You can use the Serialized Logistics V2 API to integrate the third-party systems with the Serialized Logistics application.

The Serialized Logistics V2 API uses the Representational State Transfer (REST) standard to interact with other systems.

The Serialized Logistics V2 API is an extension of the Serialized Logistics application of Movilitas.Cloud and enables you to send requests from external systems to the application.

This article describes how to add a delivery to an inbound order in Movilitas.Cloud by using the Serialized Logistics V2 API.

API Tool to Use

In this document, we provide examples by using the cURL command-line tool. To send the API request, you can find a lot of user-friendly REST API tools on the Internet, for example, Postman.

Before You Begin

Before you start sending any messages:

1. You must enable the Serialized Logistics application in the Admin UI.

2. You must create an API key and secret. 

3. You must create a shopfloor channel with Serialized Logistics V2 API source. You will need the channel key for your requests.

4. You must configure the Serialized Logistics application.

5. You must have the authentication token to send requests over API. Select one of the following ways:

  • Apply a dynamic token. Send an authentication request over the Authentication API. For more information about the Authentication API, open the Tenant Dashboard in Movilitas.Cloud, select API keys, and choose Authentication API Documentation. Also, see Authentication Request.
  • Apply a static token. Generate a static token for your previously created API key.

For more information, see Configuring the Movilitas.Cloud APIs.


1. Use the POST method and the following URL:

2. For the header, define the content type (JSON), the authentication token, and the channel key.

The token can be given in one of the following ways:

  • As x-access-token header.
  • As Authorization header by using the Bearer schema.

Header Option 1:

Content-TypeApply JSON format for the content. Use the value application/json.
x-access-tokenProvide the authentication token.
x-channel-keyProvide the channel key of your Serialized Logistics V2 API channel.

Header Option 2:

Content-TypeApply JSON format for the content. Use the value application/json.
AuthorizationProvide the authentication token as Bearer <token>.
x-channel-keyProvide the channel key of your Serialized Logistics V2 API channel.

3. In the body of the request, define the parameters and their values based on the table below.

FieldRequired or Optional?TypeDescription
order_idRequiredStringOrder ID. You can only add a new delivery to an existing order.
StringDelivery ID. It must be unique at the order level.

The object array of the line items related to the order. Each line item object contains the line item number and the quantity to be processed for the specific delivery.

        item_numberRequiredStringLine item number
The quantity of the line item. This is the number of items (units) to be received.

4. Send the request.

The delivery is added to the order. The order status changes to New delivery and the line item status changes to In receiving. You can check the new delivery under the Serialized Logistics application --> Orders --> Inbound orders --> Deliveries tab.

Note: You can add only one delivery to the order at one time. You cannot add a new delivery to the order until the actual one is received.

Sample cURL Request 

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-access-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJrZXkiOiJzX2FqazQyS2RLQWhHciE3TUZtY1Q2UzhTQ3NDQ2hzc2RoTXRFUlNBIUNwUDhlZDkzU2htQ0hoaHIyTmg3Y0dBIiwiX2lkIjoiNWQyNzA4ZDc3NDQ1OTcxYjI5MmY4ZDI3IiwiaWF0IjoxNTY0MDU5ODc2LCJleHAiOjE1NjQxNDYyNzZ9.TBMv71CaxCNtE1opQMk0f1ncfbnZ0Cwnu7MWkTzkQqA' \
  -H 'x-channel-key: Ky1SpfEXmjj05fW3USBFD3pgoEi9AQ29Atsnj4Zy' \
  -d '{
    "order_id": "Order220601",
    "delivery_id": "MOV/DEL/220601/3",
    "line_items": [
            "item_number": 1,
            "quantity": 2
            "item_number": 2,
            "quantity": 1

Sample Response (Success 200) 

    "success": true,
    "message": "Delivery added to Inbound Order"

Admin UI Example

Errors and Resolution

This section lists some of the most general error messages or error types when sending the request.

Error Message or Error TypeError CodeDescription
No token provided
ERR0001No authentication token is provided. Ensure that you add the authentication token to the header of the request.
Failed to authenticate token
ERR0000Failed to authenticate the provided token. Double-check if your token has expired or has been revoked. Obtain a valid token by generating a static one or by getting a dynamic one through Authentication API.
Channel ID is missing or it needs to be in correct format-
The channel key of your Serialized Logistics V2 API channel is not specified in the request. To get the channel key, go to Tenant Dashboard --> Channels in the Admin UI, open your  Serialized Logistics V2 API channel, and find the channel key on the top of the Edit shopfloor channel panel.
Request body could not be parsed-The syntax of the request body is not correct, for example, a comma is missing at the end of a field. Make sure the request body is defined in the correct way and you use JSON format.
Validation error
-The given data is invalid. It does not follow the required data type or pattern. The response includes details about the specific issue. Follow the explanation in the response and correct your data.
Delivery already exists-The given delivery ID is already existing for the order. Provide a delivery ID that is unique at the order level.
Line item missing-The provided line item number is not existing for the order. Make sure you provide an existing line item number in your request.
Order doesn't exist-The provided order ID is not existing in the system. Make sure you provide a valid order ID or create a new order with the provided order ID first.
System can only accept deliveries for order in received status.
-The order is not in Received status meaning that there is already one delivery open for the order to be received.

You can only receive one delivery for the order at one time. Receive the existing delivery first, and then you can create a new delivery for the order.