Assign mobile users of the tenant as operators in the Wholesaler FMD application to enable them to carry out scanning activities in the warehouse.

Before You Begin

Make sure you have assigned mobile users to the tenant and created at least one warehouse for the tenant.


1. In the Wholesaler FMD application, select the Operators tab. The application displays the available mobile users versus active operators.


2. In the Available mobile users list, find the user by using the search field.

Note: The Available operators list shows the mobile users of the tenant.


3. Click the Assign operator icon next to the user. The application informs you about the additional costs.

4. Confirm the action in the pop-up window by selecting Confirm. The application displays the assigned user in the Active operators list.

5. In the Active operators list, find the operator by using the search field and then select Edit user privileges icon next to the operator. The operator details are expanded.


6. In the Assigned warehouse section, select a warehouse.

7. (Optional) Add new UUIDs to the operator.

You can assign specific devices to the operator by providing the universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) of these devices in the Add new UUID field.

  • If UUIDs are added here, the operator can use only the specified devices. However, the UUID setting at the warehouse level overwrites the UUID setting at the operator level.
  • If no UUIDs are specified here, the operator can use any device to scan the products in the warehouse. The allowed devices can be controlled at the warehouse level.

You can remove a UUID from the list of assigned UUIDs.

8. Specify privileges for the operator. All available privileges are assigned to the operator by default. You can remove any privilege or remove all and add the ones that are needed. 

Note: When 3PL mode or Wholesaler and 3PL mode is set on the application level, the 3PL variants of the privileges are also available.

The privileges are explained below:

VerificationEnables the operator to verify products using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
DispenseEnables the operator to dispense products using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
DestroyEnables the operator to mark products as destroyed using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
ExportEnables the operator to mark products as exported using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
SampleEnables the operator to mark products as sample using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
LockEnables the operator to mark products as locked using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
StolenEnables the operator to mark products as stolen using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
Free sampleEnables the operator to mark products as free sample using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
ReactivateEnables the operator to mark products as reactivated using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
3PL verificationEnables the 3PL operator to verify products using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
3PL dispenseEnables the 3PL operator to dispense products using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
3PL destroyEnables the 3PL operator to mark products as destroyed using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
3PL exportEnables the 3PL operator to mark products as exported using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
3PL sampleEnables the 3PL operator to mark products as sample using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
3PL lockEnables the 3PL operator to mark products as locked using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
3PL stolenEnables the 3PL operator to mark products as stolen using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
3PL free sampleEnables the 3PL operator to mark products as free sample using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.
3PL reactivateEnables the 3PL operator to mark products as reactivated using the Wholesaler FMD mobile application.

9. (Optional) Select the Send notification to operator checkbox.

This checkbox controls whether the operator receives notifications through email about the results of their bulk actions.

10. Click Save User Privileges.

Operators in the warehouse now can start scanning the products.

You can remove an assigned operator by clicking the delete icon next to the operator in the Active operators list. In this case, the operator goes back to the Available mobile users list.