The Movilitas.Cloud application allows you to configure the following APIs:

  • Manufacturer for Pharma API
  • Wholesaler API
  • Manufacturer V2 API
  • Serialized Logistics V2 API
  • Movilitas OMS API
  • Verification DSCSA API

Follow these steps to start using the Movilitas.Cloud APIs.


1. Enable the relevant application in Movilitas.Cloud Admin. For more information, see Enabling Applications for a Tenant.

Note: When you want to send CRPT OMS messages to Movilitas.Cloud over API, skip this step. In all other cases, it is required to enable the relevant application in Movilitas.Cloud Admin.

2. Create an API key and API secret for your tenant in Movilitas.Cloud Admin under Tenant DashboardAPI keys tab.

  • If you want to use a dynamic token for your authentication, you use this key and secret in the authentication request to get the dynamic token.
  • If you want to use a static token for your authentication, creating the API key is a prerequisite to generate the static token.

For more information on the API key, API secret, and tokens, see Managing API Keys and Static Token.


3. Create a shopfloor channel with the relevant API source in Movilitas.Cloud Admin under Tenant DashboardChannels tab.

Note: When you want to send CRPT OMS messages to Movilitas.Cloud over API, skip this step. In all other cases, it is required to create a shopfloor channel with the relevant API source.

The shopfloor channel that you create receives a channel key. You need the channel key in every request you send to the API. 

To get the channel key, go to the Tenant DashboardChannels tab, select the shopfloor channel for editing, and find the channel key on the top of the Edit shopfloor channel panel.


For more information on how to configure the API channels:

4. Configure the application related to the API in Movilitas.Cloud Admin.

For more information, check the relevant application descriptions in the knowledge base.

5. Get the authentication token so that you can send your requests over API. Select one of the following ways:

  • To get a dynamic authentication token, send an authentication request to the Authentication API. In the response, you receive a dynamic authentication token. You need to include this authentication token in the requests that you send to the applicable API. As the dynamic token has an expiration, you need to send the authentication request regularly. For more information, see Authentication Request.
  • To get a static authentication token, generate one on the API key page after revisiting the API key you previously created. You need to include this authentication token in the requests that you send to the applicable API. For more information, see Managing API Keys and Static Token.

Note: If you want to send CRPT OMS messages to Movilitas.Cloud over API, you must use static tokens. For other use cases, the static token is an alternative to dynamic tokens and you can decide which one to use. When both tokens can be used, we recommend you to use a dynamic token to comply with the highest security standards.

In the following example, a static token is generated for an API key:

6. Send requests to the corresponding API by using a valid authentication token and the API channel key.