions Triggered by an Outbound External Transfer

ScenarioShipping DestinationDescription
The outbound external transfer is performed by a distributor in IndonesiaWithin IndonesiaThe event is reported to BPOM through the BPOM channel set for the warehouse.
The outbound external transfer is a Third-Party Logistics (3PL) activity on behalf of the supplier being the Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) of the shipped itemsBahrainThe application generates an EPCIS 1.2 file. The file contains the commissioning, aggregation, and shipping events. The user can download the file to the local computer and send it to the supplier.
UAEThe application generates an EPCIS 1.2 file (manufacturing report) and sends it to Tatmeen on behalf of the supplier (MAH). The file contains the commissioning, aggregation, and shipping events. A log is created on the Tatmeen regulatory channel that is associated with the supplier.

Depending on the client configuration, the application sends the EPCIS file by email and/or to an SFTP server through a previously configured SFTP channel.
Within Saudi ArabiaThe application sends the Dispatch and Package Upload messages to SFDA RSD. A separate log per message is created on the SFDA regulatory channel that is associated with the warehouse:
  • The Dispatch describes the lowest level of trade items.
  • The Package Upload is an EPCIS file that describes the complete shipment including the master data, sender/receiver, and events.
From Saudi Arabia to Another CountryThe application sends the Export message to SFDA RSD. A log per message is created on the SFDA regulatory channel that is associated with the warehouse. The Export describes the lowest level of trade items.
The outbound external transfer is performed by a distributor that sells products to clients in the USAUSAThe application generates an EPCIS 1.2 file. The EPCIS file is constructed as per the DSCSA requirements.

If a collaboration channel for outbound DSCSA EPCIS is associated with the client, the file is sent over the channel automatically after the shipment is created. The following connections are supported:
  • AS2
  • LSPediA
  • SFTP

On the transfers page, the user can download the file to the local computer and/or send it to the client in one of the following ways:

  • Over the collaboration channel (if any).
  • By email if a channel is not configured but an email address is specified for the client to send the DSCSA EPCIS file.

If the distributor and the client are partners in Movilitas.Cloud, the EPCIS file is automatically processed on the client's side. The client can download the EPCIS file from its partner supplier (distributor) in the client view.

A CMO reports a shipping event from SAP ATTP to an MAH in TraceLinkN/AThe application creates an outbound external transfer based on the input from SAP ATTP and the configuration. The user can verify the transfer in the application.
The manufacturer ships items to a wholesaler client in the UAE.
The manufacturer triggers the shipping event from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud and the client is in partnership with the manufacturer in Movilitas.Cloud.
UAEIn the CMO view in Movilitas.Cloud, the application creates an outbound external transfer based on the input from SAP ATTP and the configuration. The user can verify the transfer in the application.

In the client view in Movilitas.Cloud, the EPCIS file is generated and automatically processed. The user can download the EPCIS file from its partner supplier.
A CMO sends a generic report from SAP ATTP to Movilitas.Cloud to report an import request to KazakhstanKazakhstanThe application creates an outbound external transfer based on the input from SAP ATTP and the configuration. The user can verify the transfer in the application.

Site Management

You can do all the administration related to the warehouses where the activities are performed:

  • Configuring warehouses, sublocations, and storage locations.
  • Activating operators.
    • Assigning a warehouse and privileges to each operator.
    • Assigning printer and scanner devices to each operator.
    • Activating specific settings of the mobile application at the operator level.
  • Registering your suppliers (inbound) and their products.
  • Uploading an EPCIS 1.1 or 1.2 input file from a supplier.
  • Registering your clients (outbound).
  • Registering the routes that are used for deliveries to clients. Note: The delivery is registered by receiving an IDOC Delvry file from SAP ICH and each delivery refers to a route.
  • Establishing a partnership with your suppliers and/or clients in Movilitas.Cloud.
  • Verifying the EPCIS file received from a supplier in partnership, through a collaboration channel (SAP ICH, TraceLink, AS2, or LSPediA), or over API.
  • (DSCSA USA only) Viewing the exceptions against the received EPCIS file from the supplier that occurred while receiving items in the warehouse.


You can view the list of products managed in the application. When acting as a 3PL for the supplier and the shipment details are received in an EPCIS file from the supplier, you can view the inventory of a product, that is, how many items are in stock (in possession) per batch.

Batch History

You can view the history of a batch managed in the application. You can give the missing manufacturing date of a batch. You can also keep the stock data up-to-date related to the selected batch.

SSCCs and Packs

You can create and manage serial shipping container code (SSCCs) sequences as per the GS1 standard. 

You can request the historical activities connected to each container.

Note: The SSCC pool is a shared collection between the Serialized Manufacturing and the Serialized Logistics applications.

You can request the historical activities connected to each pack.


You can create ZPL label templates for SSCCs.


This tab allows you to configure the application-level settings.

  • You can select a default business channel for communication with an external system.
  • You can provide an external GS1 Digital Link Resolver server URL so that Movilitas.Cloud can connect to the server to present digital information to the operators about the scanned pack.
  • You can provide a Scandit license key to use matrix scanning in the installed version of the mobile application.
  • You can control the access to the Admin UI for users with the "User" or "Support" role.