Movilitas.Cloud application provides the AS2 channel to establish a connection to the Movilitas.Cloud AS2 service. The Movilitas.Cloud AS2 service interfaces with other AS2 platforms.

Both incoming and outgoing traffic are supported.

Prerequisites for incoming traffic

  • The supplier that sends EPCIS files to Movilitas.Cloud must be onboarded on the Movilitas.Cloud AS2 service.
  • Movilitas.Cloud must also be onboarded on the supplier's AS2 platform.

Prerequisites for outgoing traffic

  • The client that receives EPCIS files from Movilitas.Cloud must be onboarded on the Movilitas.Cloud AS2 service.
  • Movilitas.Cloud must also be onboarded on the client's AS2 platform.

To perform the complete onboarding process, contact Movilitas.Cloud Support. Once the setup is complete (onboarding, channel, application), the connection is automated and the communication does not need human intervention. However, the users can monitor and manage the messages.

Currently, the AS2 channel can be used in the following application:

  • Serialized Logistics

List of Procedures

For more information on the general channel actions, see Managing Channels for a Tenant (Overview).

Configuring an AS2 Channel

You can create the AS2 channel independently of the onboarding process. However, if any side is not onboarded properly or the configuration in Movilitas.Cloud is not completed, the procedure below will not be effective and you cannot receive or send EPCIS files.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. Depending on your setup, create a new AS2 channel or modify an existing one. Follow one of the procedures described in the table below.

#Create a ChannelModify an Existing Channel
Click the + icon (Create channel). The application displays the Create channel dialog.

To search for an AS2 channel, use the search field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select AS2 as the source.
  • Select Business channel as the type.
Select Business channel as the type and click Create.

The application displays the Create Channel page with an empty form to give the basic parameters of the channel.
To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.

The application displays the Edit Channel page with the current channel settings.
Enter a name for the channel and select AS2 as the source.N/A
4.4Click Create Channel.

The application informs you about the additional costs. After confirming the creation, the application displays the Edit Channel page with a form where you can provide the connection details for the channel.

Example when creating an AS2 channel:

5. Provide the settings for the AS2 channel as explained in the table below:

Support e-mailEnter the email address where Movilitas.Cloud can send notifications about errors on the channel. The email will contain the name of the AS2 channel with a link to the channel page where the error occurred.
GLNEnter the Global Location Number of your company (tenant). Make sure that the value points to the warehouse that you register in the Serialized Logistics application with its location number in the SGLN format.



6. Click Save Settings.

7. (Optional) If needed, change the name of the channel and click Save Channel.

Next Steps

Make sure the AS2 onboarding is fully completed.

Configure the Serialized Logistics application with the AS2 channel.

Back to the list of procedures

Monitoring Incoming Transactions (Inbox)

Movilitas.Cloud checks for new EPCIS files every minute and processes the files. 

Each transaction is logged on the channel:

  • Pending - In progress
  • Green - Finished (Successful)
  • Red - Failed

If a transaction fails, the application sends a notification to the given support email address by email.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for an AS2 channel, use the search field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select AS2 as the source.
  • Select Business channel as the type.

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.

The application displays the Edit Channel page with the current channel settings and the AS2 Transactions panel with the Inbox tab.


6. Find the transaction by using the search field and expand the message for the details. You can click the refresh button in the top-right corner of the logs to see the latest transactions.

You can enter specific data from the file, for example, an SGTIN, and the list of messages is filtered based on the search criteria.

For the messages, the following parameters and functions are displayed:

> (Expand) icon

You can view the details of the transaction.

After expanding the log:

  • You can view the status, the EPCIS file size, the file name, the file content, and the error message (if any).
  • For a successful transaction, you can go to the supplier's page in the Serialized Logistics application by clicking on the link in the Processed Items section.

Status of the message:

  • Pending - Processing of the file is in progress.
  • Green checkmark icon - The file is successfully processed. The transaction is logged for the supplier in the Serialized Logistics application, under the Site management --> Suppliers --> Uploads tab.
    • In the positive case, the items inside the file are created in the Serialized Logistics application. 
    • However, a successful transaction on the channel can still lead to an error in the Serialized Logistics application. Hence, we recommend you to verify whether the items are created in the Serialized Logistics application.
  • Red exclamation mark icon - The file is not processed, an error occurred.
Create DatetimeThe timestamp when the message was received from AS2. It is in the local time zone of the user.
SenderThe AS2 ID of the supplier in the AS2 service.
Correlation IDAn auto-generated UUID for the transaction.

For transactions that lead to an error on the channel, you can reprocess the EPCIS file after the error is resolved by clicking on the circular arrows (Re-process file) button in the Actions column.

The following table collects typical errors and their resolution.

Supplier with SGLN not found.1. Register the supplier master data with its location number in the SGLN format under the Serialized Logistics application --> Site management --> Suppliers tab.

2. Go to the AS2 channel, find the log that caused the error, and click on the circular arrows (Re-process file) button in the Actions column.
Non-whitespace before first tag.The received file is not an EPCIS file.

Send an EPCIS file to Movilitas.Cloud.

In the following example, the transaction is successful. The user can verify the processed items on the supplier's page by clicking on the Suppliers Page link:

In the following example, the transaction failed because the supplier is not registered with its SGLN in the Serialized Logistics application:

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Monitoring Outgoing Transactions (Outbox)

Movilitas.Cloud sends the EPCIS files to the receiver's (client's) AS2 service. Once the EPCIS file is received, the receiver returns the MDN to confirm that the message was received.

Each transaction is logged on the channel and the status is updated once the receiver returns the MDN.

The transaction can take one of the following statuses:

  • Pending - In progress
  • Green - Finished (Successful)
  • Red - Failed

If a transaction fails, the application sends a notification to the given support email address by email.


1. Go to Movilitas.Cloud Console --> My tenants.

2. Select the tenant or click Open tenant next to it.

3. On the Tenant Dashboard, select the Channels tab. The application displays the list of channels assigned to the tenant.

4. To search for an AS2 channel, use the search field and the filters:

  • Enter the channel name in the search field.
  • Select the status.
  • Select AS2 as the source.
  • Select Business channel as the type.

5. To view the channel information, click on the channel name or the edit icon (Edit channel) next to the channel.

The application displays the Edit Channel page with the current channel settings and the AS2 Transactions panel with the Inbox tab.

6. Select the Outbox tab. The application displays the list of outgoing transactions.


7. Find the transaction by using the search field and expand the message for the details. You can click the refresh button in the top-right corner of the logs to see the latest transactions.

You can enter specific data from the file, for example, instance identifier, purchase order ID, despatch advice (delivery ID), or an SGTIN. The list of messages is filtered based on the search criteria.

For the messages, the following parameters are displayed:

> (Expand) icon

You can view the details of the transaction.

After expanding the log, you can view the status, the EPCIS file size, the file name, the file content, the MDN from the receiver (if any), and the error message (if any).

The file name has the following pattern: Epcis_<purchase_order_id>_YYYY-MM-DDTHH_MM_SS.sssZ.xml where:

  • The purchase order ID is the ID given in the mobile application for Serialized Logistics during shipping.
  • The timestamp is as per UTC.

Status of the message:

  • Pending - Sending the file is in progress.
  • Green checkmark icon - The file is successfully sent and the MDN is received.
  • Red exclamation mark icon - An error occurred while sending the file or the MDN is not received. 
Create DatetimeThe timestamp when the message was sent to AS2. It is in the local time zone of the user.
ReceiverThe AS2 ID of the client in the AS2 service.

In the following example, the transaction is successful. The receiver returned the MDN and the status of the transaction is refreshed.

In the following example, the transaction failed. The receiver is unknown with the given AS2 ID:

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